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Wheres The Logic


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<br />Logic?<br />She did use Thai logic. <br />YOU made a mistake by not going over every detail of the potential repair and she took advantage of you, plain and simple.<br /> Don't feel too bad though. She would most likely do it to a Thai too.<br />There is no morals or integrity when doing business in Thailand.(most of the time)<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Many farangs think Thais have it in for them but as said above its "ANYONE" they will happily do it to a Thai as well its just they "know the ropes" more.

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Gosh. thats bad, sorry.. Well, I think she was pretty locical.. ! lol. I just remembered something that a teacher told me about a girls answer on "where did you born" she said "In the hospital" LOL!

it's all about thai logics!

Or, 'Hi, where do you come from'....my mother!!?

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I am no "Thai apologist" (sic) either, but perhaps a bit of balance is required. I have had several very good experiences with warranty or other poor quality/service complaints. Often fixed on the spot, or repaired and returned later. Or refund for bad meals in restaurants. It is very possible, so this yapping about lack of Thai logic is getting a bit tedious.

Of course there are service breakdowns here as there are everywhere. But being polite and explaining properly does help a lot. This brings me to an episode at the Paragon mall in Bangkok. I had purchased a Panasonic cordless phone, the top model for around 5K+. The volume in both handsets, speaker and microphone were just too low. Tried it with several people, and on a different phone line. Too low.

Took it to the customer service at Paragon, and I kid you not, 5 people are all over the place testing the phone, and all saying it works fine. They all spoke OK English so no communication error based on language at least. After a few minutes of this charade, I slammed my hand in the desk, and told them to go forth and multiply. Within seconds, the warranty pad was produced, and 4 out of 5 "customer service agents" suddenly had important business to conduct elsewhere. And yes, the phone was repaired for free and is now working fine (if only I could get a landline in our new house...)

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But being polite and explaining properly does help a lot...

I slammed my hand in the desk, and told them to go forth and multiply. Within seconds, the warranty pad was produced,

Er, pardon? What were you saying about "being polite"? :o

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But being polite and explaining properly does help a lot...

I slammed my hand in the desk, and told them to go forth and multiply. Within seconds, the warranty pad was produced,

Er, pardon? What were you saying about "being polite"? :o

You may want to get your hearing tested.

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Whats that all about!

It's about communicating your requirements. You asked them to fix the screen and that's what they did. You should've asked them to repair it so that it worked as new. Then, she might've said "We'll fix the screen first and then see what else is broken." Then you would've known there were more costs to come.

No - i asked them to fix the phone, she pointed out that the screen would need replacing whilst examining the phone. What would be the point of paying so much just to fix the screen on a useless phone.

Seems your alone in your view - thai appologist!

Nowhere in your original post did you say that you asked them to "fix the phone". Read it again, if you like.

As for me being alone in my opinion, that's OK as I'm used to being the only one right.


Oops, my apologies. I'm not the only one who thinks there was a communication problem.

And as for me being a Thai apologist... :o I've posted more than a few gripes about Thailand, but at least I know how to deal with sales people/repair people.

Here's a tip when you buy something that has a guarantee: find out where you're supposed to take it if it goes wrong. If it's big - like a washing machine - find out if the shop will pick it up or send a repair man or whatever.

Otherwise you'll be on here next with a post about how you had to get a taxi to pick up your washing machine in Korat and take it to Bangkok for repairs..... :D

Good advice - but when my washer breaks down eg. i just go to a local repair guy, saves all the posting on TV.

Keep up with the gripeing and dont fall into the appologists camp - once is forgiveable :D

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well home in farang land if you go and tell to repair the brakes of your car they do it, and don't repair the water pump of the engine. It depends what you told. As well I would have turned the phone on there and checked. no working no pay

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well home in farang land if you go and tell to repair the brakes of your car they do it, and don't repair the water pump of the engine. It depends what you told. As well I would have turned the phone on there and checked. no working no pay

I assume your comments are written in farang landish - or have you just got back from the pub!

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Surely you didn't pay for the repairs, right? That would have been really "logical," considering that they didn't fix the phone according to your instructions.


:o there's a thread on a Thai website, written by a telephone repairer, about how stupid farang are :D

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Surely you didn't pay for the repairs, right? That would have been really "logical," considering that they didn't fix the phone according to your instructions.


:o there's a thread on a Thai website, written by a telephone repairer, about how stupid farang are :D

My wife showed me a Forum with mostly Thai's and there is topics on how stupid farangs are :D

just the opposite to this place

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Surely you didn't pay for the repairs, right? That would have been really "logical," considering that they didn't fix the phone according to your instructions.


:o there's a thread on a Thai website, written by a telephone repairer, about how stupid farang are :D

My wife showed me a Forum with mostly Thai's and there is topics on how stupid farangs are :D

just the opposite to this place

www.pantip.com ?

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They would have to fix the screen to see if it was working, then they needed the battery fixed to give it power, then it ran into a problem they could not fix. I guess they could have taken the parts back off the phone, put your broken ones back on and then just charged you a fee for the service.

where i come from repair people will exact a fee for simply opening the cover to determine if it could be fixed. seems to me that is what happened to you. without a screen and power there is no way to determine whether of not the phone was salvagable. she needn't have charged for the battery though, just labour on the screen.

you may have been taken, but you contributed to your own misfortune.

seriously why should they have spent time diagnosing your phone for free?

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Look, when I order even a cup of cofee in thailand, and this mind you from the same person who has been taking my order for months, I make sure they repeat exactly what I want, in minute and perfect detail, with no possibility for "creative" additions or deletions.

Even then 25% of the time there is something **&78* up.

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Clearly, for a moment, you forgot where you are.

i am in bangkok, where i have my phone repaired by sony erricson. i certainly would not effect a major repair through a guy in pattay at big c, or wherever the op went.

people who try to save the most money are often the ones who get stung. caveat emptor.

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I broke my mobile phone recently and found a 100% foolproof way to fix it.

Step 1. Remove back and battery.

Step 2. Remove SIM card, replace battery and back.

Step 3. Lay phone on ground.

Step 4. Take large heavy object (rock, hammer or similar) and beat the sh1t out of the phone.

Step 5. Go buy a new phone and insert old SIM card.

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My new mobile phone fell from my pocket whilst i was on my moterbike and was quite badly damaged - so i took it to a repair place in Big C. The girl in the repair shop told me that the screen was badly damaged and would need replacing at a cost of 2600 baht. Since i had paid 9000 baht for the phone i told her to go ahead and repair. The following day i returned to pick up my phone and was given a bill for 2950 baht as apparantley the battery was also damaged - fair enough i thought! However, on examining my phone i found it was completley dead as the sim card holder - which had been damaged by the fall - had not been repaired, and the cursor and exit buttons didnt work. In othere words the phone was completley useless. On pointing out this to the girl she said 'yes i only fix screen for you' and demanded the money for work done. Whats that all about!

:o Not to be picky....but you got exactly what you asked her to do. You wanted the screen fixed, and they fixed the screen. You never actually said you wanted the whole phone repaired to a useable condition. You merely asked for the screen fixed, which is what you got.

I know you really wanted the whole phone repaired to a working condition, but that's not what you actually said.

Understanding the words used is not necessarily comprehending the meaning implied by the words.

I had a friend in Iran many years ago. He was taking care of a diesel generator. His Iranian assistant was told to watch the oil level on the generator. He did, he watched the oil level until the oil ran out and the generator overheated and died. When my friend asked the Iranian why he hadn't added oil when the level got low, he was told that only to watch the oil level, no one ever told him to add oil.


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Clearly, for a moment, you forgot where you are.

i am in bangkok, where i have my phone repaired by sony erricson. i certainly would not effect a major repair through a guy in pattay at big c, or wherever the op went.

people who try to save the most money are often the ones who get stung. caveat emptor.

Affect this and affect that - what kid or person uses such language! Simple - an affected person. "Where i have my pnone repaired by sony erricson" - just as well your a one off mate!

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Clearly, for a moment, you forgot where you are.
i am in bangkok, where i have my phone repaired by sony erricson. i certainly would not effect a major repair through a guy in pattay at big c, or wherever the op went.

people who try to save the most money are often the ones who get stung. caveat emptor.

Affect this and affect that - what kid or person uses such language! Simple - an affected person. "Where i have my pnone repaired by sony erricson" - just as well your a one off mate!

Shouldn't criticise his English if I were you mate. :o

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