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Kenneth Bigley

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Katy- nah I'm in Portugal at the moment. I'd have to assume its the same Sky Feed, but they showed the video at least 5x when I had it on last night. Turned the tele on this morning and they showed parts of it - not the entire video like last night.

IF and it is a B I G IF, you are super strong. the whole thing is at a raghead website ( yep...it is a racist term.....no apology ) Ogrish.com

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Katy- nah I'm in Portugal at the moment. I'd have to assume its the same Sky Feed, but they showed the video at least 5x when I had it on last night. Turned the tele on this morning and they showed parts of it - not the entire video like last night.

IF and it is a B I G IF, you are super strong. the whole thing is at a raghead website ( yep...it is a racist term.....no apology ) Ogrish.com

Who moderates the mods/Admin???

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Katy- nah I'm in Portugal at the moment. I'd have to assume its the same Sky Feed, but they showed the video at least 5x when I had it on last night. Turned the tele on this morning and they showed parts of it - not the entire video like last night.

IF and it is a B I G IF, you are super strong. the whole thing is at a raghead website ( yep...it is a racist term.....no apology ) Ogrish.com

Who moderates the mods/Admin???

NOT YOU. Stick with the murderous pricks. Your option. Do not reply. A fool with your thought processes is not on my reply list. Are you one of 'em ?

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Katy- nah I'm in Portugal at the moment. I'd have to assume its the same Sky Feed, but they showed the video at least 5x when I had it on last night. Turned the tele on this morning and they showed parts of it - not the entire video like last night.

IF and it is a B I G IF, you are super strong. the whole thing is at a raghead website ( yep...it is a racist term.....no apology ) Ogrish.com

Who moderates the mods/Admin???

Ahem, YOU were the last one to use the term 'raghead' on a post I was linking to a Sikh businessman in England who has not yet got back to me - maybe because he saw your comment Paddy? Maybe not.

Either way, cheers for deleting it when I called you to ask and no hard feelings.

I think you may be mistaking me for someone else with regard to your above statement Scamp.

Please remove this scathing slur on my good name.

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Katy- nah I'm in Portugal at the moment. I'd have to assume its the same Sky Feed, but they showed the video at least 5x when I had it on last night. Turned the tele on this morning and they showed parts of it - not the entire video like last night.

IF and it is a B I G IF, you are super strong. the whole thing is at a raghead website ( yep...it is a racist term.....no apology ) Ogrish.com

Who moderates the mods/Admin???

NOT YOU. Stick with the murderous pricks. Your option. Do not reply. A fool with your thought processes is not on my reply list. Are you one of 'em ?

You ended on a question so am I one of what???

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dr_Pat_Pong - been to Ogrish. I must admit watching those beheadings just pisses me off even more.

I saw one of them also.

Only one.

I could not bear to watch another one.

It just made me sick.

And I'm not joking on that, physically sick.

The people who do that are not "humans" and should not be considered as such...

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I have to side with Rainman, what you sow is what you reap. The West wanted to go to war, the East is taking them to war. A country that is invaded which possesses inferior technology for warfare will always resort to guerrilla tactics to wear down the enemy, no matter how horrible the tactics may be; it is ugly because it is war. It is no worse than GIs wearing ear necklaces or spraying villages with agent orange. Hasn't anyone learned from history? When are these stupid f###ing military 'intelligence' people going to be stopped from running the lives of human beings? I hope in my lifetime (doubtful) people will someday say,

'enough is enough.' Why do you think the countries of South East Asia and East Asia feel indifferent to the present conflict in the Middle East? The reason is because they have been the victims of so much grief and are so tired of war that they want no part of it anymore.

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You keep pegging this as a freedom fighters, but this is nothing short of a outside thugs/terrorists/cowards work. Only way to stop them is to wipe them out, but I'm not sure the west has the stomach for it.

Back to topic- thoughts and prayers go out to the family and may the murderous thugs be killed or captured.

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dr_Pat_Pong - been to Ogrish. I must admit watching those beheadings just pisses me off even more. Can make a peace loving man certainly want to go out and take those cowardly bastards down.

That change is what the video producers/distributors want. For them, it's Mission Accomplished, to get you as riled up...they're fueling the fire with your emotion.

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dr_Pat_Pong - been to Ogrish. I must admit watching those beheadings just pisses me off even more. Can make a peace loving man certainly want to go out and take those cowardly bastards down.

Their actions made me super mad and with racist overtones. I am ( usually ) not a bit racist. That lot would make Mother Theresa kick a baby. Animals.

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"Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime."

"We should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism."

Truer words were never spoken... :o

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they make me super mad too , probably because i know that as yet we have no answer to their behaviour other than to degrade ourselves by sinking to their level . they have got us between a rock and a hard place. they put no value on either their own lives or on the lives of those they kill. how do you combat that kind of thinking other than by out and out war.

that is exactly what they want.

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Putting a democracy – even a very bad democracy – in the heart of the middle east is a dagger at our enemy’s heart. It is as if Canada were overrun to the degree that Afghanistan once was: intolerable. It draws all the enemy’s resources. It provides a mortal example that people of Arab lands can live in freedom, and eventually, prosperity. A free Iraq is a fatal, deadly poison to the Ideology of Death that threatens this nation and the world.

Please read the rest…


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You see that smile?

That's the same smile you'd probably see if you bumped into the guy in a bar in Bangkok and had a beer with him - which was a very likely possibility.

You won't get the chance to see that smile anymore.


I'm not going to give those horrible unhuman bastards the pleasure of my anger by watching any beheading video (one is enough).

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You see that smile?

That's the same smile you'd probably see if you bumped into the guy in a bar in Bangkok and had a beer with him - which was a very likely possibility.

You won't get the chance to see that smile anymore.


I'm not going to give those horrible unhuman bastards the pleasure of my anger by watching any beheading video (one is enough).

I'm with you. That video is on my definitely never watch list.

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The only enemies you have are the ones you create yourself.


I mentioned yesterday on a similar thread that I was fed up with people saying Ken knew the risks etc... Soldiers know the risks and should expect to possibly be shot in the line of duty if unlucky - not guy's nearing retirement who are hard working and helpful' date=' they don't expect to be shot, let alone spend their last moments sobbing, screaming and gargling on their own blood as their asophogus gives way to a Allah botherers machete.

[/quote=mbkudu']The West wanted to go to war, the East is taking them to war. A country that is invaded which possesses inferior technology for warfare will always resort to guerrilla tactics to wear down the enemy, no matter how horrible the tactics may be; it is ugly because it is war. It is no worse than GIs wearing ear necklaces or spraying villages with agent orange. Hasn't anyone learned from history? When are these stupid f###ing military 'intelligence' people going to be stopped from running the lives of human beings? I hope in my lifetime (doubtful) people will someday say,

'enough is enough.' Why do you think the countries of South East Asia and East Asia feel indifferent to the present conflict in the Middle East? The reason is because they have been the victims of so much grief and are so tired of war that they want no part of it anymore.

That is not just a valid point, it is a sad fact which is completely true which is the reason that war is almost impossible to resolve, you could boil that theory down to oppsing football teams or even two people who never see eye to eye.

[/quote=Doc]Their actions made me super mad and with racist overtones. I am ( usually ) not a bit racist. That lot would make Mother Theresa kick a baby. Animals.

That's the paradox...  I want them all blinded with kettle descaler and buried alive in damp mosquito ridden boxes. They feel the same animosity we do and if they had the weapons budget we did we'd probably all be dead, every single one of us, and if we had their budget and they had ours, we - or perhaps the christian fanatics, would be beheading them, or worse...  Agent Orange did worse but on a grander scale.

The hate we all feel, we feel cause we can relate to Kenneth B, cause he was one of us, one of our species.

I feel the same hatred which as the Doc said isn't far off racism, but that's how racism starts and it's how all this started - that and the fact that we can't get off our arse and find an alternative energy source.

It makes us hypocrites in a way because we are all animals and we are all the same species of animal.

It is in your nature to destroy yourselves.

True... Soberingly true.

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You see that smile?

That's the same smile you'd probably see if you bumped into the guy in a bar in Bangkok and had a beer with him - which was a very likely possibility.

You won't get the chance to see that smile anymore.


I'm not going to give those horrible unhuman bastards the pleasure of my anger by watching any beheading video (one is enough).

I'm with you. That video is on my definitely never watch list.

I deeply regretted to watch one of them.

Never, ever again...

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