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Fertiliser Question


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We have recently aquired 5 rai previously used for growing rice that we plan to develop next year. This year we will grow rice as before.

We have a pool into which is flushed pig manure everyday, the water in this pool is very dark green & supports a Pla-nin population with zero feed. This pool is situated approx 60-70 metres from the 5 rai site.

My question; In view of the rocketing price of fertilisers & the fact that we have a large quantity of nitrogen rich liqui-manure; Would pumping this pool out into the planted rice do the same job as Urea?

This would be a 'one-off' exercise, we will grow rice this year & this year only.

Any info appreciated.

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If you are going to grow rice one year and one year only I advise to do it in the way that you know you will get good results....why take a chance with a one time crop by trying something new?...if you are just curious about it then try one small section as an experiment. Timing and amount of fertilizer used is important in growing rice. I'm sure that pig manure could be used (I've never done it or heard of anyone doing it) but trying to get it right the first time seems like a risk you should forgo especially for a one time only proposition.


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First thought is that the distribution of the liquid will not be uniform, if it is pumped onto the potential paddy as it will soak in while flooding the 5 rai. I am not knowledgable on nitrogen content of pig shit but you should be able to google the info, I checked on chicken manure for a friend of mine once. It sounds like a good idea if you can come up with a pick up, and distribution system.

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Thanks for the input guys. We currently take water from this pool every day to water coconuts, which seem to thrive on it, similarly, we plan to sow fodder grass on approx half a rai near this pool for the cows, which will be irrigated from this pool. I love the idea of recycling as much as is possible.

Last year we pumped out another pool, intensively used for ducks, one that had a slatted floor house above the pool so was very duck shit rich, we pumped this into a neighbours growing rice (AT HIS REQUEST:) & he was delighted with the results, his rice was noticebly better in the paddies that had the duck shit water.

The rice in the five rai isn't a matter of life or death & next year the land will be filled / levelled & put to another use, so if for some reason a catastrophy occured with the crop any long term problems wouldn't be an issue.

First thought is that the distribution of the liquid will not be uniform, if it is pumped onto the potential paddy as it will soak in while flooding the 5 rai. I am not knowledgable on nitrogen content of pig shit but you should be able to google the info, I checked on chicken manure for a friend of mine once. It sounds like a good idea if you can come up with a pick up, and distribution system.
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