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1st Border Run


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Morning all

Sorry . . . I did search but couldn't find the info I was looking for.

I need to do my first 90day border run sometime this month from CM.

What are the easiest/cheapest options?

Can drive, or don't mind flying IF there's a CHEAP option as there will be 2 of us (wife and I)

Where do people go when they just want the stamp and not sightseeing included?

Many thanks


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Morning all

Sorry . . . I did search but couldn't find the info I was looking for.

I need to do my first 90day border run sometime this month from CM.

What are the easiest/cheapest options?

Can drive, or don't mind flying IF there's a CHEAP option as there will be 2 of us (wife and I)

Where do people go when they just want the stamp and not sightseeing included?

Many thanks


Best bet is get the vip bus from chiang mai to mai sai - takes about 4hr's each way, I think there is more info on the Chiang rai forum. The whole trip can be done in a day. If you do a search on mai sai you should find all the info you need, it's been a couple of years since I done the trip.

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Hi David,

I normally go to Mae Sai by car. It's quite a long drive which I always do it in one day, go and back, with stops at Charing Resort for their delicious cake, breakfast or lunch. Takes about 9 hours for me.

Other options are the bus, leaving from Arcade Busstation in the very early morning (is the cheapest option), going with a mini-bus (but I don't know anymore where you can get them. Before it was The Escape bar/restaurant) or a post here on TV. You never know if someone with a car has to go as well. Last time Rachel and I were very lucky, as we were offered a lift in a huge mercedes. We were flying over the road, something definitely different from my little Hyundai without aircon. :o Big thanks again to Thaihog! :D

At Mae Sai you first go through the Thai customs, where they stamp you out. You walk over the brigde to the Burmese side where they give you the choice between going in to Tagilek for some shopping or going straight back to Thailand. At the Burmese customs you need to pay 500 baht or 10US$. Back at the Thai customs you need to fill in the arival/departure card which they give you, and very rarely you need to show the 20,000 baht that Non-immigrant O and B visa holders need to cary with them.

Normally, it's all a piece of cake, provided that the visum is in order and the person shows normal manners.


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Take cash/atm card and a Thai friend(girl friend) if possible. Best of luck. Let us know how it goes for you. :o:D

Don't think my Thai wife will let me get away with taking a Thai Girlfriend along for the ride :D

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At the Burmese customs you need to pay 500 baht or 10US$. Nienke

This is the only country I know of, that gives 50 baht/ $USD 1

wonder when they will change it, hope they dont :o

make sure your $10 is in good condition as one time they rejected the one I had as it looked scruffy.

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At the Burmese customs you need to pay 500 baht or 10US$. Nienke

This is the only country I know of, that gives 50 baht/ $USD 1

wonder when they will change it, hope they dont :o

make sure your $10 is in good condition as one time they rejected the one I had as it looked scruffy.

Not certain if they still accept dollars now they're worth about the same as a used lottery ticket. It's been reported that some border posts won't take them now, not sure about Mae Sai though.

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At the Burmese customs you need to pay 500 baht or 10US$. Nienke

This is the only country I know of, that gives 50 baht/ $USD 1

wonder when they will change it, hope they dont :D

make sure your $10 is in good condition as one time they rejected the one I had as it looked scruffy.

Not certain if they still accept dollars now they're worth about the same as a used lottery ticket. It's been reported that some border posts won't take them now, not sure about Mae Sai though.

I was there a few weeks back and they were accepting US dollars. If you take the bus from arcade bus station, ask for the Bus without a TV on. Trust me on this unless you want to be watching Rush Hour 3 dubbed in Thai very LOUDLY! :o .

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Morning all

Sorry . . . I did search but couldn't find the info I was looking for.

I need to do my first 90day border run sometime this month from CM.

What are the easiest/cheapest options?

Can drive, or don't mind flying IF there's a CHEAP option as there will be 2 of us (wife and I)

Where do people go when they just want the stamp and not sightseeing included?

Many thanks


My preferred method is the VIP bus from the Arcade bus station. This bus' seats recline all the way back so you can sleep comfortable if you wish to. However, the aircon is usually very high (you can tell the regular riders by the blankets they bring) and provides you with a bottle of water and a small snack. The bus leaves at 8am and arrives in Mai Sai (after a five minute stop in Chiang Rai) around 12:15. There will be several red selor waiting to take you to the Thai border 5 minutes away. You get stamped out of Thailand, walk across the bridge and enter a small doorway for Burmese Immigration. They will take your photo, your money ($10 USD) and your passport, and issue you a card permitting you access to the town on the other side of the bridge. You will have about two hours to spend shopping and wasting money of fake cigarettes, fake Viagra, as well as all the things you see at the Chiang Mai night bazaar but on steroids before you must head back across the bridge, pick up your passport and continue to Thai immigration. Fill out an entry card, get stamped into Thailand (If you are on a one year visa be sure to remind them to give you a three month stamp) and find a selor back to th bus station. If you have enough time, there are a couple of good restaurants just 50 meters west of the station, then catch the 3:30 bus back to Chiang Mai. You should arrive around 7:00-7:30pm.

For the bus, be sure to have a blanket or sweater. For the Immigration office, be sure to have 20,000 baht. I've only been asked to show it twice in seven years, but if they ask and you don't have it, you don't get back in until you do.

Mini-vans are faster, but personally I don't like to be cramped into a small seat for a four hour ride. True, you do get back around 5pm, but I'd rather be comfortable. As an addendum to that comfort, I bring a pair of foam ear plugs. Cuts out all the noise of the TV in the front of the bus, the road noise, and my snoring so I don't wake myself up...

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VIP bus for sure - great ride.

It is kinda strange to spend the night on the 'other side' - there are cheap guest houses right through to expensive hotels.

If you do stay, have a late night Muslim Chicken Roll - just up at the end of the border crossing road. I had two.

Don't forget to bring me back my 200 street-cart samosas - delicious...

I can hardly wait!

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Not certain if they still accept dollars now they're worth about the same as a used lottery ticket. It's been reported that some border posts won't take them now, not sure about Mae Sai though.

Not certain? Well why post it? Been reported by whom? Sources please...

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Not certain if they still accept dollars now they're worth about the same as a used lottery ticket. It's been reported that some border posts won't take them now, not sure about Mae Sai though.

Not certain? Well why post it? Been reported by whom? Sources please...

I saw it here - www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=171627, only trying to be helpful. Is that ok with you?

Maybe best if you go for a lie down now. Make sure you remember to take your medication first......

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Maybe best if you go for a lie down now. Make sure you remember to take your medication first......

Forum rules preclude me from being rude to fellow members, children, and rumour mongers, so I won't. Suffice to say that two friends entered the Lao PDR at Nong Khai yesterday, and paid in US$ A member of this forun did a visa run to Mae Sai today, and paid the customary $10. As of last week Mae Sot were also doing business as usual accepting US currency.

I fail to see why spreading unfounded rumours is so popular today. If you have personal experience, great, let's hear it. Passing on second information is neither productive or helpful to people making a trip for the first time.

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Maybe best if you go for a lie down now. Make sure you remember to take your medication first......

Forum rules preclude me from being rude to fellow members, children, and rumour mongers, so I won't. Suffice to say that two friends entered the Lao PDR at Nong Khai yesterday, and paid in US$ A member of this forun did a visa run to Mae Sai today, and paid the customary $10. As of last week Mae Sot were also doing business as usual accepting US currency.

I fail to see why spreading unfounded rumours is so popular today. If you have personal experience, great, let's hear it. Passing on second information is neither productive or helpful to people making a trip for the first time.

I absolutely agree. The trouble with a lot of forums is information overload. I want to know all that is 99.99% probable and not what is 0.01% possible.

The number of times I've tied myself up in knots on what could happen...

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Not certain if they still accept dollars now they're worth about the same as a used lottery ticket. It's been reported that some border posts won't take them now, not sure about Mae Sai though.

Not certain? Well why post it? Been reported by whom? Sources please...

"Why post it?" Good question, with an even better answer.

I suspect there are few 'laws' or 'rules' that change as often as immigration procedures, especially at the Mai Sai entry portal.

One day it's open, then the next it's closed. How many different times has this happened over the past several years....

One day you slide through in two minutes, the next time it takes two hours. I KNOW this happens to me fairly often.

For years there is no need to have the 20,000 baht in your pocket, then one day they demand to see it. Happened to me twice over the years.

My friend had to return to Penang from the entry portal and purchase an air ticket to Singapore just so he could get home to Bangkok. The Im officer wouldn't let him into the country without an onward ticket to a non-contiguous country. First time it happened to him in six years.

The more information we have to work with, the better prepared we are to deal with all possibilities. Correct or incorrect? It doesn't make that much difference when the person behind the counter changes, or has a fight with his boss or his/her spouse or boss and follows what ever rules he/she decides to follow THAT DAY. I think I would like to hear ALL possibilities and make my own decisions as to how I will proceed.

As for 'reported by whom....' You may believe person 'A' and not person 'B.' I may believe 'B' and not 'A.' Why not listen to them both? Why not listen to rumors? Quite often rumors are born of fact. And unfortunately, in 'some countries' facts change from day to day. I'd like to hear them all and make my plans based on MY interpretation of these 'facts.' I think we are all old enough and smart enough to sift through the information and take from it what we need. At least, I'd like to believe that we are.

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has anyone bought any wine/spirits/beer from the duty free stall coming back over from Myanmar?

I had a quick glance at it and decided not to get anything as was rushing back.

Just wanted to know if the prices were reasonable especially the spirits.

Also noted on my last trip that many of the shops are selling knock off phones. Must be cheap as all the Thais were into them. I wouldnt buy one thou.

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I just did a Visa run up to Myanmar on the 10th. Basically you can take the VIP Green Bus (Arcade Bus Station) that leaves at 8:00 in the morning and arrives in Mae Sai at a little after 12:00. It costs 335 Baht each way (there are cheaper less comfortable bus options if you like). When you get to the bus station Songtows are waiting to drive you to the border (about a 10 minute ride). Or you can get there much faster if you want to hop on a motorcycle taxi. Once there you just wait in line and get your exit stamp in Thailand. Then proceed across the bridge and on the right side is the Myanmar passport office. There you hand over 500 baht or a $10 Bill (US DOLLARS). Basically choose the US Dollar method as that will save yourself almost 200 Baht. Anyway, once in the office you have the choice whether you want to shop in Myanmar/Burma. They have really great DVD's (much better quality than the Thai versions) and have tons of knockoffs (again much better quality than Thailand)... For the most part cheaper too (you'll notice the stream of Thais going in there stocking up on stuff). If you are going inside, they will give you a pass and you come back after your shopping and pick up your Passport with your entrance and exit stamp. Basically then proceed back across to Thailand. There you fill out the normal card and go to the window. Basically there's a sign saying you must show 10,000 Baht for a Tourist Visa and 20,000 for a Non-Immigrant Visa, but in the 4+ years I've been doing this, I've never actually been asked to show money. Personally, I hate the rule as everyone knows that a Farang walking across has 20,000+ Cash On Hand. Anyway, then hop on another Songtow (they all go to the Bus Station) and the bus back to Chiang Mai leaves at 15:30 (which gives you 3 hours to get your stamps and shop and eat). Then hop back on the bus and relax and as the sun goes down notice all the fires on the hillsides that is contributing to a lot of the pollution in Chiang Mai. Sorry... Slash and Burn and Burning of garbage is a pet peeve of mine:-( Your bus should arrive back at the arcade sometime between 19:30 and 20:00 depending on how crazy your driver is:-) Hope that helps.

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When you have done the exit stamp and just before you go on the bridge, there is a huge signboard in Thai saying that it is prohibited to import CD's DVD's etc from Burma into Thaland.

When entering Thailand again, they may or may not check you for this.

Just to let you know. :o


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When you have done the exit stamp and just before you go on the bridge, there is a huge signboard in Thai saying that it is prohibited to import CD's DVD's etc from Burma into Thaland.

When entering Thailand again, they may or may not check you for this.

Just to let you know. :o


I found in the past that as long as you don't overdo it with the dvd's and cd's the immigration guys are ok with it. They do warn you that if you are stopped on the way back to Chiang Mai the stuff maybe confiscated though this has never happened to me or anyone that I know. I think they're also looking out more for the porn as well :D

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has anyone bought any wine/spirits/beer from the duty free stall coming back over from Myanmar?

I had a quick glance at it and decided not to get anything as was rushing back.

Just wanted to know if the prices were reasonable especially the spirits.

Also noted on my last trip that many of the shops are selling knock off phones. Must be cheap as all the Thais were into them. I wouldnt buy one thou.

Some of the spirits are up to Half the price of Thailand. There is a shop on the bridge as you cross to The Myanmar side on your left. It sells just about everything. The Smirnoff Vodka is 330 baht a bottle. It comes in many different flavours like rasberry , lime, orange etc. Makes agreat bottle to take to a party,Bar B Q as I have not seen them for sale in CM. They also do all the usual spirits at much cheaper prices than Thailand. Not a good idea to take to many though.

Would not touch the phones. They may work? But they will not have all the functions of the originals. You can pick up a basic phone In CM for 1500 new. It will do the same as a copy and you will get a guarantee.

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Is there any alternative to having 20,000 in baht on your person? I don't like the idea of walking around all day with that much money. Can you show a bank statement instead?

I understand that if and when they ask, they want to see currency.

Think about it logically- how would they know if the bank statement is current, or the bank passbook has been updated? A credit card or ATM card is just as much of an unknown....

The whole purpose of this is to prevent indigent/penniless people from entering the Kingdom....not really such an unfair proposition, when you consider the much more stringent laws on entry to western countries.

It's not always enforced; a lot depends on one's personal appearance/profile. I wouldn't take the chance- if you have the money, take it! :o

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The whole purpose of this is to prevent indigent/penniless people from entering the Kingdom....not really such an unfair proposition, when you consider the much more stringent laws on entry to western countries.

That's what I was thinking when I heard the horror stories from some friends who applied for a visum for one of these countries. :o


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