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Things That Piss Girls Off`


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It can be anything that make us pissed off if we are not in a mood to play sweet.

Last week, I got pissed off with my bf 'cos his ex texted him and he wouldn't write an e-mail to her telling that he wouldn't want any contact from her again.

Not being punctual and can't do what you promise... These can be a matter to make a girl (like me) pissed off, too


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Saying "I'll pick the wet towel up off the floor in 5 minutes" and then letting it sit there for 2 days :o

But you also let it fester on the bathroom floor for 2 days? Or you don't visit the bathroom for 2 days???

The point being, DJ Pat, that most guys will say they are going to pick up the towel but really have no intention of picking it up knowing the girl will get fed up and pick it up herself. See, I am wise to your little tricks :D

Just reminds me of a story my dad told me. His parents had some big argument and his dad threw his dinner plate on the floor. His mom would not clean it up. His dad would not clean it up. She told my dad that if he cleaned it up he would get in big trouble. Finally, after a week of the plate sitting there festering (thank god it was in the winter!) my dad snuck down in the middle of the night and cleaned it up. :D

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they get pissed off when you are walking along a road somewhere and they see some piece of clothing they want . you refuse to buy the clothing , and they throw a big sulk.

this could end your relationship totally with her .

like a spoilt baby they just cant ccept you refusing to but it for them.

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My Mrs is peed anytime:

- My ex-wife contacts me for any reason.

- When I have to explain that telling my ex to "F Off and die" probably would not help matters, and being amicable doesn't mean I want to screw her brains out.

- When I compare her to my ex (anyone see a pattern here?)

- Whenever I say, "Yep, I'll do it later/in a minute/tonight/at the weekend/etc"

- Not putting the jam away even though I've just got it out to make toast and am just getting a knife out the draw (insidently, pee's me off when she puts it away - which is always - while I'm still using it!)

- Moaning about her spending money on shoes/handbags/expensive watches. She's the Thai Emelda Marcos! When I moved recently she had two large packing cases - 1 for shoes and 1 for bags - just for this!

- Sticking up for my 15 y/o son when she is making him out as the son of Satan (I suppose that makes me Satan?) when he forgets to hang up his washing.

- Spending too much time on the Computer - even though its what buys her all the bloody handbags, watches and shoes.

- Using my foot to move something rather than bending down and using my hand.

- Absently stroking her hair with my foot while watching TV.

- Most things my 15 y/o does.

- Most things my 15 y/o son doesn't do.

- Nosey/complaining neighbours.

- Everything else during rag-week.

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Darlek Posted on Tue 2004-09-28, 03:46:39

they get pissed off when you are walking along a road somewhere and they see some piece of clothing they want . you refuse to buy the clothing , and they throw a big sulk.

In that case, Darlek u have or had a very materialistic gf. I can buy my own piece of clothing, thank u. And i think most of us girls (women) would agree.

What pisses me off....big time. Is when for a month u tell your bf or husband that u will be doing something on this day. And u actually sit there to explain to him what the event is all about, who will be there, what time it will start and end, and where it is being held. Then when the night comes, you're getting ready, and he says to u "where are u going?" "u didnt tell me u were going out." And he knows deep in his little brain somewhere that i did tell him, but he just dont want u to go out.

And the towel thing, she probably yelling at u about it cause, if u put it on the floor once and it stays there, and then she has to pick up after u, then she will know it will happen again, then it would turn into something that she has to do, is to pick up after u all the time. This is also one of the things that pisses me off.

You men are grown, have hands and feet...u can do things for yourself too. :o

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Things that piss her off:

-Commenting on her obsession with her work...(or perhaps her avoidance of me?...ha).

-My bewilderment and disgust when she constantly calls for me to pick her up from where her friend dropped her off, as she doesn't want her friend to go a few minutes out of her way to drop her off at home, but would rather hastle me to pick her up cuz I got nothing better to do

-talking about girls from my workplace

-whenever I disagree with her (however I'm impressed with her stubborness and I guess I have finally met my match in that category)

-coming home from a trip empty-handed (i.e. sans gifts...has never happened again)

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