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Hello guys,

Well we have just got the life in uk test book, yes the right one this time I hope.

Its called LIFE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, a journey to citizenship, by the home office.

Blue book, about the size of an A4 size paper, about half inch thick, sorry to bore ya :o

Anyway, does the Mrs have to study all the book, or is it certain paragraphs she has to study?

I have tried a sample test on the net myself, and guess what? I failed.

Some of them questions are stupid, and so wrong.

Who the hel_l knows how many members of parliment there is in the cabinet or whatever?

Anyway cheers all.




You have to read the chapters that are relevant to your situation, Scouse has told you the ones that have to be studied in relation to your partner.

Some of them questions are stupid, and so wrong.

Who the hel_l knows how many members of parliment there is in the cabinet or whatever?

This Forum is littered with questions of the validity and relevance of the questions ( read Mossfinn v Bojangles ), so I wont go into them again here, if you want to pass the test, read the book ( relevant chapters ), test your missus, then read the book, then read the book..................

It might take some time, it might take a little, but if you do the hard yards, your partner will pass the test.

Trust me,



The Test is a bore, but it is do-able. The wife just passed hers at the first attempt, I saw a figure somewhere that the pass rate was 70% but don't know how accurate that is. Practice tests are the way, good luck!!


same story; did a quick trail test on line and just scraped it (though with out and revision) the questions in the test seemed very irrelevant and I think with hand and hart that the vast majority of people in the UK would fail !

same story; did a quick trail test on line and just scraped it (though with out and revision) the questions in the test seemed very irrelevant and I think with hand and hart that the vast majority of people in the UK would fail !

Totally agree with ya bread.



Its very difficult ( i have both passed and failed on different occasions , most UK citizens would fail it without reading the book) , COMPLETELY irrellevant , and just another hurdle that this spiteful government has placed in the way of people getting ILR and citizenship. They cannot stop the East Europeans coming here , they are beside themselves with fury over this , so they spitefully take it out on those they can stop by making it harder to get ILR .

A friend of mine has just got his British Citizenship after taking this test. Cost him unneccessarily to do it and the nett result is he is the same person he was before the test. Absurd!! Just another way for the govt to make some money. I have encouaged him to get housing benefit , which he did, so now he is getting back from the govt what they took from him with interest !! Marvellous!!

I can understand them making it a requirement that applicants must be able to speak English to a certain level , but a simple oral test with an examiner would be enough to establish that.


yes at the moment I have also returned to the UK and because of wanting some quick cash have decided that a couple months restaurant work was the answer;

just to make the point now I am the only English person there the chefs and the rest of the waiting staff are all polish the delivery drivers are polish and as a quick example of this the weekly drinks delivery came in on Monday and it was wrong, I was the only person there and I can,t tell the delivery driver what the problem it so I go to the chefs who also cant speak English, so I have to ring the manager at home in order to get him to explain in polish what the problem is to the chef to in turn tell the delivery driver> I just think as appose to making it so god dam hard for me to bring my English speaking GF here and make her once here proform a "life in the uk test" some one may want to ask a few of the other EU immigrants to learn English first !!!


....Pledge alligence to the queen..???...My wife is a republican.......What happened to free speech?..........swear alligence to 1 religous tolerance 2 freedom of speech and 3 the laws of u.k


I have been looking on the net at some ESOL courses for the wife, but which course should we be looking at.

There is a number of ESOL courses at our city college, for example, ESOL grade 1, ESOL grade 2, ESOL citizenship etc etc

Which one, if we decided to go for a course should my wife sit??




Scotty, look through this thread Here.

There is a number of ESOL courses at our city college, for example, ESOL grade 1,

As far as I am aware, this will just improve your wife's English.

ESOL grade 2,

I believe there is a way of bypassing the LinUK test, by doing a test to a competence of Level 1, then doing a course and then proving ability of competence of a Level above 1, i,e showing an improvement in language skills, Posters have posted a link to this before, I cannot remember the guidance.

ESOL citizenship etc etc

As shown in the link, it must be a course, not only ESOL with Citizenship, but one that is approved by a governing body.

Scotty, I am rather tired, so I hope this makes sense, if not I will try and make it clearer tomorrow, but as I am off to a St Patrick's Day Party, I think this is rather optimistic. :o



The general idea is that the college will assess your wife's English abilities and place her on the appropriate course. Make sure, though, that it is ESOL taught within a citizenship context.



Thanks everyone for there responses.

We have seen one on the internet at our local college, ESOL citizenship course.

Its £50, part time, every monday 915am - 1145am and the course lasts for 10 weeks, does this sound about right?




To Scotty and others; if it is your wife taking the course and she has lived here for a year or more, be sure to ask for the 'Spouse Rate' for the course. As long as she has a wives visa then she eligible to get the cheaper deal.

Mine paid £25 for 2 evenings at 3 hours (6 hours a week) for about 20 weeks.

She did a test at the college before she began and they chose to put her in Level 3 course.

I agree with the sentiment about the Poles etc. who make no effort to learn English, claim housing benefits, child allowance etc. and get away with no interference from Her Imperial Majesties Government at all. Very unfair but typical of this Labour administration.

Good Luck to you all!

yes at the moment I have also returned to the UK and because of wanting some quick cash have decided that a couple months restaurant work was the answer;

just to make the point now I am the only English person there the chefs and the rest of the waiting staff are all polish the delivery drivers are polish and as a quick example of this the weekly drinks delivery came in on Monday and it was wrong, I was the only person there and I can,t tell the delivery driver what the problem it so I go to the chefs who also cant speak English, so I have to ring the manager at home in order to get him to explain in polish what the problem is to the chef to in turn tell the delivery driver> I just think as appose to making it so god dam hard for me to bring my English speaking GF here and make her once here proform a "life in the uk test" some one may want to ask a few of the other EU immigrants to learn English first !!!

So bloody true! There are 1 million poles and nearly a million other East Eurpeans. I teach some middle class Polish and they told me "you can keep these poles we dont want them!" - they are;

- taking up housing - they dont mind sharing four to a room to save money hence pushing up rents

- committing crimes - drink driving, knife fights, robbery - low class criminal element + lack of understanding of British laws. Police are being strained - especially in Cambridgeshire due to all the European fruit pickers!

- working illegally (under min wage)

- increasing school costs - many schools are now 80-99% non-native speakers of English and they are crippling the education system

- increasing health costs (240,000 babies born in last few years to poles)

- claiming benifits (they can claim child benefit for children BACK IN POLAND!! - many are committing benefit fraud)

And there is a crazy Labour plan to allow 400,000 illegal immigrants to have passports!!!!

In the meantime middle class well educated immigrants are screwed - such as doctors - have to wait 10 years!

Also 17,000 of the 50,000 spouses are Pakistani - many are 18 year old "child brides" and due to this and the negative impact of East European immigration they are trying to stop immigration via marriage!

DOH! The middle class immigrants and spouses cause no real problems, have jobs, pay taxes and obey the law. The 1-2 million Europeans (no one knows how many as they dont reg on the elecoral role) and 1+ million illegal immigrants put massive strain on the country's resouces.

I know the solution is a stupid test on Britishness......

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