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Thai "beach Boys" And The Like


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I saw a guy playing footie on the beach a few years ago. He was drop dead gorgeous, couldn't keep my eyes off him. Perfect. Then I looked around me and every woman sitting there whether Western or Thai were also staring at him. Even one of my Western, hetero male friends nudged me and commented about this particular man!! Sheer beauty on legs.... so I can see the attraction.

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I saw a guy playing footie on the beach a few years ago. He was drop dead gorgeous, couldn't keep my eyes off him. Perfect. Then I looked around me and every woman sitting there whether Western or Thai were also staring at him. Even one of my Western, hetero male friends nudged me and commented about this particular man!! Sheer beauty on legs.... so I can see the attraction.

That was SBK's hubby you watched :o


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I saw a guy playing footie on the beach a few years ago. He was drop dead gorgeous, couldn't keep my eyes off him. Perfect. Then I looked around me and every woman sitting there whether Western or Thai were also staring at him. Even one of my Western, hetero male friends nudged me and commented about this particular man!! Sheer beauty on legs.... so I can see the attraction.

That was SBK's hubby you watched :o


Ha ha! Hubby doesn't play footie :D

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Thank you all for your replies.

I talked with him about this forum, the mostly negative experiences, and offcourse his simple answer was : we are not the same, we know when enough is enough.(he refers to many that keep searching fro something:'better' then current boyfriend/grilfriend.)

I in my heart know why i fell in love with him and i know he is not capable of pulling such 'beach boys' lies off.

And i hopefully will not be blind enough to recognise the signs that I see many girls around me ignore! So i should stop searching for them too!:o

It is great though to finally hear from those who have succesfull relationships here in Thailand, for us there will never be the option of living in my home country as we will need to take care of his Mum and he will be so unhappy in Holland. Overcoming my absence in thailand for 5 months will be the next step...

dam_n! why are those flying tickets so expensive? they should have special rates for ' lovers reunited' :D

can maybe the ladies forum try to find somekind of sponsordeal?:D

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Thank you all for your replies.

I talked with him about this forum, the mostly negative experiences, and offcourse his simple answer was : we are not the same, we know when enough is enough.(he refers to many that keep searching fro something:'better' then current boyfriend/grilfriend.)

I in my heart know why i fell in love with him and i know he is not capable of pulling such 'beach boys' lies off.

And i hopefully will not be blind enough to recognise the signs that I see many girls around me ignore! So i should stop searching for them too!:o

It is great though to finally hear from those who have succesfull relationships here in Thailand, for us there will never be the option of living in my home country as we will need to take care of his Mum and he will be so unhappy in Holland. Overcoming my absence in thailand for 5 months will be the next step...

dam_n! why are those flying tickets so expensive? they should have special rates for ' lovers reunited' :D

can maybe the ladies forum try to find somekind of sponsordeal? :D

China airlines and LTU are worth a try when you come from Holland, at LTU.de you can choose your flights from day to day...so you can pick te cheapest ones!

Coming back in November or decemer is always [much] more expensive due to the highseason offcourse!

Good luck with your man!

Boo very very wise words!!!

Exactly the way I [try to!] see it.

A relationship is something between two people and what I've learned is to trust your instincts indeed [much more then the opinion of the nosy neighbour!]

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I saw a guy playing footie on the beach a few years ago. He was drop dead gorgeous, couldn't keep my eyes off him. Perfect. Then I looked around me and every woman sitting there whether Western or Thai were also staring at him. Even one of my Western, hetero male friends nudged me and commented about this particular man!! Sheer beauty on legs.... so I can see the attraction.

Heheh... yes, all those things that make Thai ladies so attractive when they all come together in one package -- a great mane of jet black hair, dazzling straight white teeth and an easy smile, high cheekbones, flawless skin, slim athletic build, flashing almond shaped eyes, fun loving nature -- some of the local fellas have been equally blessed and I can admire them too, and no, I don't swing that way (not there's anything wrong with it :D ).

Good advice from the OP, and as others have said, beach boys and bar girls both come with roughly the same caveats. Sure there are relationships that have worked out but far more have ended up in tears, and the smart folks will generally enjoy them for what they are and not form any emotional attachments.

Just wondering... do beach boys' families often have sick buffalo and moms who need emergency surgery and brothers who've had motorbike accidents also?


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Just wondering... do beach boys' families often have sick buffalo and moms who need emergency surgery and brothers who've had motorbike accidents also?

some do, yes

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So funny this thread.

Farang girls falling in the same trap as Farang guys.

But the girls blame us guys to go to Thailand to find an easy GF.

Have a good time all, of ya.


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So funny this thread.

Farang girls falling in the same trap as Farang guys.

But the girls blame us guys to go to Thailand to find an easy GF.

Have a good time all, of ya.


Good advice girlx, farang newbies should be careful. You're not local and vulnerable, they will take advantage of you.

Thais are not straight forward and open like Western Cultural.

Not quite same, I doubt it, if most Farang girls come to Thailand looking for love or easy BF vs. Farang guys.

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nope the majority of farang girls seem to just sort of fall into a relationship with a thai guy, rather than come here looking for one. it is different from the farang guys.

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Horses for courses.I agree with the poster who said that farang ladies always accuse farangs of coming to thailand for one thing.Nothing wrong with farang ladies coming to los,mainly phuket and kho samui,to enjoy the beach boys.Not many farangs come to pattaya though,maybe because no beach boys.Enjoy THE THAI BOYS farang ladies.

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bratpack, may I suggest you carefully read the rules specific to this forum .... the ladies forum is much stricter on moderation than other areas of the forum. Hope I am making myself very clear.

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Beach Boys?? Are you talking about the country baby’s that end up on the beach? I don’t remember seeing any waves worthy to surf down there.

I like the fantasy thou that they are all x-murders/drug deals.

I can do the short version for you, the majority of Thai men are immature butterfly’s and if you are Thai or Western and your man is younger then you Then you have a Male gold digger immature Butterfly.

Yup its just not the guys who are taken for the ride, females as well and just as pathetic.

But im well aware that there are many of you in happy relationships both boys and girl and hope you live happily ever after

No I am not gay and I also don’t go chasing short skirts. And I have not been burnt in a relationship, I am way to smart for that.

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Actually, most of the girls I know in relationships (whether holiday or long-term) with beach boys are all about the same age as the guy (or younger). Most of the girls I see in these relationships are generally pretty young (under 30) . So, no, age doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it.

And I would like to qualify your statement about the majority of thai guys. Sure, lots are like that, but then, from reading this forum, so are many western guys (read the unfaithful to wife thread to see what I am referring to). I know plenty of responsible nice Thai guys and all are married, with kids and work and stay home with their families. The ones out in public doing the butterflying thing are the ones who are like that. The ones who don't do that aren't visible if you don't know them.

Anyway, beach boys are a different type of guy from the usual man who lives a normal life. Life is a beach party every night with countless young (and not so young) girls literally throwing themselves at these guys. Its hardly any wonder if many of them turn out to be irresponsible butterflies.

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Actually, most of the girls I know in relationships (whether holiday or long-term) with beach boys are all about the same age as the guy (or younger). Most of the girls I see in these relationships are generally pretty young (under 30) . So, no, age doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it.

And I would like to qualify your statement about the majority of thai guys. Sure, lots are like that, but then, from reading this forum, so are many western guys (read the unfaithful to wife thread to see what I am referring to). I know plenty of responsible nice Thai guys and all are married, with kids and work and stay home with their families. The ones out in public doing the butterflying thing are the ones who are like that. The ones who don't do that aren't visible if you don't know them.

Anyway, beach boys are a different type of guy from the usual man who lives a normal life. Life is a beach party every night with countless young (and not so young) girls literally throwing themselves at these guys. Its hardly any wonder if many of them turn out to be irresponsible butterflies.

Sounds Dreamy,

Sure the younger westerns can easy fall in to the habit as well. I don’t think this is a beach party only problem. The guys in Bangkok are such <deleted> to there gfs, and if there broke to support there habit they move on to the next one. So many single mothers around here its no funny. And they are some of the

Prettiest girls I have seen around. I would give them the title as “club boys” Yeah I have read thou that thread (are you faithful to your wife) I don’t know what to think of it. rofl.. I would just count them lucky they haven’t been court so far.

I have talked to a few guys around the joint thou who are looking forward to settling down with a nice girl and they seem sincere I guess.

Besides that. Welcome to the jungle!!

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Anyway, beach boys are a different type of guy from the usual man who lives a normal life. Life is a beach party every night with countless young (and not so young) girls literally throwing themselves at these guys. Its hardly any wonder if many of them turn out to be irresponsible butterflies.

I actually think that dating a relatively good looking ( :o ) Thai boy in a holiday destination is a bit like dating a footballer. I can never imagine having a boyfriend in England who literally has 10 women every time he goes out openly offering him sex - but that's what I have got here, and most of my friends have the same thing! And these girls really really don't care if they are already attached - they are on holiday just wanting fun and they think everyone else is the same, not realising that some people actually have real lives here. If they do succeed however, then of course the man is the one at fault.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I became involved with a well educated guy who is well respected (in his eyes at least) and has a good job in the humanitarian sector. He is not poor but kept bleating on about his poor beginning in life (he is in his 50's so when will he get over it). Also the terrible things that happened in his life, etc etc. I ran around after him while he spent time off visiting the first wife up north and the much younger one in Laos (he told me he was divorced from #1 and #2 well he was just looking after her and it was not a real marriage)- plus all the others in various places. But what a consumate liar he was and what a fool I was. Reading these posts have opened my eyes that I am not the only one that gets the treatment. Yes, marriage, plans for the future were discussed, cute sms messages etc until he turned into a total creep and became nasty and then I said bye bye. Thank you everyone for the valuable information and insights you are providing. :o


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  • 4 months later...

Hello! This is my first post here and i am so happy to have found this forum! I'm an English teacher whose been in Asia for the past 4 years, and I came across this forum while searching for blogs of other girls who had met the same beach boys i had met in Haad Rin!

I think my experience is best illustrated by cutting and pasting the email I sent to my best friend about him:

I have so many stories for you! I met a gorgeous Thai bartender boy. He told me sometimes when girls look at him fire-dancing his friends tell him "You like him? For 1000 baht you can take him home for a short time" and they do it. I asked him if they ordered him around when they pay and he said "no, I make a decision, if they are beautiful I go with him, not beautiful I no go." Also, he opened up his email and showed me all the emails he gets from girls he has known, telling him how they love him and miss him. He has a French girlfriend in Bangkok and hopes she will marry him, since her family has money and he hopes he can open up a resort and support his family. We spent four days together and went to a secluded beach for a night. He is soooo lovey-dovey and I understand why so many girls fall for him. I told him I understand the hustler stuff because it's just the nature of his situation. He drove me all around on his motorcycle, and wouldn't let me pay more than half foranything. I'll send you pictures when I get back. I have kissed him goodbye and am headed now to a good snorkeling beach and...

So that was my Thai beach boy experience, and yes, i used condoms and all of the extra safety precautions as well. I hung around with all of the other bartenders at his bar on Haad rin and they had the same stories, all of them had tons of girlfriends, and were great big playboys in general. I'm glad I got a guy who was honest with me, and gave me an awesome guilt-free holiday romance that helped me get my groove back! Yes, he was a hustler, but I was on holiday and the idea of a thai boy hustler seemed romantic, being on holiday enabled me to romanticize a lot of things about him that I would have had to analyze critically if I were looking for a relationship. And i even thought "ooh, he husltes all of these girls but he isn't hustling me, and he shows me all of these emails from girls but he says he doesn't want my e-mail, maybe he really, REALLY LIKES ME!" but I only thought that for a few minutes, thank goodness!

I should read this forum more carefully before posting any more, since I know how annoying forum newbies can be, but I just had to dish that here, since I don't have any girlfriends whove dated in thailand.

However, I wouldn't rule out a move to Thailand, so again, I'm glad I found this forum. Cheers!

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But the girls blame us guys to go to Thailand to find an easy GF.

Do we?

I acknowledge that some women in Asia give Western men a hard time, and often villify them for liking the Asian girls. But many of us do not. Don't judge the western women you meet prematurely and you may be pleasantly surprised.

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In a serious note, I've no clue why farang girls would travel halfway across the world to bed one o' these Thai beach boys. I can understand the guys coming here, but the girls? I might not have met the right people, I guess, but Thai guys aren't exactly the personification of what you'd be looking for in an ideal mate, no matter how you cut it.


I read into this you understand why men come here because Thai women are better than farang women. And I also read into this that you don't understand why women come here because farang men are better than Thai men?

Is that about right? Or have I misinterpreted your post?

Aww jeez here we go again.

Dear Mr Burman, perhaps you came across the world because Thai women are what you;re looking for, That;s great; I hope you find the woman of your dreams and make her happy someday.

If you want to make her really happy, maybe you should consider that when you put down Thai men, you are saying something negative about Thai culture that might hurt her feelings. And I don't think the insinuation of "You are lucky to have me, because I'm farang" that your attitude implies makes her feel so special either.

Good luck in love and in life.

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Hello! This is my first post here and i am so happy to have found this forum! I'm an English teacher whose been in Asia for the past 4 years, and I came across this forum while searching for blogs of other girls who had met the same beach boys i had met in Haad Rin!

I think my experience is best illustrated by cutting and pasting the email I sent to my best friend about him:

I have so many stories for you! I met a gorgeous Thai bartender boy. He told me sometimes when girls look at him fire-dancing his friends tell him "You like him? For 1000 baht you can take him home for a short time" and they do it. I asked him if they ordered him around when they pay and he said "no, I make a decision, if they are beautiful I go with him, not beautiful I no go." Also, he opened up his email and showed me all the emails he gets from girls he has known, telling him how they love him and miss him. He has a French girlfriend in Bangkok and hopes she will marry him, since her family has money and he hopes he can open up a resort and support his family. We spent four days together and went to a secluded beach for a night. He is soooo lovey-dovey and I understand why so many girls fall for him. I told him I understand the hustler stuff because it's just the nature of his situation. He drove me all around on his motorcycle, and wouldn't let me pay more than half foranything. I'll send you pictures when I get back. I have kissed him goodbye and am headed now to a good snorkeling beach and...

So that was my Thai beach boy experience, and yes, i used condoms and all of the extra safety precautions as well. I hung around with all of the other bartenders at his bar on Haad rin and they had the same stories, all of them had tons of girlfriends, and were great big playboys in general. I'm glad I got a guy who was honest with me, and gave me an awesome guilt-free holiday romance that helped me get my groove back! Yes, he was a hustler, but I was on holiday and the idea of a thai boy hustler seemed romantic, being on holiday enabled me to romanticize a lot of things about him that I would have had to analyze critically if I were looking for a relationship. And i even thought "ooh, he husltes all of these girls but he isn't hustling me, and he shows me all of these emails from girls but he says he doesn't want my e-mail, maybe he really, REALLY LIKES ME!" but I only thought that for a few minutes, thank goodness!

I should read this forum more carefully before posting any more, since I know how annoying forum newbies can be, but I just had to dish that here, since I don't have any girlfriends whove dated in thailand.

However, I wouldn't rule out a move to Thailand, so again, I'm glad I found this forum. Cheers!

Hi Victrola,

I have a fairly good idea that I know the fire dancer you are referring to (if it was within the last couple of years). He is now married to the french girlfriend now and has an 8 month old baby. She doesn't have loads of money...she has pretty much bankrupted herself by trying to build a life with him. A life that he said that he wanted.

It may seem like he was being completely honest with you and it was just a bit of harmless fun...but what about this girlfriend in Bangkok? You may not be in love, but I am sure she is...and would be heartbroken by your few days of "guiltless fun". You were being hustled I am afraid to say...even him being 'completely honest' with you was a ploy (I have seen it used just as much as the "you're the only one" game). He weighed up the odds and decided that you had probably twigged they are all a bunch of players so decided to flatter your intellect by 'levelling' with you. And it worked!

Also, where do you think he got the money from to take you around the island?

I don't want to be harsh, but please don't see the playboy act as harmless.

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Hello! This is my first post here and i am so happy to have found this forum! I'm an English teacher whose been in Asia for the past 4 years, and I came across this forum while searching for blogs of other girls who had met the same beach boys i had met in Haad Rin!

I think my experience is best illustrated by cutting and pasting the email I sent to my best friend about him:

I have so many stories for you! I met a gorgeous Thai bartender boy. He told me sometimes when girls look at him fire-dancing his friends tell him "You like him? For 1000 baht you can take him home for a short time" and they do it. I asked him if they ordered him around when they pay and he said "no, I make a decision, if they are beautiful I go with him, not beautiful I no go." Also, he opened up his email and showed me all the emails he gets from girls he has known, telling him how they love him and miss him. He has a French girlfriend in Bangkok and hopes she will marry him, since her family has money and he hopes he can open up a resort and support his family. We spent four days together and went to a secluded beach for a night. He is soooo lovey-dovey and I understand why so many girls fall for him. I told him I understand the hustler stuff because it's just the nature of his situation. He drove me all around on his motorcycle, and wouldn't let me pay more than half foranything. I'll send you pictures when I get back. I have kissed him goodbye and am headed now to a good snorkeling beach and...

So that was my Thai beach boy experience, and yes, i used condoms and all of the extra safety precautions as well. I hung around with all of the other bartenders at his bar on Haad rin and they had the same stories, all of them had tons of girlfriends, and were great big playboys in general. I'm glad I got a guy who was honest with me, and gave me an awesome guilt-free holiday romance that helped me get my groove back! Yes, he was a hustler, but I was on holiday and the idea of a thai boy hustler seemed romantic, being on holiday enabled me to romanticize a lot of things about him that I would have had to analyze critically if I were looking for a relationship. And i even thought "ooh, he husltes all of these girls but he isn't hustling me, and he shows me all of these emails from girls but he says he doesn't want my e-mail, maybe he really, REALLY LIKES ME!" but I only thought that for a few minutes, thank goodness!

I should read this forum more carefully before posting any more, since I know how annoying forum newbies can be, but I just had to dish that here, since I don't have any girlfriends whove dated in thailand.

However, I wouldn't rule out a move to Thailand, so again, I'm glad I found this forum. Cheers!

Hi Victrola,

I have a fairly good idea that I know the fire dancer you are referring to (if it was within the last couple of years). He is now married to the french girlfriend now and has an 8 month old baby. She doesn't have loads of money...she has pretty much bankrupted herself by trying to build a life with him. A life that he said that he wanted.

It may seem like he was being completely honest with you and it was just a bit of harmless fun...but what about this girlfriend in Bangkok? You may not be in love, but I am sure she is...and would be heartbroken by your few days of "guiltless fun". You were being hustled I am afraid to say...even him being 'completely honest' with you was a ploy (I have seen it used just as much as the "you're the only one" game). He weighed up the odds and decided that you had probably twigged they are all a bunch of players so decided to flatter your intellect by 'levelling' with you. And it worked!

Also, where do you think he got the money from to take you around the island?

I don't want to be harsh, but please don't see the playboy act as harmless.


Thanks for your honestly. After reading the entirety of this thread I sent a PM to another poster because the guy she describes sounds a little like him and the decription fits. Anyway, it isn't the girl you know because I originally wrote the correct nationality of his girlfriend, then thought "whoa, maybe I should give people a little more privacy on the internet, as I'm not posting his pic on here either, and edited it to say "French". Sorry, I should have thought that through. I am certain that he is not married, as he talked a lot about wanting to marry the girl he is seeing now. (Who is not French, but if you have cause for concern, pm me)

Anyway, I was coming here to post a bit more after reading the rest of the thread, particularly the bit from the girl who had wondered if a beach boy can ever not be a beach boy. Anyway, I told him truthfully that I understood the position he was in, as I have some experience working in bars and vacation resorts myself and I really do feel for the fact that every girl he meets goes back home. In that way, I feel the way the beach boys life their lives is a two way street. In addition, I have known poor girls back home who needed to have a husband with money in a way that women who have the money to take holidays in thailand can't really relate to, and so I can't come down on him so hard for thinking a farang wife would give him a nice life - anyway, he seemed to have a good heart, so i think he could make a woman happier than a lot of other guys I've met.

Yeah, I knew that he had a girlfriend. But, I also knew that he had a foreign girl like myself about once every two weeks. I asked him about this and he told me that there is a tourist girl about that often. I asked him a lot about his gf in Bangkok as well, and he said that he does love her, but doesn't know if she will stay with him, both because she is in bangkok and becuase she worries that he has 'too many girls'. He also mentioned that she has tried to give him money and he doesn't take it. His camera was full of pictures of her, he showed them to me. They were pictures of her dressing table with her makeup and stuff, the kind of things you are only interested in when you really like a girl.

Anyway, I asked him about his tourist culture lifstyle and asked him when he would stop, and he said that most guys stop when they hit 30 or so, and that working in a bar on a beach is something you do when you are young.

And honestly, while i feel bad for the girl that loves him, I don't feel too guilty, because i know that I meant nothing to this guy, just another tourist girl to help him pass the time, and he didn't even take a picture of me.

Oh, and I never meant to imply that he took me places that cost a lot of money. When I say he "took me around the island" I mean that he drove me around on his moto a lot, and the things that he did buy me that he didn't accept money from me for were little things like some street food that cost 30 baht or so. I was doing the backpacker budget thing as well.

Anyway, I'm glad I found this forum. I had mentioned that he had opened up his email and showed me tones of emails from girls around Europe, and let me read them. At least four different girls had mentioned how much they cried when they left him, and all told him that they loved him and missed him, but i didn't see anything about anyone sending him money.

Well, that's about all I have to contribute on this topic, and thanks, Missabi, for talking straight with me.

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I am no saint myself Victrola...I am not trying to preach from a high horse. But I am not proud of the fact I was involved in a similar situation and am a little shocked that all your empathies seem to lie with the poor beach boy who just cannot help but service these girls, rather than the girl in Bangkok that is being made a complete fool of. The line about about "all the girls just go back home" is the biggest one in the book by the way. I know far more girls sacrificing everything to come here, than ones who don't. And to be honest the only time the girls don't is usually when they find out about somebody like you, and are unwilling to put up with it.

I am glad to hear it is not the person I thought it was, but I am also pretty convinced that I would know who the girl is. Had Rin is a small place. Yes I hear about similar stories all the time, but I rarely hear such calculated justification. Did none of these emails that you read make you feel for these girls or did you just see them as gullible? It is too easy to do that, but don't because it isn't fair. As they say here the Thai men are kings of the "put waan" (sweet talking)...you were got by it, as were all these other girls.

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I am no saint myself Victrola...I am not trying to preach from a high horse. But I am not proud of the fact I was involved in a similar situation and am a little shocked that all your empathies seem to lie with the poor beach boy who just cannot help but service these girls, rather than the girl in Bangkok that is being made a complete fool of. The line about about "all the girls just go back home" is the biggest one in the book by the way. I know far more girls sacrificing everything to come here, than ones who don't. And to be honest the only time the girls don't is usually when they find out about somebody like you, and are unwilling to put up with it.

I am glad to hear it is not the person I thought it was, but I am also pretty convinced that I would know who the girl is. Had Rin is a small place. Yes I hear about similar stories all the time, but I rarely hear such calculated justification. Did none of these emails that you read make you feel for these girls or did you just see them as gullible? It is too easy to do that, but don't because it isn't fair. As they say here the Thai men are kings of the "put waan" (sweet talking)...you were got by it, as were all these other girls.

Whoa, calculated justification? I never meant to come across that way. I guess I just try to understand everybody I meet, especially if they are being nice to me, and while i can admit that some people deserve to be condemned rather than understood, I usually try to hang back for the ride and try to "understand' what I can.

Please remember that I found this forum after my first trip to Thailand. If I had been warned beforehand, I would have been a lot more cynical towards him than I was.

Okay, as for the emails from the girls: well, i did see them as gullible, i am afraid. I understand we all have a need to be loved, but how can you believe that someone you met for a half week of drinking really LOVES you? I'm sorry, but there is a time for girls to pull back and remind themselves that men don't fall in love this easy. That said, i did understand how they missed him as they did, no matter what his philandering says about him, he did have a good heart.

You are probably right about him seeing that the "honest' route was the best route to take with me, but at least he didn't have to pull out the really dirty tricks.

And I do feel sorry for his girlfriend in Bangkok, because she is a less cynical person than I am. The only thing I can say in my defense is that I never led him to believe he & I were involved in anything but a holiday fling, and he didn't tell me about her until the third night we were (insert pejoritive term for foreign women who hook up with beach boys here). And after that, i'm afraid, it had become "normal' to me, because every other bartender in his bar has a girlfriend off of the island and a temporary girlfriend on Had Rin, and were looking for more. The other girls were so casual about it I felt like a good girl in comparison to them, but maybe I should give them more credit for just being gullible, since as you say these guys are very good talkers.

all I can say is it won't be happening again, or at least i can say, not unless i am aware of it.

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