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My wife :o

I feel i'm the lucky one to marry this wonderful women... She never had any desire for a man in her life it was always her family that was number one..She was taken out of shcool at age 12, to work the rice fields..At 18 she was broght to Bangkok, to work in a hospital untill she was 33.. I was lucky enough to meet her when i was doing the online date thing 3 years ago.. I started talking to a women who found her guy, and was nice enough to talk to me..I guess she wanted to learn english and liked talking to me..She told me about her friends sister who worked in a hospital, and never been with a man and never had a Boy friend(yeah right i was thinking) Well i went to Thailand to meet another girl and forgot about this one..I forgot about her because i could hardly talk to her and her english typing ect was not very good..I could only cam once a week with her and i needed more...Well to make a long story short what i findout was my future wife took a bus once a week on her only day off to talk to me..what i found out was this girl gave 90% of the money she made to her family.. I felt like a real jerk after seeing the girl i went to meet and learning about the girl i dumped.. She forgave me if i promise to always be sincere with her and i have.. She made a wonderful wedding for me 1 1/2 years ago and i think the world of this girl.. I very much love her like i have never loved before..I'm 47 years old and have 3 daughters from a failed marraige and a wife that pasted away 5 years ago..Never was i looking for a Thai girl as a wife..It just happen and thank god for that.. My wife now knows english very good and everything she does is good..I could never be as good of a person as she is..the good Thai familys are amazing hard working people..My wifes parents had 4 daughters and all 4 married as virgins..

Like to hear about your wife and your storys if you want.

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Delighted as any of us may be with the woman we've had the good fortune to meet and marry, it's my observation that introducing one's wife into discussion here on TV is never ever a good idea.

...... OK make that seldom a good idea.

... very seldom!

Edited by GuestHouse
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My wife :o

I feel i'm the lucky one to marry this wonderful women... She never had any desire for a man in her life it was always her family that was number one..She was taken out of shcool at age 12, to work the rice fields..At 18 she was broght to Bangkok, to work in a hospital untill she was 33.. I was lucky enough to meet her when i was doing the online date thing 3 years ago.. I started talking to a women who found her guy, and was nice enough to talk to me..I guess she wanted to learn english and liked talking to me..She told me about her friends sister who worked in a hospital, and never been with a man and never had a Boy friend(yeah right i was thinking) Well i went to Thailand to meet another girl and forgot about this one..I forgot about her because i could hardly talk to her and her english typing ect was not very good..I could only cam once a week with her and i needed more...Well to make a long story short what i findout was my future wife took a bus once a week on her only day off to talk to me..what i found out was this girl gave 90% of the money she made to her family.. I felt like a real jerk after seeing the girl i went to meet and learning about the girl i dumped.. She forgave me if i promise to always be sincere with her and i have.. She made a wonderful wedding for me 1 1/2 years ago and i think the world of this girl.. I very much love her like i have never loved before..I'm 47 years old and have 3 daughters from a failed marraige and a wife that pasted away 5 years ago..Never was i looking for a Thai girl as a wife..It just happen and thank god for that.. My wife now knows english very good and everything she does is good..I could never be as good of a person as she is..the good Thai familys are amazing hard working people..My wifes parents had 4 daughters and all 4 married as virgins..

Like to hear about your wife and your storys if you want.

Well, long may it last--and I'm not being cynical--it makes a refreshing change to hear someone singing the praises of Thai women--I am thoroughly sick and tired of all the ' feeling sorry for themselves' deadbeats that seem to have nothing better to do than tell the world how much they dislike and mistrust Thai wives or ex-wives--personally I am in awe of Asian women having spent most of my adult life in different parts of Asia--Indian women, Thai women, Cambodian, Burmese etc, etc..the lives they lead, the shit they put up with, their workload and their often terrible, abusive relationships are unbelievable--I, myself, have a Thai ex-wife and I take care of the daughter from our marriage--my wife and I are still in constant contact and are still friends-though we have seperated and she is now living with a Thai man who works very hard to try to help take care of their child [ he is not highly educated but honest and very hard working--but how far does 200 baht a day wages go?]--to the OP, I really am glad that you have a Thai wife who you, obviously, think the world of--as I said, long may it continue--good luck.

Incidentally, there are many farang/western women who also have very difficult lives and who, too, work very hard to support/take care of their families-I just don't know how many could quite handle what Asian women are forced to endure--and often with a radiating smile.

I expect I will be shot down by some bitter guys who 'know much more' than I do--go ahead, it's free.

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<deleted>! There are some rude nasty people on this web board. Guy tells a lovely story about his wife and someone has to come on and accuse her of being a prostitute. Truly shameful.

This is why these type of threads never seem to work.

The only ones that seem to go on for any length of time are the threads trashing Thai women. The upbeat threads quickly turn into a flame fest and are closed.

Edited by Maigo6
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Yes, GH called it right from the start. I knew myself that it wouldn't be long before someone trashed his wife. Seems to be a sport amongst the thaivisa community. It ruins it for the rest of us and really brings the whole atmosphere of this board down.

Of course 99% of them would never say the same things to someone's face. At least it separates the men from the boys.

Edited by burman
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I didn't trash anyone. I don't know the woman. She is probably a wonderful person, as most Thai girls are.

I merely found it intriguing how she beat hundreds, or even thousands of other applicants who apply for any job in a hospital or bank etc.

Maybe she got lucky.

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Oh its ok..My family thinks the same way as idiot posters and clearly its because people think poor working people would do anything for money to get out of poverty hooking up with the great white hope ! As the smart posters who know thai people know these poeple are not lining up at the US embassy to leave Thailand, as they would in some other asia countrys..My wife will come to America if thats what i want for her..My wife family don't want to at all the thai poeple are mainly good friendly people who love Thailand..

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I merely found it intriguing how she beat hundreds, or even thousands of other applicants who apply for any job in a hospital or bank etc.

Maybe she got lucky.

Just like you did, being faster than all those other sperms to the egg...?

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Inflammatory posts have been deleted. There is no need to make abusive posts towards other posters or their wives. Further such posts will result in deletion and warnings.

As Maigo6 points out, these threads often degenerate. If we can't keep it civil then it will be closed.

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Delighted as any of us may be with the woman we've had the good fortune to meet and marry, it's my observation that introducing one's wife into discussion here on TV is never ever a good idea.

...... OK make that seldom a good idea.

... very seldom!

Unfortunately I agree--and don't forget the ****obscenity deleted***, working in Singapore, I think, who huddle together with their 'mates' and snigger when anyone on TV.com posts about their "Thai wife"--just as well they're in Singapore.

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Like to hear about your wife and your storys if you want.

As near as I can tell, the OP is not looking for a critique of his wife but rather if you would like to share a story about your wife.

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I find myself in agreement with GH and Maigo6; whilst it seems like the most natural thing to do to praise one's wife, on TV it just doesn't seem to work. For every BM who'll say "Good luck to you both", there'll be 3 or 4 who'll delight in making sarcastic comments, at best; bitchy comments at worst.

BTW, good luck to you both. :o

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Funny, this topic was also on the balipod.com. And the guys there really had some nice stories to tell... I wonder if all the spam is a reflection of the quality of women the guys here pursue.

Anyways, I have been married to a wonderful & intelligent Indonesian woman for 4 months but we have been together for 4 years. Had some tough times due to my job globetrotting me around 4 different countries in 4 years but we stuck it out and we finally got married.

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All The Best To You And The Mrs....

I'm going on 22 years with mine and she's shown a LOT of patience with me over the years... For a good while I was more of a helicopter than a butterfly... Although once she got fed up and she did have me declared PNG by an uncle who works for immigration...

Now I'm old, fat and grey and she still feeds me... So I guess things are about where they should be... Even though she mentions once in a while that if I were a car... I'd of been in the junkyard 150,000 miles ago.

Here's hoping you and yours get yours!

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<deleted>! There are some rude nasty people on this web board. Guy tells a lovely story about his wife and someone has to come on and accuse her of being a prostitute. Truly shameful.

This is why these type of threads never seem to work.

The only ones that seem to go on for any length of time are the threads trashing Thai women. The upbeat threads quickly turn into a flame fest and are closed.

Its always the same people that do the flameing. Problem is some of them seem to be connected and dont get banned? They never have anything to add to the topics. They just try to get a rise out of the poster. Name and shame them? No, thats probably what they enjoy. I have someone who flames me at every oppotunity. Complained many times but his connected and respected. He will keep doing it and I will keep ignoring it.

Anyhow its great to here of the posters joy and happiness at finding love in this Great country. Long may your happiness continue.

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My wife now knows english very good

But you have resorted to pidgin.

I was lucky enough to meet her when i was doing the online date thing 3 years ago.. I started talking to a women who found her guy, and was nice enough to talk to me..I guess she wanted to learn english and liked talking to me

If you only knew half of what goes on on these internet dating sites. Up to 50% of the dowry usually goes to the girls who actually write the emails for the country girls who cant.

The "pink cloud" phase is good while it lasts.

I hope you are both happy and not one of the norm.

I love to hear guys who have been married more than 5 years talk about how luck they are - but they are a minority.

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IThis man should feel ashamed, that the wife is bringing home more bacon than him. I would.
I been married for just over 1 year, been with her for 6. She makes more money then me, happy days

Why? we both have good jobs, just she has a better one in a Huge IT company

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This man should feel ashamed, that the wife is bringing home more bacon than him. I would.

I been married for just over 1 year, been with her for 6. She makes more money then me, happy days

Why? we both have good jobs, just she has a better one in a Huge IT company

Hi, yes the wife has a different role and not as the primary breadwinner, but in a nurturing role for the family. This is not just my opinion but a more natural role for husband and wife. My wife is a good cook and mother for my newborn son, god bless her.

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This man should feel ashamed, that the wife is bringing home more bacon than him. I would.
I been married for just over 1 year, been with her for 6. She makes more money then me, happy days

Why? we both have good jobs, just she has a better one in a Huge IT company

Hi, yes the wife has a different role and not as the primary breadwinner, but in a nurturing role for the family. This is not just my opinion but a more natural role for husband and wife. My wife is a good cook and mother for my newborn son, god bless her.

Maybe your wife, my wife has a great career going on, she is also a great cook, only diffence is my wife likes working and we both love spending money while we are both young, its all good

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Simple fact i learned is there is no never love when you meet someone online.. There very well could be once you have met her.. The problem with online relationships is you never know how many guys your so called girl is talking to... Heck, i learned later that the girl i was talking to for months was living with her boy friend and they both where looking for a free meal ticket.. Walk into any internet shop and you will see hundrends of girls talking to guys from UK, USA,ect

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am i the only one who thinks its ridiculously funny that OP thinks that the parents have accomplished some great feat by marrying off their four daughters as virgins? And fwiw, i don't think i have ever met a girl in Asia who didn't claim to be a virgin.

i guess i just don't see why OP's last sentence has anything to do with what he wrote about his wife. If she was not a 33 year old virgin, would he have thought less of her?

it always seems to be the older gentlemen who are obsessed with meeting virgins for whatever weird hang ups they have from their past life in the West.

Edited by realmadrid25
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Very sad. I would love to share my "love story", but will not subject my wife's honor or my sanity to the leering remarks of few screen prevs out there. :o

My best to OP and his Mrs. Smile happy. :D

Thailand and it's people and one woman has taken my heart.

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