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I Love Thailand Please Advise How To Find Work

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Hi I have been working in the sales and Marketing for some time and now work in the property industry. I have visited Thailand several of times and LOVE the country, LOVE the people, LOVE the indusrty property that is. How does 1 find work in the property sector? :o I am going to marry a Thai and want to relocate and work there. Any 1 have any advise, links, or friendly heads up of to break in the Indusrty :D


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Hi I have been working in the sales and Marketing for some time and now work in the property industry. I have visited Thailand several of times and LOVE the country, LOVE the people, LOVE the indusrty property that is. How does 1 find work in the property sector? :o I am going to marry a Thai and want to relocate and work there. Any 1 have any advise, links, or friendly heads up of to break in the Indusrty :D

df4 your enthusiasm is refreshing :D

ten years ago you would have probably be able to find something quite easily

because there was the shortage of well-educated people in this business.

But these days you have significant numbers of young Thai people graduating from at least two

of the best universities with degrees in property administration and property appraisal.

and they are usually bilingual in Thai and English so that the end of the day

you have to ask what advantage you would be also offer over and above

these people ? it's not so easy for foreigners anymore.

I am not saying it's impossible but you may have to do a lot of door knocking

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Bring millions & millions of baht and set up your own property company.

Have you thought about TEFL ?



i Have thought about bringing loads of cash but to be honest would rather have a 9-5 buy a few properties rent it out and relax with my new thai wife :D

live the life you love

love the life you live :D

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Hi I have been working in the sales and Marketing for some time and now work in the property industry. I have visited Thailand several of times and LOVE the country, LOVE the people, LOVE the indusrty property that is. How does 1 find work in the property sector? :D I am going to marry a Thai and want to relocate and work there. Any 1 have any advise, links, or friendly heads up of to break in the Indusrty :D

df4 your enthusiasm is refreshing :D

ten years ago you would have probably be able to find something quite easily

because there was the shortage of well-educated people in this business.

But these days you have significant numbers of young Thai people graduating from at least two

of the best universities with degrees in property administration and property appraisal.

and they are usually bilingual in Thai and English so that the end of the day

you have to ask what advantage you would be also offer over and above

these people ? it's not so easy for foreigners anymore.

I am not saying it's impossible but you may have to do a lot of door knocking

Agree :D Many people have told me that but i aint going to stop :o i appreciate the honesty lets hope it works out or ill have to learn Thai very fast to catch up with the industry. The only problem is the property market is picking up and I know what its like to miss out. Ill take your advise and knock on some serious doors

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Hi I have been working in the sales and Marketing for some time and now work in the property industry. I have visited Thailand several of times and LOVE the country, LOVE the people, LOVE the indusrty property that is. How does 1 find work in the property sector? :o I am going to marry a Thai and want to relocate and work there. Any 1 have any advise, links, or friendly heads up of to break in the Indusrty :D

1.st difficulty: You're one in a million.

2.nd difficulty: ... arh - never mind. Good luck.

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Hi I have been working in the sales and Marketing for some time
I have visited Thailand several of times and LOVE the country, LOVE the people
I am going to marry a Thai and want to relocate and work there.
Any 1 have any advise
to be honest would rather have a 9-5

have you considered a 7-11 ?

and I know what its like to miss out.

why am i not surprised.

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You sound determined to come so telling you the many difficulties that you will encounter is probably a waste of time. I like to believe that determination pays off but be prepared to lose everything. My best advice would be to not come here in 'holiday mode' if you want to make a future here. The laid back atmosphere in Thailand can fool people into believing that they can be laid back. This is a bad mistake.

There are plenty of people who want to live in Thailand. Plenty of western men/woman who are married to Thais. I would imagine that half the people on every plane leaving Thailand would like to stay. You need to ask yourself, what makes you different?

Good luck

Edited by garro
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You sound determined to come so telling you the many difficulties that you will encounter is probably a waste of time. I like to believe that determination pays off but be prepared to lose everything. My best advice would be to not come here in 'holiday mode' if you want to make a future here. The laid back atmosphere in Thailand can fool people into believing that they can be laid back. This is a bad mistake.

There are plenty of people who want to live in Thailand. Plenty of western men/woman who are married to Thais. I would imagine that half the people on every plane leaving Thailand would like to stay. You need to ask yourself, what makes you different?

Good luck


Thanks mate for the update.... but I would first like to explain first I dont want to move to Thailand to have a relax life all tho I know thats what every one would like. I am Hard worker and have achieved a lot in my life, and im only 28.

When I said I want to have a 9-5 it would really never happen in the Industry I work in Especaily sales!

I agree with you when you say visiting Thailand is not good in Holiday mode, but I have had a business trip there to look at purchasing land.

So all in all I feel so determined that Ill most proberley start my own business. skip all the banging on doors no replies, Companies not getting back to you.

And yes Thailand is a place where you take risks!! so i am prepared to lose everything. To follow my dreams be with my Thai wife, live with the people of smiles its 100% worth it.

Like I said live the life you love

love the life you live

thanks for the reply :o

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"The only problem is the property market is picking up and I know what its like to miss out."

The only people saying the property market i picking up are propert developers and their sales agents.

Even Singapore which was the hottest market in the region last year (probably) just had its worst quarter since SARS and the Asian Financial Crisis.

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Speaking as an employer in the industry I must say that real estate is most certainly not a 9-5 job, more like 8-8 and weekends.

Let me be frank:

It will be difficult. For example, I couldn't employ someone with no Asian based real estate experience and/or lacking a professional real estate education and by this I mean BSc / MSc equivalent in real estate economics, valuation etc. Even just Asian experience is a stretch, ideally we want people who know THIS market, and its quirks (of which there are many).

Further, given the higher salaries that are expected for expats, we prefer to employ Thais but are open to talk to expatriate candidates that can prove that they can add value to the operation.

There is a shortage of highly skilled, highly educated Thais, with experience in property. So if you think that you can bring those qualifications/experience to the table you have a chance.

But note, at the end of the day in sales, you have to be a profit center. I'm not saying you can't make it happen but how are you as someone with no qualifications or experience going to do that?

You are most welcome to drop me a PM if you'd like to discuss this further, but note that I can't promise anything.

Edited by quiksilva
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Speaking as an employer in the industry I must say that real estate is most certainly not a 9-5 job, more like 8-8 and weekends.

Let me be frank:

It will be difficult. For example, I couldn't employ someone with no Asian based real estate experience and/or lacking a professional real estate education and by this I mean BSc / MSc equivalent in real estate economics, valuation etc. Even just Asian experience is a stretch, ideally we want people who know THIS market, and its quirks (of which there are many).

Further, given the higher salaries that are expected for expats, we prefer to employ Thais but are open to talk to expatriate candidates that can prove that they can add value to the operation.

There is a shortage of highly skilled, highly educated Thais, with experience in property. So if you think that you can bring those qualifications/experience to the table you have a chance.

But note, at the end of the day in sales, you have to be a profit center. I'm not saying you can't make it happen but how are you as someone with no qualifications or experience going to do that?

You are most welcome to drop me a PM if you'd like to discuss this further, but note that I can't promise anything.


Thanks for the reply, seeming that this is my first time on this forum.

Ok it would basically take me a month to explain my experience on this site. I have a full back ground and knowledge on real Estate (sales/ Marketing). I work for a big development company and we invest locally and internationally... I have started up joint ventures and other entities on the sales side,Travelled aquired land for the company and worked with big developers to finished the project. One of the projects I work on is 35 million sqm... with a team of 10. This is 1 of the projects, so qualifications will never cover over experience and exposure. all you need is determination like Garro has said and the capital to do it.

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In Pattaya there seems to be a new estate agent setting up every week so probably starting up your own business is the way to go if you don't mind having no income for a while and only outgoings for office set up and staff etc.

Otherwise do the rounds of all the estate agents and see if you can get work with one of them.

Good luck.

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df4, why don't you send quicksilva a personal message (pm) and maybe you will get some help.

If you don't know how to do this you,

Click on his name and a drop down menu will appear.

Click on send personal message.

Fill in him in on some of your details and he can help.

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df4, why don't you send quicksilva a personal message (pm) and maybe you will get some help.

If you don't know how to do this you,

Click on his name and a drop down menu will appear.

Click on send personal message.

Fill in him in on some of your details and he can help.

Will do thanks....

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not being a native english speaker myself, I still think your written english is pretty poor and to me sounds all too similar to the english of many, desperate to stay in Thailand, lowly qualified Brits, working in Thailand's real estate, boiler rooms, etc.

My sincere apologies if you do not fall into this category. Good luck!

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not being a native english speaker myself, I still think your written english is pretty poor and to me sounds all too similar to the english of many, desperate to stay in Thailand, lowly qualified Brits, working in Thailand's real estate, boiler rooms, etc.

My sincere apologies if you do not fall into this category. Good luck!

Don't be a <deleted>.

A quick post on an internet site doesn't tell you much about somebody's written English.

BTW, you spell English with a capital 'E' and you begin a sentence with a capital letter.

Edited by garro
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English is poor?? mate to be honest i am not here to battle, or get any sympathies. I am happy with my job just want to see if this is actually a realistic dream or not.

Ive been in contact with developers in Thailand willing to do a joint venture on developments and have huge contacts with friends, work colleagues and family that have the cash to invest. So this is my proposal if you are here to help then help.

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not being a native english speaker myself, I still think your written english is pretty poor and to me sounds all too similar to the english of many, desperate to stay in Thailand, lowly qualified Brits, working in Thailand's real estate, boiler rooms, etc.

My sincere apologies if you do not fall into this category. Good luck!

Don't be a <deleted>.

A quick post on an internet site doesn't tell you much about somebody's written English.

BTW, you spell English with a capital 'E' and you begin a sentence with a capital letter.

:o lol

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English is poor?? mate to be honest i am not here to battle, or get any sympathies. I am happy with my job just want to see if this is actually a realistic dream or not.

Ive been in contact with developers in Thailand willing to do a joint venture on developments and have huge contacts with friends, work colleagues and family that have the cash to invest. So this is my proposal if you are here to help then help.

Did I not say "Good luck"? I have been doing business in S and SE Asia for over 7 years now. Have also lived and worked in the UK and other european countries for a number of years. Have met plenty of dreamers from Europe all over the place. Most are non-achievers in their own country, but somehow seem to think that it is easier in Asia. All I can say is that over 90% of these people fail to even start and out of the remaining 10%, 9% do start and fail miserably. The 1% or less who is successful would have been successful in their country of origin and probably with MUCH less risk. Yes you can earn very good money here as an entrepeneur, but it is in most ways MUCH more difficult than in your home country. As far as I can see most Thai JV partners need close scrutiny before and during a partnership. Honesty as we know it is not considered a virtue in business and even less so in dealing with a foreigner.

Again: Good luck! Make sure you keep plenty money safe(outside Thailand) in case it does go wrong.

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :o

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I have thought about this whole story again.

You are 28 and you need a month to explain us laymen everything there is to know about your S&M experience in real estate.? You have been to Thailand once or twice, are getting married to a Thai, have no or little formal education, no working experience in Asia at all and you expect to find a job that pays well.

You advertise yourself in a previous topic started by you. A pretty poor advertisement in poor english for someone who needs a month to tell us how good he is.

You really are a dreamer. Stay home.

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<br />df4,<br /><br />I have thought about this whole story again.<br /><br />You are 28 and you need a month to explain us laymen everything there is to know about your S&M experience in real estate.? You have been to Thailand once or twice, are getting married to a Thai, have no or little formal education, no working experience in Asia at all and you expect to find a job that pays well.<br /><br />You advertise yourself in a previous topic started by you. A pretty poor advertisement in poor english for someone who needs a month to tell us how good he is.<br /><br />You really are a dreamer. Stay home.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I find it surprising that you would continue to offer critique on somebody else's English when your own isn't that great.

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Hi Garro,

As I have stated before; I am not a native english speaker. The OP is! It is not just his english, it is a combination of language, the tone of his posts, some statements about his experience, etc.

He can and should do whatever he wants and I wish him good luck! All I am saying is that, based on his topics and posts sofar, in which he is using this forum to apply for a job, he has not done a very good job of selling himself! Let alone real estate!


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I just read his posts as a guy wanting to come live in Thailand. He sounded determined so I think good luck to him - I was once that way myself. I don't see him as somebody applying for a job, but as someone looking for advice. There are plenty of people on this forum with bad spelling, punctuation, and grammar - we all have our bad days. I just don't like it when I see somebody ridiculed for this.

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