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The Real Bangkok Hilton


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Michael was convicted of smuggling Ecstacy, Ok it was a lot, but a 99 Year sentence is too much.

The questions I would ask is:

Did he know it was illegal to smuggle Ecstacy?

Did he know the Penalties?

If he did and in your own words

OK it was a lot
then it isn't the wisest thing he has ever done.


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Not the wisest thing he's ever done but he's a 19 yr old who by the looks of it fell of the right track. Easily done. Not deserving 99 years though.

I assume you didn't watch the whole video

The guy knew what he was doing, was caught red handed at the airport with 3400 tabs of X ....

not 3 not 34 ... not 340 ... Three Thousand and four hundred hits of an illegal drug.

He rated the death penalty in Thailand and pled guilty to get a lesser sentence (50 years?)

Even in the US and having worked in the Chem Dependancy field I could not tell you where to connect with a major distributor that could sell 3400 hits of X at a cost that I could profit from selling in Thailand!

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Not the wisest thing he's ever done but he's a 19 yr old who by the looks of it fell of the right track. Easily done. Not deserving 99 years though.

Sorry but it is not easily done, the guy was a complete moron, unfortunately he doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the box.

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When traveling one should always be on their best behavior, I apply these even at home.

it does not have to be against the law for you not do it, just use your common sense

Don't walk in dark place

If it's too good to be true it usually is

Don't be greedy

If you see trouble starting get the hel_l out of there

If you see someone getting the sh''t beat out of them (foreigners or native) you don't know what they did don't jump in

Just because it's cheap don't drink till you pass out

Avoid confrontation at all cost

Don't fight for things that are not even worth $10 back home (I know it's the principal but a simple shove can result in death)

Remember taxi drivers in most country can easily disapear if the price change at the end of your trip pay it and walk away

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Not the wisest thing he's ever done but he's a 19 yr old who by the looks of it fell of the right track. Easily done. Not deserving 99 years though.

Sorry but it is not easily done, the guy was a complete moron, unfortunately he doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the box.

Ok, I knew someone would take issue. Easily done was with regards to him falling off the right track, which led to him ending up with him getting in deep enough to smuggle some E.

The guy is obviously not the sharpest tool in the box. But still, 99 years is far too much.

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I assume you didn't watch the whole video

The guy knew what he was doing, was caught red handed at the airport with 3400 tabs of X ....

not 3 not 34 ... not 340 ... Three Thousand and four hundred hits of an illegal drug.

He rated the death penalty in Thailand and pled guilty to get a lesser sentence (50 years?)

Even in the US and having worked in the Chem Dependancy field I could not tell you where to connect with a major distributor that could sell 3400 hits of X at a cost that I could profit from selling in Thailand!

Yes aware of the case, though didn't watch this video, I remember this when it happened.

I could fly to the UK tomorrow and get hold of a few thousand ecstasy pills easy enough at low cost, and so could many people living in Manchester, London etc. It's cheaper in Europe than it is in Thailand, that's for sure.

He saw a quick profit, a holiday and took a chance. He took that chance because he is an idiot.

99 years though? I feel for the lad.

Edited by burman
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I agree he does seem to be the type that could easily fall off the right track. However, I think there is many morons in the U.K that fall off the right track but most of them are still intelligent enough to realise that it is seriously stupid to try to smuggle that amount of drugs into another country, let alone into south east Asia. 99 years is too long but in reality he won't serve that and he will get out at some point in the distant future, I can't really say I feel sorry for him.

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I assume you didn't watch the whole video

The guy knew what he was doing, was caught red handed at the airport with 3400 tabs of X ....

not 3 not 34 ... not 340 ... Three Thousand and four hundred hits of an illegal drug.

He rated the death penalty in Thailand and pled guilty to get a lesser sentence (50 years?)

Even in the US and having worked in the Chem Dependancy field I could not tell you where to connect with a major distributor that could sell 3400 hits of X at a cost that I could profit from selling in Thailand!

Yes aware of the case, though didn't watch this video, I remember this when it happened.

I could fly to the UK tomorrow and get hold of a few thousand ecstasy pills easy enough at low cost, and so could many people living in Manchester, London etc. It's cheaper in Europe than it is in Thailand, that's for sure.

He saw a quick profit, a holiday and took a chance. He took that chance because he is an idiot.

99 years though? I feel for the lad.

I feel for him too .. but he got less than he deserved. Had he been Thai it would have been the death penalty all the way. He admitted to not only smuggling drugs but also to knowing the consequences. We should all think of him as lucky not to have met the needle in the last 7 years and not as someone to be pitied

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3400 ecstacy tablets isnt too much in the scheme of things, the individual street price in the UK at the time he smuggled them was 1 pound a tablet, so wholesale price would be 30-40 pence.

If i had kids id sooner they took ecstacy (not that i want them too) then smoked tobacco at least theyll grow out of popping pills.

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I feel for him too .. but he got less than he deserved. Had he been Thai it would have been the death penalty all the way. He admitted to not only smuggling drugs but also to knowing the consequences. We should all think of him as lucky not to have met the needle in the last 7 years and not as someone to be pitied

Maybe Thailand should start killing people who take drugs as if it wasnt for these people there would be no drug runners.

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I feel for him too .. but he got less than he deserved. Had he been Thai it would have been the death penalty all the way. He admitted to not only smuggling drugs but also to knowing the consequences. We should all think of him as lucky not to have met the needle in the last 7 years and not as someone to be pitied

Maybe Thailand should start killing people who take drugs as if it wasnt for these people there would be no drug runners.

different crime

but Thailand has killed users as well as dealers

however drug smuggling is a step above both of those crimes

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We should all think of him as lucky not to have met the needle in the last 7 years

JD, when was the last English person killed for drug smuggling into Thailand?

I don't know of any in the last 20 years .. do you?

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Hi all,

I want to direct you to a video that shows the BKK Hilton and some of the inmates.

Many people inside there are suspected ore convicted drug dealers, rapist or murderers.

The question is: Do those people deserve the death penalty? Yes.

Or should they be helped to prepare them to go back in the real world, accepting they made a mistake once in their lives? No.

Go here to see the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy880cLxRvw

Please all do not go bashing drugs and such, just think about it.

Do people deserve a second chance? Depends on what they have done, in the examples you have given, most certainly not.

Kind regards,


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We should all think of him as lucky not to have met the needle in the last 7 years

JD, when was the last English person killed for drug smuggling into Thailand?

I don't know of any in the last 20 years .. do you?

Nope, none at all. The reality is for a English/American/European the death sentence doesn't really apply for drug smuggling anymore.

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The British Consulate has to note how many letters he gets and your support will keep him going.

Mr Michael Connell [uK]

Building # 2

Bangkwang Central Prison

117 Nonthaburi Road

Nonthaburi Bangkok

11000 Thailand

I've never sent a letter to a prisoner before. Thanks for the details as I intend to send him one, but it wont be a letter of support.

He deserves to die for his crime - I sincerely hope he dies in jail.

As for the do gooders, save your sympathy for a more deserving cause than this miserable wretch.

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I've never sent a letter to a prisoner before. Thanks for the details as I intend to send him one, but it wont be a letter of support.

He deserves to die for his crime - I sincerely hope he dies in jail.

As for the do gooders, save your sympathy for a more deserving cause than this miserable wretch.

You spiteful pr7ck, im sure there are more deserving causes to aim your vengeance at.

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PUNISHMENT, NOT REHABILITATION is Thailand's stance... They believe there is no way to rehabilitate a criminal. The only deterrent they subscribe to is harsh punishment with little or no hope of redemption.... which is not a big surprise all things considered. Why would they spend money on rehabilitation, why would they spend money on something they just don't value.

I personally don't support the death penalty under any circumstances and do believe in rehabilitation.

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I've never sent a letter to a prisoner before. Thanks for the details as I intend to send him one, but it wont be a letter of support.

He deserves to die for his crime - I sincerely hope he dies in jail.

As for the do gooders, save your sympathy for a more deserving cause than this miserable wretch.

You spiteful pr7ck, im sure there are more deserving causes to aim your vengeance at. Yes, there are, but that's no excuse for ignoring this one.

There seems to be plenty on here sympathising with this criminal, so it's only right that someone should offer an alternate opinion.

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There seems to be plenty on here sympathising with this criminal, so it's only right that someone should offer an alternate opinion.

An opinion is one thing, to write a letter telling him he should be murdered is another.

Would you think the same if a friend/son/daughter/niece/nephew of yours made one bad decision like this.

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There seems to be plenty on here sympathising with this criminal, so it's only right that someone should offer an alternate opinion.

An opinion is one thing, to write a letter telling him he should be murdered is another.

Would you think the same if a friend/son/daughter/niece/nephew of yours made one bad decision like this.

If a relative of mine committed a similar offence then yes - punish them accordingly. I'd also completely wash my hands of them.

The bad decision he made had the potential to cause real misery for others.

I'm disappointed that people can be sympathetic towards this character, never mind send letters of support.

I stand by my comments - I hope he dies in prison, so no one else has to suffer from any further bad decisions he might make.

Hopefully, it will deter likeminded individuals from making similar bad decisions.

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The bad decision he made had the potential to cause real misery for others.

But pure MDMA doesnt kill and is a lot of fun to take.

Hopefully, it will deter likeminded individuals from making similar bad decisions.

Thats the point there is always another skint fool willing to take the risk, while the man running the show gets away scot free.

The war on drugs in its present context can never be won unless we are going to start locking up 10,20,30% of the population.

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Or should they be helped to prepare them to go back in the real world, accepting they made a mistake once in their lives?

Rape, murder and drug dealing cannot be classed as 'mistakes' - they are conscious decisions.

....although i would advocate early release in some circumstances....

So would I - early release by lethal injection.

The reality is for a English/American/European the death sentence doesn't really apply for drug smuggling anymore.

It should!

Would you think the same if a friend/son/daughter/niece/nephew of yours made one bad decision like this.

The same old tired record - don't you have any more to play? Would you change your mind if your friend/son/daughter/niece/nephew was murdered and the murderer was released?

We have lived too long under the 'care' of the namby-pamby, politically correct do-gooders and where has it got us? Our civilisation is going backwards and not forwards. Should we move British prisoners from Bangkok jails to serve the rest of their sentences back in the UK? hel_l, no! Why should the Brits have the extra tax burden? Some people complain that hanging/lethal injection/electric chair are cruel and unusual punishments - why do you have sympathy for the murderer and not for the victim?

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I know people in Bang Kwang, I also know people in lard yao, the same as I know people in HMP in the UK................

HMP in the UK is preferable to a Thai prison for sure, but hey, all my mates that are inside are all guilty of the crimes that put them there, they will readily admit that.

Do people deserve to die cos they import/export drugs..................... No Way.

Goverments tax people on whiskey and cigarettes without the death penalty, so what's the fawking difference ?

Millions of people around the world enjoy a glass of wine or 2 with their meal. A large portion of the world will have 1 or 2 beers after work a few times a week. Should they be locked up for life or shot? Of course it should be taxed that's a no brainer :o

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