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Classical Indian Concert - Vocal


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For people who complain that there isn't much to do in bangkok:

on Saturday October 9th

there's a Classical Indian Concert - Vocal Only

at the Thailand Cultural Center ( The subway stops RIGHT there )

from 6-8 pm .

Artist: Shubda Ji

( I dont know her last name, she's teaching music at the indian womens club at the moment -

I heard her the last time there was a concert ... she's AMAZING .

Even if you dont understand what the heck is going on, you can come listen to her - she'll sing in such a way that ANYONE can enjoy.

At her last concert, A group of thai guys also came to listen, and they were shaking their heads as though listening to a rock song...... she's got THAT much charisma and rapport with the audience )

Only 2 hours - short program .

tickets are 200 baht

Contact The indian women's club for tickets : 02-255-1405

Dress: casual (no shorts)

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