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Guardian Angle Watching over me.

Whilst in Bangkok in January walking around Pathunam with the wife in retail therapy heaven I had the misfortune to twist my ankle on the pavement unavoidable at times walking around so much stalls not seeing the holes in the ground.

This was three days before flying home. Ankle swelled up slightly a little uncomfortable but swelling subsided before I got on plane.

When I returned home all ok. Had small operation on hand six days after returning home local anaesthetic a week later leg got sore again not in foot but behind knee like a ham-string.

Called Doc told him and said I had some Cataflam anti inflammatory tabs he did tell me if it got worse to call him.

Well calf muscle swelled up ie 45 cm as against 39 cm other leg. Had appointment with Consultant regarding Small Operation on hand he noticed me limping and asked me what was wrong on seeing my leg he said I had to have scan immediately.

Well I did and was told to return to Consultant again Everything happened very fast then was told I had to be admitted from A&E and was given a bed in public ward directly across from nurses station. Was later told that even though I had private medical insurance I had to me monitored and the best place was near nurses station.Later was moved to private room.

Was told I had a CLOT running from my Knee up to my Groin. Was also told that I was lucky to be alive. If the clot had travelled to my lungs I was history.

Was in hospital for 10 days reason for so long My INR was so low at 1 when checked had to have at least 2 this took talking 22 mg of WARFANT AT ONE STAGE NOW DOWN TO 13MG.

Injections in tummy every day to dissolve clot..

I guess the moral here is if you are over 50 and get a swelling in your foot before you fly be very very careful.


Fortunate indeed!

"Economy class syndrome" happens much more frequently than is generally recognised. This, by the way, is not only confined to economy class either.

Having an injury to a lower limb which has an effect that the victim has reduced mobility either from the injury or just due to pain, increases the risk; especially on long haul flights.

This subject has gone aground a bit after the first few cases on Singapore and other airlines made headlines a few years ago but it is very real and a post like this is an apt reminder.

You may need prophylaxis when flying again. Be aware and get adequate treatment!



Goggled it and all i can get is washing my teeth helps prevent gum disease.

I do understand the meaning now.

Am wondering if taking WARFANT WILL PREVENT CLOTS


Goggled it and all i can get is washing my teeth helps prevent gum disease.

I do understand the meaning now.

Am wondering if taking WARFANT WILL PREVENT CLOTS

Warfarin prevents blood clotting and some patients may remain on this drug after an event like this or in cases of heart valve replacement etc.

It is important to exclude any underlying causes for increased blood clotting in you case, if any and address those.

The prophylaxis before flying may be just taking an aspirin a few days before or a shot of Heparin but your physicians will be able to provide you with specific recommendations in your case. Follow the link below to the American Heart Association page on this, it contains quite a lot of usefull info also.



Warfarin is not something to mess about with on your own. Thje therapeutic range is very narrow and too much is quite dangerous. Should only be taken under medical supervision and even then requires frequent blood tests and other precautions.

For the average person, best advice is to take 300mg of aspirin (less, and with food, if any history of gastritis/ulcers) just before the flight and if it is a very long flight then again about 12 hours later, get up and walk around the cabin every 1-2 hours and do not wear any type of restrictive clothing (tight socks/shoes/control panties in the case of women).

You an alsio get special elastic stockings (TEDs or similar) at a medical supply store and put on while in flight.

Warfarin is not something to mess about with on your own. Thje therapeutic range is very narrow and too much is quite dangerous. Should only be taken under medical supervision and even then requires frequent blood tests and other precautions.

For the average person, best advice is to take 300mg of aspirin (less, and with food, if any history of gastritis/ulcers) just before the flight and if it is a very long flight then again about 12 hours later, get up and walk around the cabin every 1-2 hours and do not wear any type of restrictive clothing (tight socks/shoes/control panties in the case of women).

You an alsio get special elastic stockings (TEDs or similar) at a medical supply store and put on while in flight.


My INR is now 4.2 from one. On 11mg of Warfant every day with twice weekly blood pressure checks and one weekly blood checks.

( was allways wondering why MOSSIES dont like biteing me.


warfrin is a form of rat poison.

in 1997 had torn my cartlidge in 2 and part of it went into my knee joint stopping me bending my leg and the hospital put a bandage on too tight and i suffered a dvt and nearly died.i was rushed into the emergency and they xrayed me and said i had pneumonia.i got worse and got ambulance new years eve morning,and they saved my life over a 2 week period.warfrin and heprin injections are not nice and after waiting for 3 months i had operation on my knee,and 3 month intense physio 6 days a week after been on crutches allt his time.my life stood still for 1 year as i got stronger and got the drugs out of my body and leant to walk again.another operation a year later managed to give me good mobility in my knee.i was 44 and very fit so guys,plenty of stretching on the plane and no tight trousers and asprin and plenty of water to stop you dehydrating.a very nasty illness which if you had on a plane can be fatal and its extremly panfull too. feels like someone is sticking a sword thru your back and coming at the front of your chest.

  • 1 month later...
Guardian Angle Watching over me.

Whilst in Bangkok in January walking around Pathunam with the wife in retail therapy heaven I had the misfortune to twist my ankle on the pavement unavoidable at times walking around so much stalls not seeing the holes in the ground.

This was three days before flying home. Ankle swelled up slightly a little uncomfortable but swelling subsided before I got on plane.

When I returned home all ok. Had small operation on hand six days after returning home local anaesthetic a week later leg got sore again not in foot but behind knee like a ham-string.

Called Doc told him and said I had some Cataflam anti inflammatory tabs he did tell me if it got worse to call him.

Well calf muscle swelled up ie 45 cm as against 39 cm other leg. Had appointment with Consultant regarding Small Operation on hand he noticed me limping and asked me what was wrong on seeing my leg he said I had to have scan immediately.

Well I did and was told to return to Consultant again Everything happened very fast then was told I had to be admitted from A&E and was given a bed in public ward directly across from nurses station. Was later told that even though I had private medical insurance I had to me monitored and the best place was near nurses station.Later was moved to private room.

Was told I had a CLOT running from my Knee up to my Groin. Was also told that I was lucky to be alive. If the clot had travelled to my lungs I was history.

Was in hospital for 10 days reason for so long My INR was so low at 1 when checked had to have at least 2 this took talking 22 mg of WARFANT AT ONE STAGE NOW DOWN TO 13MG.

Injections in tummy every day to dissolve clot..

I guess the moral here is if you are over 50 and get a swelling in your foot before you fly be very very careful.

Thanks for the replies.

Have been back in hospital again for treatment of rheumatoid Arthritis which I developed shortly after my first visit. Was put on a drip of metotrixate overnight and whilst in there developed pain in chest was scanned and told I had P.E. Pulmonary Embolism kept in for 10 more days as my INR went haywire from 5.8 to 1.1 15mg down to 6 now.

Now am wondering if I will ever work again with all this pain and been told will have to stay on Warfant for the next 6 months at least.

Don’t smoke don’t drink healthy.

That’s enough feeling sorry for myself.

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