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Thai Gf Study From Home?


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My Thai g/f is pregnant, and I have talked her into studying from home. Any recommendations about how to go about this? She has dropped out of high school, so that would be the first place to start.

Are there programs she could go through? Is just reading at home a good way to go? is there a Thai equivalent of a GED? Thanks

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drummer........dropped out of high school?? How old is she? 15/16? :D

As you do not mention what kind of schooling....I assume its high school as she dropped out of it........

Studying from home is not well recognised in Asia. I think one of the requirements for a candidate to sit for examinations is that he/she must have attended school on a daily basis or at least a certain percentage of the school term. :o

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I think Ramkhamhaeng offers Internet courses. She would have to get her high school degree first though before pursuing further studies. They may offer that as well. It is great that you are encouraging her.

Unlike other countries, Thailand does not provide continual public education for free and it is common for both boys and girls to drop out of high school to begin working especially if their family cannot support their studies. Some can be very successful in business through their own ingenuity so I would hesitate to look down on someone who has not attained the same level of education as is common in Western society.

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21. She just never went back. Yall have dirty minds :o In terms of going back to school, it is as much a matter of being educated as it is having a degree. Sure the degree is important, but IMHO, being educated is more important - especially as it will make a difference in our relationship.

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Apologies Drummer, I trust you can understand why we all jumped to conclusions. Good luck with your gfs education. Hmm.....is this thread in the teachers forum? If not it may be worth posting it there. IJWT and Kenkannif are experts on the Thai education system.

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Drummer........just found out that if you are talking about high school, she has to be enrolled at a school and attending classes or she will not be allowed to sit for the exams. As for other higher education programmes may need her to have finished high school first unless you are talking about a certificate level course..........

sorry mate :o

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My Thai g/f is pregnant,  and I have talked her into studying from home.  Any recommendations about how to go about this?  She has dropped out of high school,  so that would be the first place to start. 

Are there programs she could go through?  Is just reading at home a good way to go?  is there a Thai equivalent of a GED?  Thanks

so you have got this young girl who never finished high school up the duff... sounds like a real classy tg... :o

face facts man, in a couple of months she's gonna be up to her neck in dirty diapers, washing, ironing & breast-feeding... just when is she gonna have time to study? do you even have the room to set aside a small study area or are you one of those who live in a 'shoe-box'?

i suggest you get yourself down the kao-sarn road & buy her a degree for a couple of thousand thb... :D

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She left home early because of an alkie father. Nice guy, I've met him- recovering now, but an alkie. My sister has a 2 year old, and I have talked to a bunch of other people who have said that they wished they went to school while they were preggers. Its not the impossibility you sugest. Taking care of a tyke is not the all-consuming task you set it out to be. Besides- I plan on helping too.

In fact, at the moment, she's got quite a lot of free time. So much that she wants to go with me everywhere I go. Of course, part of this is because she wants to make sure I'm not running around on her, but also because she just doesn't like being at home with nothing to do. Not a big TV fan (nor am I)

In terms of buying a degree - that does absolutely nothing for the main objective. I think it would be quite beneficial for her and the relationship long term if she was educated. The degree really doesn't mean all that much to me, except insofar as it makes things easier. Educated people percieve the world and interact with it in a different way than non-educated people.

Thanks for your advice, though.

Anyway, does anyone have any recommendations for books, etc? Thanks

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21.  She just never went back. Yall have dirty minds  :o  In terms of going back to school,  it is as much a matter of being educated as it is having a degree.  Sure the degree is important,  but IMHO, being educated is more important - especially as it will make a difference in our relationship.

If she hasn't finished M6, then she needs to get that out of the way. But, she's not going to be able to do that part from home, I believe.

In Thailand, after age 16, anyone can take a High School Equivalency test to get a HS diploma...

In every large city, and most other areas are (government) 'Gaw Saw Baw' schools which specialize in offering evening and weekend classes to help study for the test for each grade level. Contact any local school and they are sure to know where the closest is to you. Figure two school terms to pass 3 levels, on average.

By the way, anyone can go study in these schools. You don't need to be a Thai citizen, either. The Thai government, in a moment of Wisdom, decreed that education be available to anyone, free, up through grade twelve. And it's been operating quite successfully for many years already...

The only difference is that only those legal, identified, people will receive a diploma or official recognition. All others study purely for the sake of learning, still a valuable tool even without the paper.

Please promote education with everyone you know. It's easy, cheap, and available to anyone. And education does have value here... :D

Edited by Ajarn
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If she were to take the H/S exam and pass, then the next step you may want to consider is on line studies. I am not sure about cost issues in regards to this.

But I can tell you that in America, on line degrees from accredited Universities, are becomming very common. My wife (thai) got a BS in Eng. from Thailand, came to the US to go to school for her MS.

We met, blah blah blah, got married, she moved out to where I was located away from her college campus. She signed up with Univ. of Tex. a fairly well known school here in the US and got her degree on line.... Her degree does not even state she got it on line...

As for me, I just finished my doctorate degree from an accredited univ on line.

I had an MS through traditional means of campus attendance... Started working and decided to go on for the Doctorate..... Took me 2 years, but it is now done... On line allowed me to work while in school.

Look into it, and she will love you all the more.

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Apologies Drummer, I trust you can understand why we all jumped to conclusions. Good luck with your gfs education. Hmm.....is this thread in the teachers forum? If not it may be worth posting it there. IJWT and Kenkannif are experts on the Thai education system.

I think the main reason everyone thought she recently dropped out of high school was his wording, "She has dropped out of high school". That sounds like it was very recent.

I think it is very commendable that she wishes to finish high school. Does Thailand have anything similar to the GED they have in the States? This is a high school equivalency certificate meant for adults who dropped out of high school. There are fewer class hours and generally the classes are held at night so adults can attend the classes after work.

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I think your gf can go to evening class at one of the local high schools. I think it 's worth finding out if they run an evening class for adults. My brother finished his high school education this way because he ran away from home so didn't have a chance to finish his education the normal way. He only went there a few hours in the evening after work. I am not sure where you live but we were living in BKK at the time. Anyway, after your gf finishs her high school she can carry on with the open university like Ramkamhaeng Uni. She can choose to go there and study or she can study from home if she wishes. But she still has to turn up for the exam.I got my degree by study at home from Ram, too lazy to be bother to go there :o.

This is Ram Uni's website www.ru.ac.th

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I think it is very commendable that she wishes to finish high school. Does Thailand have anything similar to the GED they have in the States? This is a high school equivalency certificate meant for adults who dropped out of high school. There are fewer class hours and generally the classes are held at night so adults can attend the classes after work.

Answered already, above. Please pay attention in class! :o

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Hmmm............I note that you have talked about helping her with the little tyke....paying for her education and etc....but no mention of marriage. :o

drummer, this is TH and if she is not "married" she would be........considered a.. and the kid would be considered a ................I think you know what I mean :D

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Hmmm............I note that you have talked about helping her with the little tyke....paying for her education and etc....but no mention of marriage. :o

drummer, this is TH and if she is not "married" she would be........considered a.. and the kid would be considered a ................I think you know what I mean :D

Absolute rubbish. Many many Thais don't register their marriages, like Chuan LeekPai for example, for many reasons, including tax issues. And the father is listed on birth certificates, whether married or not. There is no 'bad' implication, except in your own mind, it seems :D

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If she hasn't finished M6, then she needs to get that out of the way. But, she's not going to be able to do that part from home, I believe.

In Thailand, after age 16, anyone can take a High School Equivalency test to get a HS diploma...

In every large city, and most other areas are (government) 'Gaw Saw Baw' schools which specialize in offering evening and weekend classes to help study for the test for each grade level. Contact any local school and they are sure to know where the closest is to you. Figure two school terms to pass 3 levels, on average.

By the way, anyone can go study in these schools. You don't need to be a Thai citizen, either. The Thai government, in a moment of Wisdom, decreed that education be available to anyone, free, up through grade twelve. And it's been operating quite successfully for many years already...

The only difference is that only those legal, identified, people will receive a diploma or official recognition. All others study purely for the sake of learning, still a valuable tool even without the paper.

Please promote education with everyone you know. It's easy, cheap, and available to anyone. And education does have value here... :o

She has finished M3....

Where do I find out more about the GED equivilent? She is not so hot on the idea of actually going to classes while she's preggers, so maybe that is a better solution.

Also, any thoughts regarding whether to study English language books or Thai books? Her enlgish is pretty good, although not totally fluent. Studying Elgish books would help out her English skills, but will be more difficult to learn the material...

While we are on the subject of education, does anyone know how to go about getting a job teaching drum lessons at an international school? Thanks

Re: education - i wholeheartedly agree. That Thais provide it free is quite admirable - IMHO college should be, at least, quite cheap as well - the benefits to the standard of living would be huge. Not just the economy, but crime, health, etc.

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If she hasn't finished M6, then she needs to get that out of the way. But, she's not going to be able to do that part from home, I believe.

In Thailand, after age 16, anyone can take a High School Equivalency test to get a HS diploma...

In every large city, and most other areas are (government) 'Gaw Saw Baw' schools which specialize in offering evening and weekend classes to help study for the test for each grade level. Contact any local school and they are sure to know where the closest is to you. Figure two school terms to pass 3 levels, on average.

By the way, anyone can go study in these schools. You don't need to be a Thai citizen, either. The Thai government, in a moment of Wisdom, decreed that education be available to anyone, free, up through grade twelve. And it's been operating quite successfully for many years already...

The only difference is that only those legal, identified, people will receive a diploma or official recognition. All others study purely for the sake of learning, still a valuable tool even without the paper.

Please promote education with everyone you know. It's easy, cheap, and available to anyone. And education does have value here... :o

She has finished M3....

Where do I find out more about the GED equivilent? She is not so hot on the idea of actually going to classes while she's preggers, so maybe that is a better solution.

Also, any thoughts regarding whether to study English language books or Thai books? Her enlgish is pretty good, although not totally fluent. Studying Elgish books would help out her English skills, but will be more difficult to learn the material...

While we are on the subject of education, does anyone know how to go about getting a job teaching drum lessons at an international school? Thanks

Re: education - i wholeheartedly agree. That Thais provide it free is quite admirable - IMHO college should be, at least, quite cheap as well - the benefits to the standard of living would be huge. Not just the economy, but crime, health, etc.

Please excuse my straightforwardness, but experience tells me that If you're going to accept her refusal to go out, then I'd say stop wasting your time. She knows everything I've just told you, and pregnant women in public are a dime a dozen in Thailand. Sounds like she's telling you she doesn't want to go to school, or some other manipulative game going on, quite possibly.... Until you can get her to ######' lift one finger herself, back-off.... Don't drive yourself nuts trying to get around her self-created and unnecessary roadblocks.

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Please excuse my straightforwardness, but experience tells me that If you're going to accept her refusal to go out, then I'd say stop wasting your time. She knows everything I've just told you, and pregnant women in public are a dime a dozen in Thailand. Sounds like she's telling you she doesn't want to go to school, or some other manipulative game going on, quite possibly.... Until you can get her to ######' lift one finger herself, back-off.... Don't drive yourself nuts trying to get around her self-created and unnecessary roadblocks.

Actually, your straightforwardness is quite appreciated. And a fine point it is. I've actually mentioned this to her. One of my fav quotes is Henry Ford's "It doesn't matter if you think you will fail or you think you will succeed. You are right" I said that to her when she said that she couldn't go to class, even. But it is so hard to know when she actually understands something and when she is just nodding her head and smiling...

There are a couple things to consider here, though. First, she expressed desire to go back to school before pregnancy without me ever bringing it up. She was making plans to go back, actually. So I don't think that she doesn't want to be educated, I think she just doesn't want to go out. personally, i don't think its that big of a deal, but

The most important to me, though, is that I don't think I will be happy long term with someone who in uneducated. So there is a fire under my @ss with this one. I want the relationship to work - its got very many positive aspects wholly aside from the child.

Of course, it would be great to have her be able to get a better job, speak English better, etc etc. It would be very nice to have her support me in they style to which I would like to become accustomed... :D:o

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Please excuse my straightforwardness, but experience tells me that If you're going to accept her refusal to go out, then I'd say stop wasting your time. She knows everything I've just told you, and pregnant women in public are a dime a dozen in Thailand. Sounds like she's telling you she doesn't want to go to school, or some other manipulative game going on, quite possibly....  Until you can get her to ######' lift one finger herself, back-off.... Don't drive yourself nuts trying to get around her self-created and unnecessary roadblocks.

Actually, your straightforwardness is quite appreciated. And a fine point it is. I've actually mentioned this to her. One of my fav quotes is Henry Ford's "It doesn't matter if you think you will fail or you think you will succeed. You are right" I said that to her when she said that she couldn't go to class, even. But it is so hard to know when she actually understands something and when she is just nodding her head and smiling...

There are a couple things to consider here, though. First, she expressed desire to go back to school before pregnancy without me ever bringing it up. She was making plans to go back, actually. So I don't think that she doesn't want to be educated, I think she just doesn't want to go out. personally, i don't think its that big of a deal, but

The most important to me, though, is that I don't think I will be happy long term with someone who in uneducated. So there is a fire under my @ss with this one. I want the relationship to work - its got very many positive aspects wholly aside from the child.

Of course, it would be great to have her be able to get a better job, speak English better, etc etc. It would be very nice to have her support me in they style to which I would like to become accustomed... -_-:o

Sounds like you have the right idea, hopefully you can get your wife onboard, too. :D

As for 'planning to go school'....Congratulations! That's the one- millionth time I've heard that! :D

Seriopusly, in my experience here, people either go to school, or they forever plan to go school for their hs diploma. It is just too easy, cheap and convenient for the vast majority of people in your wife's position to actually do it. Everytime someone has that to me, I've asked, "What are you waiting for?" The usual response is "I need to save enough money for tuition first", or "I don't have enough time". Classes are scheduled to fit most anyone's work schedule (as are Rajabhat Universties, by the way, making them an excellent resourse for workers wanting to continue their education) and tuition and books aren't expensive at all. I've offered to pay in every such case, and the serious ones jump on the chance, the others, the vast majority, simply find another excuse... "I'm pregnant, and I'm embarrased to leave the house" comes to mind :D If you buy that, it wouldn't get better when the baby comes...

My suggestion is to act 'assumptive'. Talk/act like you know she's agreed to go to school, and now you are going to get everything set up for her... Take her by her hand, but you do the guiding. If she disagrees with your good sense that benefits her directly, just smile and say, "come on, lets go now :wub: ".... Don't bail unless she really refuses to go. If she does that, then you can point out her mixed messages...

drummer, if she's passed M3 allready, I'd estimate about six months- or less, to complete M6, get her diploma, get some accolades from you, get some more pride for herself, then kick back and count all the new paths open to someone who has High School Diploma...I think it's worthy enough that if it were me, I do everything in my power to make sure everything happened for her....

Good luck :D

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Ajarn......maybe where you are they do not care but the "good ones" do care. Moreover, it legally protects the mother and child. You MUST be a man so its not a big deal to you.....easier to be "divorced"..........Even if they dont want a legal marriage they can have one of those "ceremonies". Dont you know by now that "face" is very important to TH people??? :D

If drummer does not want to marry her, obv he is either already married (where he comes from) or he doesnt love her................ :o

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Ajarn.......what tax issues??? She is trying to finish her high school and is most probably not working...........and if she doesnt finish her education and has the tyke she would most probably never work , so no issues of tax is there???

As for the man, he most prob is likely to get a tax rebate for a non-working spouse and dependent.

There is no bad implication in your mind as it is very common in the western culture but in TH its all about "face" isnt it?? Most TH couples do not get registered as the wife will be liable for what the husband does, so it protects the wife. As for drummer's case, she has nothing and he "seems" to be a genuine bloke......so whats wrong with getting married???

Moreover, if they decide to move out of TH, it would be easier for her to follow.....

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Ajarn......maybe where you are they do not care but the "good ones" do care. Moreover, it legally protects the mother and child. You MUST be a man so its not a big deal to you.....easier to be "divorced"..........Even if they dont want a legal marriage they can have one of those "ceremonies".  Dont you know by now that "face" is very important to TH people??? :D

If drummer does not want to marry her, obv he is either already married (where he comes from) or he doesnt love her................ :o

Sure, there's a ceremony, but as I said, many many people don't register their marriage for various reasons- and not neccesarily the husband's idea....

Watch out for projecting your own values on people here. Life is different here in many ways. Maybe it's difficult for some to grasp that and come to grips with life here....

If drummer does not want to marry her, obv he is either already married (where he comes from) or he doesnt love her................

Though I do get annoyed with stupid comments like that. You have no idea what's going on in their relationship, and your nasty little gossipy speculations and judgements about people you don't know doesn't have any place here.

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Ajarn, I do live HERE as you put it and my Thai colleagues (professional educated woman) share this view with me.

It is about FACE in TH...eg. a couple who are separated will go to a family function just to "look good"........ another example, Thais will not ask a question if they think it makes them look stupid etc.....

True, I dont know the relationship between drummer and his lady friend but if he is willing to pay for her education and go through all the trouble to find out for her....the relationship must be good right??? And they are having a tyke together.....

She can obv find out about this herself since she is not working but since he is doing it for her........he must care and have a good relationship with her

As for my comments, I have seen you post "nasty gossipy things too" so dont "throw stones when you live in a glass house". This is a forum where people give the views........it doesnt have to be the SAME as everyone elses!!

I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

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Thanks for the plug, Jowels, but I think Ajarn has covered it quite well here- I've known people in those "equivalency" schools pluggin' away- (and he's much better versed on the system from the Thai point of view- my specialty is EP programs and public school farang, and Ken's the jobmaster plus a visa god!)


I will add that if she wants to continue her education beyond the high school level she could study at Ramkhamhaeng, where you can buy the texts and study at home most of the time- you just have to come in for the exams (though of course I imagine it's better if you actually do sit in on the lectures now and then).


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Ajarn, I do live HERE as you put it and my Thai colleagues (professional educated woman) share this view with me.

It is about FACE in TH...eg. a couple who are separated will go to a family function just to "look good"........ another example, Thais will not ask a question if they think it makes them look stupid etc.....

True, I dont know the relationship between drummer and his lady friend but if he is willing to pay for her education and go through all the trouble to find out for her....the relationship must be good right??? And they are having a tyke together.....

She can obv find out about this herself since she is not working but since he is doing it for her........he must care and have a good relationship with her

As for my comments, I have seen you post "nasty gossipy things too" so dont "throw stones when you live in a glass house". This is a forum where people give the views........it doesnt have to be the SAME as everyone elses!!

I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

I have seen you post "nasty gossipy things too" so dont "throw stones when you live in a glass house".
Please show me where I've done that. I think it's bullshit. Until then, I'll continue to cast those stones at you.

And, I think you have a lot to learn about real life in Thailand. :o

I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

Please stop this kind of whining. "But dad, he did it first!" :D

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Well, if you say so..........you seem to think you know EVERYTHING about TH and that everything/everyone that doesnt share your views are "bullshit". You never responded to why you never made a fuss about the others who were speculating, just mine...........I wonder why.......friends of yours? Hypocrisy?

hey, isnt that what you men say about women, that we only whinge??? Come on, you just cant accept the fact that you didnt give anyone else a hard time :D

Anyway, enough! This wont help drummer....so long as you are helping drummer, good for you! :o

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Well, if you say so..........you seem to think you know EVERYTHING about TH and that everything/everyone that doesnt share your views are "bullshit". You never responded to why you never made a fuss about the others who were speculating, just mine...........I wonder why.......friends of yours? Hypocrisy?

Anyway, enough! This wont help drummer....so long as you are helping drummer, good for you! :D


I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

Please stop this kind of whining. "But dad, he did it first!"

satisfied now? :o


No, I don't know everything about Thailand, and I've never suggested that, but it sure looks like I have a better clue about life here than you seem to have :D

Want some cheese with that whine? :D

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