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I'm about to embark on preparing a visit visa to the UK for my gf who I've known more than 1 year.

I will be writing a covering letter, and I understand about including mortage documents, proof of self-employment from my accountant etc etc

I will also address her reasons to return with translations of proof of land, references from former employer etc etc etc

Only hiccup I can see, is due to numerous trips to LOS I'm often overdrawn. When including my bank statements shall I include a note explaining why? Trips to LOS, support of said gf.?

Obviously, added up over a period this would far outweigh the minimum required to support her in the UK (£50 odd quid a week)

Many thanks :o




In general terms, an O/D is no handicap for sponsorship, you just need to show on the balance of probabilities you can support the pair of you during the visit, without the redress of Public Funds.

There is no set amount, as everybody's situation is different, but if you can supply evidence of a weekly disposable income greater that what is supplied by the Gov't through Dole, Income Support or Pension, this should be sufficient, because this is what they say people can survive on.

I would put a brief explanation in your covering letter.

Good Luck



Cheers Mossfin.

I'm been researching for the last couple of months...now I've got to pull my finger out and start getting an evidence folder together. Plan on submitting it in July for an August visit.

If (heaven-forbid) she get's refused, is 3 months a long enough wait to address the refusal issues and re-submit?




to answer your last sentence question , it depends on exactly why she was refused. In theory there is no minimum time you have to wait (nor should there be if you think about it) to re-apply , but you must have addressed all the reasons for refusal when you do.

So the answer is ... it depends on the reason (s) for refusal.


I would include reference to your overdraft in your covering letter. Explain to the visa officer that although you are overdrawn it is within agreed boundaries and you are paying it off.



The OP says he is often overdrawn due to his frequent trips to Thailand and support of his gf. Would he be required to provide any evidence/proof of these trips and support? I assume he has all the evidence of a long term relationship but what of his financial stability in the UK? Okay he has a well paying job but does he need to prove that his financial blips are due to support for his gf and not some other reason?

Just playing devil's advocate.

The OP says he is often overdrawn due to his frequent trips to Thailand and support of his gf. Would he be required to provide any evidence/proof of these trips and support? I assume he has all the evidence of a long term relationship but what of his financial stability in the UK? Okay he has a well paying job but does he need to prove that his financial blips are due to support for his gf and not some other reason?

Just playing devil's advocate.

You have to show "proof" of contact in the Visit Visa. This will include flights (boarding cards, passport stamps etc) and receipts from (quite expensive! :o ) hotels :D

To be honest all that I've read indicates that as long as you can show £50 odd quid a week available (same as income support) I hope it's not a problem.



When I applied for a visa for my Thai partner I had to supply six months of original bank statements plus letter from employer to prove I could support them I also had to indicate who would take care fo them in the event I was taken ill/had an accident. In addition I was questioned on our relationship, how we met how we kept in touch and how often. After an interview they were given a six month visa, on arrival at Manchester Airport immigration held them for two hours, no explanation given neither did they call for me although I was waiting at the airport to pick them up.

To be honest all that I've read indicates that as long as you can show £50 odd quid a week available (same as income support) I hope it's not a problem.

Be careful to what you apply the Income Support test.

Yes, there is a Tribunal determination which finds that adequacy of maintenance is an objective measure, that being the Income Support mark, but this is specifically in relation to settlement applications and does not automatically extend to visit visas.

That said, I don't think your having an overdraft is necessarily that big an issue, but you are going to have to address its existence. If you don't, the visa officer might just conclude that you're overdrawn and can't afford your girlfriend's trip.


That said, I don't think your having an overdraft is necessarily that big an issue, but you are going to have to address its existence. If you don't, the visa officer might just conclude that you're overdrawn and can't afford your girlfriend's trip.


Thanks...I can't be letting ECO's think for themselves...It could be costly :D:o


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