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Swiss Franc Vs. Thai Baht

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I have been delaying buying Thai Baht because the rate of exchange has been so bad. I noticed today that the rate of exchange of the CHF to the THB has been improving considerably over the last three weeks: http://www.ratesfx.com/cgi-bin/dataview.pl...p;t=26&l=en

Any Swiss TV members (or members that hold Swiss Francs) have any insight or thoughts as to the short-term trend? Will the CHF continue to gain against the Baht? Or maybe the Baht is weakening against the Franc? I'm not sure of which.


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CHF improving strongly vs US$. Baht is not weakening vs CHF.

Many thanks bobbin. So would you recommend waiting another two weeks or so before transferring CHF to my Thai bank account? Do you think that the CHF will continue its upward momentum?

Thanks again.

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CHF improving strongly vs US$. Baht is not weakening vs CHF.

Many thanks bobbin. So would you recommend waiting another two weeks or so before transferring CHF to my Thai bank account? Do you think that the CHF will continue its upward momentum?

Thanks again.

I've got CHF and I remeber when it was at around 1.20 to the USD I was thinking that it would go to 1.00 or more, so I got out of USD and put the cash into CHF.  I think that the CHF and USD will stay around 1:1 for a while, so the CHFwill move accoding to the USD vs THB.  All of this my very amateur opinion and someone who has been bearish on the USD.

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  • 1 year later...

It's that time again when I need to purchase some THB. I've been watching to see where the trend is regarding the CHF vs. the THB but I can't really see a pattern developing. The rate of exchange has been fluctuating a little but basically is hovering around 30-31 Thai Baht to the Swiss Franc.

The baby is coming soon and I need to buy a car so every extra Baht will help!!

Any Swiss members or holders of the CHF have any insight as to what the short-term trend may be? Is this week as good a time as any to buy some THB or do you see the Franc gaining strength or the Baht weakening over the next 2-4 weeks?

Thanks for your insight.


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:D:D:):D better than the dollar now.

Yes but it has fluctuated between .98 and 1.02 for the last week or so, but nice to see that the CHF is also much stronger vs. the baht now vs in the past as per the chart.

what Swiss Franc are you talking about, pray tell? :D


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:D:D:):D better than the dollar now.

Yes but it has fluctuated between .98 and 1.02 for the last week or so, but nice to see that the CHF is also much stronger vs. the baht now vs in the past as per the chart.

what Swiss Franc are you talking about, pray tell? :D

Why last year of course when the post was made.  USD to CHF was in that area when the USD tanked against everything.

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:D:D:D:D better than the dollar now.

Yes but it has fluctuated between .98 and 1.02 for the last week or so, but nice to see that the CHF is also much stronger vs. the baht now vs in the past as per the chart.

what Swiss Franc are you talking about, pray tell? :D

Why last year of course when the post was made. USD to CHF was in that area when the USD tanked against everything.

AAARRRGHHH... i fell for it again :)

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Don't you just hate when old threads get revived :D ? I've seen some from 2005 come back from the dead. Most forums, and their software, puts a cap on how old a thread can be before it is archived and set as read only.

Well I'm the original poster and now I need to purchase more THB, so it seemed fitting to revive this thread. :)

But seriously now, as of today Kasikorn Bank is paying 31.075 per 1 CHF which seems to be the best rate in about 30 days.

Is today the day to buy? Is there an upward trend developing and should I wait? What do you guys think?


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