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I assume I have recently been the victim of a scam. I wonder if you agree and if other members have experienced a similar occurance. Recently walking through the kareoke alley between Soi 11 and Soi7 I spotted a nice looking girl eating with two friends. Assuming that any girl hanging out around this area may be open to approach I gave a general greeting and asked a fiend's girlfriend (Thai) if the girl I fancied would like to accompanying us. She agreed she could go to to eat/disco or cinema.. but her sister said she was not available for sex. OK we went to eat, later the cinema and then met up with the friends again. I asked my girl if she was willing to stay with me (sleep with me) .. she told me to ask her sister. her sister agreed but again.. sleep but no sex.We bought some beer and all retired to my place to party a bit. when everyone went home the girl stayed and sex occured. Next morning the sister arrived at my hotel .. saying Id taken her sister's virginity and should pay or they would call police.. said girl was 17. From 70k a sum of 5000 was finally agreed .
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Maybe the girl was the victim here.

Surely you must have known if this girl was a virgin, sex is a LITTLE bit different with a girl for the first time and there are some certainly tell tales signs!

So you are very naive or you were lucky to get away with 5000 baht.



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up2 us,

Definitely, this is a scam, but the victim is not you but the 17 years old girl.

You fancied the girl promising her 'no sex' and bought her back to your hotel and had sex with her.

She should have called the police, if you are horned for a f...

go to Patpong or nearby Soi Cowboy and a transaction could be made between both parties.

I think you are looking for cheap, free thrill.... :o

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As I said her sister said she was a virgin. She definitely was not in fact. But the experience has confirmed to me the dangers in picking up free-lancers. Never again.

Still would be interested if anyone else has met this trio .

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As I said her sister said she was a virgin. She definitely was not in fact. But the experience has confirmed to me the dangers in picking up free-lancers. Never again.

Still would be interested if anyone else has met this trio .

Not really a scam. I think I know this girl as I had a similar experience in the same neighboorhood.

The sister told me no sex as her young sister was too young or broken heart (was not sure really). Only go for party. I didn't go along as I had other things to do so I declined very politely. The younger sister was very pretty so I can understand a farang going for it for a large sum.

I met them again the next day and start joking with them a little bit as I showed I was not interested in the sex. I asked her what she was doing with her sister ? basically she was trying to sell her young pretty sister to the highest bidder which I can understand. She did not want to have her younger sister "spoiled" by cheap farang, and I think there is nothing wrong with that. The young sister was no virgin but had really little experience, maybe one or two man before.

What was her name if I may ask ?

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As I said her sister said she was a virgin. She definitely was not in fact. But the experience has confirmed to me the dangers in picking up free-lancers. Never again.

Still would be interested if anyone else has met this trio .

yeah, I did I think. What was her name (younger sister) ?

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I may get some disagreements here, but in my years of experience there is no way that a non-bar girl who is not trying to pull some scam would even agree to be alone with a farang she had just met, in his room at night. In my mind I am almost certain that this girl had laid out a plan with her sister from the beginning. has anyone else met a 'normal' thai girl who will go up to a farang's room at night (a farang she had just met) alone??!!!! That girl is not a victim. You are a victim. But just pay the 5,000 and live and learn.
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Yes, you have been taken for a ride. You were lucky to have escaped by paying 5000. Let me tell you a frightening experience ( which was reported in the Malaysian press.) This guy was in Hatyai (Thailand's third city) on a holiday. He wanted a girl, but he did it in a wrong way. The proper channel is to contact the bell boy, taxi drivers, or better still, go direct to the " hanky-panky " houses. The taxi drivers will always take you there..... he takes a cut. But, however, this guy did somthing silly. While he was in the hotel room, there was a knock on the door...... wow, a young and pretty Thai girl, gave him a good smile and said, " Do you want me for a night ? " Later, when both of them were with their pants off, there was a " prearranged " knock  on the door. The girl quickly opened the door, and two " Al Capone " guys went in, and one showed him his ' smith & wesson ' and said, " What are you doing with my wife here? . Subsequently, he paid 20,000 baht, and lucky for him he had a visa card. There were many other scams, but with a different technique and with a different scenario. My advice is be wise and take care.

All the best.




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Of course you are ripped off. This was a 1-class scam.

You are very lucky, you got away with 5000B

The Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act B.E. 2539 (1996 A.D.)

aims at preventing and solving the problem of child prostitution.

Therefore, the act provides penalties for those who are the

contributing factors which force children into prostitution as

follows :

Penalty for the Offender

for the customer who buys sexual service from a child prostitute in a

prostitution premises:

if the child's age is between 15-18 years old, the penalty is 1-3

years imprisonment and a fine of 20,000-60,000 baht,

if the child's age is not over 15 years old, the penalty is 2-6 years

imprisonment and a fine of 40,000-120,000 baht.

So always check the girl's ID card: the year 2003=2546

This scam is already warned for in:


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sex occured. Next morning the sister arrived at my hotel .. saying Id taken her sister's virginity and should pay or they would call police.. said girl was 17. From 70k a sum of 5000 was finally agreed .

Sex ''occurred''. Did you have any say in it? Oh, I forget - you're the victim!

Scam or not, you got off lightly. They could have gone to the police.

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of course you were the victim. Anyone who says otherwise is assuming that a regular thai girl agreed to go up to a farang's room, a farang whom she has never met before. She agreed to stay with him at night and alone. And she was a virgin. Now this virgin has sex with the farang-whether she enjoyed it or not-I don't know. It now takes her sister to come and inform you that you have stolen her little sister's virginity and you must pay. Come on people. Wake up.

The regular thai girl will never do this. If somehow this was just a very naive girl who had no idea what was going on, do you really think she would bargain with the farang-from 70,000 to 5,000 baht rather than running out of the hotel room straight to the police station. WAKE UP!

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Anyone who says otherwise is assuming that a regular thai girl agreed to go up to a farang's room, a farang whom she has never met

I agree, it sounds unlikely, but then he did pick up the girl casually, on the street. It's possible the girls thought up the scam as the night went on. But then isn't this kind of behaviour inviting trouble?

Asking whether you've been scammed is like asking whether you're at fault or are simply a hapless victim. I think a bit of both.

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Hi Mai Chai,

I refer to your Question: Is taking someones virginity a crime?

I have no knowledge of Thai laws. However, under English law, the answer is " yes " and " no " , depending on circumstances. If she consents, the answer is no. But if she doesn't consent, the answer is yes. If she consents, and later changes her mind and report that the consent was given under duress, then the accused can be charged in court..... and the onus is on the accused to prove otherwise.

Finally, " consent " is no consent if she is below sixteen. What about Thai laws? Is it the same or otherwise.


charlie :o

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Ok guys let's re-cap the situation.

A regular kind of guy goes and has a few certain things on his mind, meets a sweet cute young looking girl chaperoned by her "sister" (anyone heard that one before).  Promise's not to have sex with this sweet innocent girl but deceides too anyway.

In the morning all threat's and allegations arise and he hands over 5000 baht.

Conclusion:   He has a nite of passion with what he think's is an inexperienced virgin, and sister claim's 4500 baht out of the 5000 baht.

Yes again THE GIRL IS THE VICTIM and the other two parties involved are just selfish.

Awake and in the real world



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I thought the legal age for having sex was 15 (not that I am an expert). So why would she take you to the police? Is taking someones virginity a crime?

I am not an expert either but I understand that you can have sex with a 15-17 year old but only with the parents consent.

After 18 she can screw where she likes.

Can anyone confirm this ?

Virginity is very serious subject up in the north.

To loose it is the same as disgracing your parents.

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meets a sweet cute young looking girl chaperoned by her "sister" (anyone heard that one before
So why would she take you to the police? Is taking someones virginity a crime?

She could have made anything up...lied about her age and said she'd lost her ID card, complained the sex was not voluntary, and so on.

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To almost quote Bugs Bunny, 'What a maroon!' Always wondered how he spelled that.

Anyway, you deserve whatever crap you get when you go into situations like that. And as others may have said, 'Pity the girl.'

Nobody here is perfect, but open your eyes, buy a vowel, a clue or something. Randomly walking up to girls because they might be close to a place you choose for 'shopping.' What's next, waiting at the Nana BTS and checking with every chick that gets off there? You might get 'lucky' or you might get 'corrected.'  

You throws the dice and you takes your chances. Reading here I am getting constantly reminded why we 'farang' have the image we do, thanks to you. ???

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What's next, waiting at the Nana BTS and checking with every chick that gets off there? You might get 'lucky' or you might get 'corrected.'  
You throws the dice and you takes your chances. Reading here I am getting constantly reminded why we 'farang' have the image we do, thanks to you.

Right again!

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In may i was watching a friend talk to this beautiful girl. Said she worked in a salon, on soi 3 i think. Anyway as the night went on he asked her if she wanted to spend the night with him. She said she would love to but he would have to take her roomate too, and it would cost him 2000 bht. To make a long story shor he passed. Who knows what would have happened.
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This is something maybe not so relevant to the issue but I just want to say that when many of the Thais say 'sister', they sometimes refer to "a close friend" of theirs, not necessarily their 'real' sister. This is true for both English and Thai use of the word 'sister'.



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I actually know people who do this.

Do they have any luck? What happens to them?

You bet they do but I find this extremly offensive.

Why not wait at the hotel where the girl is having her first short time ? oh wait,  I actually know people who also do this !!!!  :o

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