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Another Swedish Tourist Attack


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I wasn't really claiming that Singapore is perfect. I was just responding to stevenl who was saying that crime and police indiference are the same in all contries. Well no they are not. There are many examples of countries with low crime and competent police forces: Monaco, Switzerland, Japan, etc.

Point taken. There's a happy medium and Phuket and Singapore seem to be polar opposites in most areas - except for an abundance of ladies of the night I suppose :o

A quick search of documents shows an opinion otherwise. Monaco is recognized as a bastion of white collar criminals and has the disdain of EU law enforcement. Switzerland needs no introduction as a haven for some of the worlds' most evil and cruel despots, from the nazis to Marcos to various drug dealing kingpins to the looting genocidal maniacs of Africa, and Japan is completely ineffective when it comes to addressing government corruption or organized crime. The point being that crimes come in different varieties and unless one is prepared to give up civil liberties and live in a police state like Singapore or Vietnam, crime is going to happen. Report a property crime like a car breakin or home burglary in most big western cities and the cops do not investigate,

Yes indeed. I had a feeling someone was going to point out the floor in my argument. Monaco, Switzerland and the like are no strangers to money laundering, tax evasion, etc. But I think here we are talking about feeling safe walking the streets. I have spent time in all the countries I have mentioned and felt very safe walking the streets. Also if you look at the stats on violent crime or crime against the person you will see they are much lower in these countries.

The point I am making is that we shouldn't just say that muggings, rape and murder are a fact of life and that there is nothing that can be done. The murder rate in Thailand is 18 times higher than it is in Monaco, Singapore or Japan. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homicide_rate)

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But I think here we are talking about feeling safe walking the streets. I have spent time in all the countries I have mentioned and felt very safe walking the streets. Also if you look at the stats on violent crime or crime against the person you will see they are much lower in these countries.

The point I am making is that we shouldn't just say that muggings, rape and murder are a fact of life and that there is nothing that can be done. The murder rate in Thailand is 18 times higher than it is in Monaco, Singapore or Japan. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homicide_rate)

You make good points and well worth an in-depth discussion.

My litmus taste of dangerous or not - being able to walk the streets at night - is the same as yours.

I don't think you'll ever get a crime report breakdown in Thailand, but I am sure that "gratuitous violence" is the term we should be going for. In San Francisco, Detroit, New York, Philly, DC, etc. my chances are much higher of being a victim of gratuitous violence than any place in Thailand, including Kota Bahru or Klong Toey. I agree totally that the level of GV has risen in Phuket the last couple of years, but is no where near what I have experienced.

If you keep a bit of a level head, you'll be fine in my opinion, whatever it's worth.

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Ade100, you are right, I know. My view was that crimes have different characteristics depending where one is. I still believe there is a taboo about attacking farang women, albeit it seems to be eroding and fast. I remember 10 years ago, when I visited a prof in some seedy Bangers neighbourhood, where she was jabbing people with needles & stuff. I arrived terrified, convinced I would be mugged, sliced and diced. She laughed it off, calling me an old woman and that despite her 5 years of working there, never had a problem. Fast forward the decade and she left long ago because of concerns for personal safety. I'm not married (or otherwise attached ), so that may explain the insensitivity I reckon.

Times are changing and I suppose I need to get a better grip on reality and not cling to my past memories. Although, after walking around Patong last night, it was a lot tamer then when I first visited 10 or so years ago.

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