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Living On Us$1000 Per Month


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You could live almost anywhere on a $1000 a Month. Even here in the UK if you put a caravan in your Mothers back garden.

I need to ask myself WHY anybody would want to live a 'cheap' lifestyle in a developing Country that really isn't that cheap.

You could probably rent somewhere for 5000-10,000 baht a Month. Then you have electric and water. This can be expensive if like me you need air conditioners turned on to sleep in a cool room.

Add another 2000 baht for that.

If you can eat like a Thai you could live on say 200 baht a day for Thai food. But this gets really boring after a while. Foreign imported groceries are expensive, they are taxed to the hilt.

You need a mobile phone that requires topping up all the time. You might want Internet and a cable company. That's another 2000 baht.

And are you REALLY going to live a celibate life, watching all the old pensioners walking around with their little honeys young enough to be their Daughters. Grand daughters even!

As soon as the female factor comes into your life your costs spiral out of control. Or the male factor depending on your sexual preference. It's not for free, they don't really love you.

Yes it can be done but what a boring existence. Sitting in the house all day waiting for what?

Better to be Home in your own Country where you have access to free medical help and care.

As a friend of mine says...if you can't afford to play you can't afford to stay. Simple as.

$1000 or a measly £500 is only 1000 baht a day. Forget it.

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Yes it can be done but what a boring existence. Sitting in the house all day waiting for what?

Better to be Home in your own Country where you have access to free medical help and care....

and waiting all day for what? :o

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Discussions on the "how much does it cost to live in Thailand" crop up with regularity on these forums, and the question of "is it enough" often develops into the pantomime "oh yes it is", "oh no it isn't". At the end of the day it will always boil down to different life-styles costing differing amounts.

Along with "oh no it isn't" we don't often see breakdowns of where the costs are being spent. I for one would be very interested to see into which areas the $4,000 pm spenders are sinking their costs. Having siad that I would certainly agree that costs for a comfortable lifestyle are certainly closer to the $4,000 pm than the $1,000.

To back this up, and in preparation for my own planned retirement to Thailand later this year, I have been keeping track of expenses the last couple of years to give a good estimation of the required income required to live how I would like in Thailand. Having now quite detailed cost estimates it's clear that the major items (for me) are liklely to be insurances (medical, travel), car ownership (insurance, fuel, maintenance, depreciation), and housing rental (assuming a house, not a bed-sit). I'm assuming here a new vehicle as I plan to travel extensively around the country. I estimate the above to form a cost of around $2,000 pm. On top of that will be the usual utilities, food and entertainment, which of course can be tuned to own requirements.

Eat cheaply, live in a small place and don't own a vehicle and I can see that it would easilly be possible to live on $1,000 pm, but to live confortably and afford to travel I'd much rather be near the $4,000 pm.

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Discussions on the "how much does it cost to live in Thailand" crop up with regularity on these forums, and the question of "is it enough" often develops into the pantomime "oh yes it is", "oh no it isn't". At the end of the day it will always boil down to different life-styles costing differing amounts.

Along with "oh no it isn't" we don't often see breakdowns of where the costs are being spent. I for one would be very interested to see into which areas the $4,000 pm spenders are sinking their costs. Having siad that I would certainly agree that costs for a comfortable lifestyle are certainly closer to the $4,000 pm than the $1,000.

opinions vary. the problem is the definition of "comfortable lifestyle". three decades ago (a year or two after university) my present lifestyle was nothing but a wet dream of a luxurious life. today i take whatever life i (we) live more or less for granted and not at all unusual.

give a villager who works in the rice fields seven days a week for a few thousand Baht a monthly income of 1,000 dollars and he will enjoy (from his point of view) a very comfortable life. but that does not necessarily apply to a farang in Thailand. having said so, i strongly believe that even a farang can live a content (perhaps even a happy) life in Thailand based on an income of only one thousand dollars a month.

take the latter from somebody who's total expenses are in the $ 150k range per annum (unforeseen expenditure not included) and who thinks he is leading a comfortable but nevertheless a rather "frugal" life when compared to his financial means :o

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US$1,000/month - Poor lifestyle

US$2,000/month - Basic lifestyle

US$3,000/month - Reasonable lifestyle

US$4,000/month - Comfortable lifestyle

This is based on my opinion and the lifestyle that I prefer to live. I do not go cheap.


Do you know that in Europe most singles live with the equivalent of about US$ 2000 - 2500 max ?!

And they have a "Reasonable lifestyle", in Europe, not in a third-world country !

I do not see how I could spend here US $3000 a month, every month :o

I am living in Pattaya and spend less than US$ 2000 in average.

I do rent a nice condo, and Pattaya is NOT cheap...

PS: In Pattaya, rent a house is cheaper than a condo.

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You could live almost anywhere on a $1000 a Month. Even here in the UK if you put a caravan in your Mothers back garden.

I need to ask myself WHY anybody would want to live a 'cheap' lifestyle in a developing Country that really isn't that cheap.

You could probably rent somewhere for 5000-10,000 baht a Month. Then you have electric and water. This can be expensive if like me you need air conditioners turned on to sleep in a cool room.

Add another 2000 baht for that.

If you can eat like a Thai you could live on say 200 baht a day for Thai food. But this gets really boring after a while. Foreign imported groceries are expensive, they are taxed to the hilt.

You need a mobile phone that requires topping up all the time. You might want Internet and a cable company. That's another 2000 baht.

And are you REALLY going to live a celibate life, watching all the old pensioners walking around with their little honeys young enough to be their Daughters. Grand daughters even!

As soon as the female factor comes into your life your costs spiral out of control. Or the male factor depending on your sexual preference. It's not for free, they don't really love you.

Yes it can be done but what a boring existence. Sitting in the house all day waiting for what?

Better to be Home in your own Country where you have access to free medical help and care.

As a friend of mine says...if you can't afford to play you can't afford to stay. Simple as.

$1000 or a measly £500 is only 1000 baht a day. Forget it.

Didn't you run away from Thailand because you couldn't hack it here no matter what your budget was?

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Why is it my one large wrist is always mentioned when my half German ancestry comes up? Off topic? I don't think so...has something to do with not having a large enough budget

In my experience lack of budget for horizontal action is directly propoportional to wrist size :o

On $1000 per month you would have a very big wrist, and miss out on all those cultural Thai experiences like acquiring new, gold jewelry, mobile phones, motobikes, etc etc, not to mention the priviledge of paying again and again to get them out of the "Jam man" and Grandmother out of the hospital.......... and thats before we even get on to the buffalo :D

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US$1,000/month - Poor lifestyle

US$2,000/month - Basic lifestyle

US$3,000/month - Reasonable lifestyle

US$4,000/month - Comfortable lifestyle

This is based on my opinion and the lifestyle that I prefer to live. I do not go cheap.


Do you know that in Europe most singles live with the equivalent of about US$ 2000 - 2500 max ?!

And they have a "Reasonable lifestyle", in Europe, not in a third-world country !

I do not see how I could spend here US $3000 a month, every month :o

I am living in Pattaya and spend less than US$ 2000 in average.

I do rent a nice condo, and Pattaya is NOT cheap...

PS: In Pattaya, rent a house is cheaper than a condo.

The secret (well not really) if you want to live cheaply is first of all, buy a Condo. A condo with a bit of space and furnish it nicely.

This takes away the rental costs. All you have is water, electric and maintenance. If you get the right unit you could live inside with a fan, rather than aircon.

If you shop at the local markets and buy your meat and veg it doesn't cost so much as a supermarket. But...wash it very well.

Get yourself a bycicle. Cycling is great exercise and it doesn't cost anything to insure or run.

If you have to go out and drink, do it outside a 7/11 or Familymart store. You pay their prices.

To work out how much you will need to live do a checklist.

When I lived in Jomtein this was my budget and how I spent it.

Rent 15,000

Elec Water 2000

Food 20,000

Mobile phones 4000

House phone 500

Broadband 1000

Cable 1000

Gym fees 1500

Clothes 4000

Motorbike 600

Health ins 2000

Nights out 40,000

Visa run 2400


Approx 92,000 per Month I used to spend but in reality it was more like 120,000+

And it was 70+ baht to the £1. Only 62 baht now.

I couldn't be stuck up Country living with the locals. I couldn't think of a worse existance for anybody.

To live really well would take twice the above budget.

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Didn't you run away from Thailand because you couldn't hack it here no matter what your budget was?

I 'ran away' as you call it for the sake of my Family to give them a decent life, education and chances for their future.

If I was alone I would be living there, preferably near some beer bar complex! :o:D

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assuming a house, not a bed-sit...

that's where the problem of definition surfaces first Artamus. please define "house". the same goes for "car" as well as for "travel".

From my perspective a vehicle will be a 4x4 such as a Isuzu Mu or Toyota Fortuner (let's say 1.3 M Baht depretiated over 7-10 years). House would be two-three bedroom place (need to plan for guests) at a guess around 10,000-12,000 B/m rental. Travel within Thailand, going away a few days at a time exploring various rural corners, parks and the like - not staying in fancy hotels on the beach.

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You should have a good life in the land of smiles, although $1000 is not that much, it goes a long way over here, especially if you don't have a thai wife!!

Thai wives can spend that amount in 30 seconds!! :o

If you get yourself a thai girlfriend keep her away from handbag and shoes shops.

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When I was a pennyless teacher, I found that one could get some amazingly cheap deals on horizontal enjoyment if one was very polite and convincingly poor. :o

My first year in CM I averaged 12K THB per month. I lived on Thai food but still managed 2 or 3 great nights per week. My greatest memories are from this period. I didn't need a 350 baht steak. 20 baht curry on rice is delicious.

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House would be two-three bedroom place (need to plan for guests) at a guess around 10,000-12,000 B/m rental. Travel within Thailand, going away a few days at a time exploring various rural corners, parks and the like - not staying in fancy hotels on the beach.

As you will see from the looking for accomadation in Chiang Mai threads, 2-3 bedrooms does not describe the properties here. What size in sq metres? Thai or Western style kitchen? etc.

10 to 12k will get you a basic Thai standard property. You need to budget for around 20 to 25k per month for a good Western standard house, and of course more for a larger condo.

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As has been said before, it all depends on your perception of a "comfortable lifestyle" as to how much you need each month. The OP (remember him?) stated that he was happy living a simple lifestyle, which doesn't automatically translate into "cheap charlie". I doubt very much whether his simple lifestyle encompasses a 1.3M baht 4X4 or a swanky gaff.

I have a house (paid for), a reasonably new 2X4 truck, 2 scoots and a large motorbike which have all been aquired out of capital reserves as one off payments. Day to day, the wife cooks fresh grub from the market, I have a pizza or other such farang food a couple of times a week, we eat out at modest restaurants a couple of times a week and I get "it" for free :o (ok, ok, it's not free really, I "pay" for it one way or another). This setup runs to about 30K/month but excludes the original cost of getting oneself setup in the first place.

Now, if I was to go on roadtrips on my big bike or in the truck once a month, splash out on cheese and wine at Rimping, be single and partake copiously of the available nightlife, I can easily see how that figure can double, triple or quadruple. Horses for courses innit?



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There is sooooooo much conflicting advice in this thread so have the courage of your convictions, bite the bullet and just try it. It may work or it may not depending upon luck, lifestyle and, apparently, wrist dimensions :o

Ignore the doom sayers and dooooo iiiiiiiit. Good luck what ever you choose :D

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I think Thaivisa.com should organise a competioion to deign a new "cheap charlie" emoticon. Would be used reguarly on this forum and become the most popular after :D and :D

What about......... :D ?

Only applicable for XXXL wrists or massage parlors :D


Edit : off topic added :D

Edited by SamSipEt
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As has been said before, it all depends on your perception of a "comfortable lifestyle" as to how much you need each month. The OP (remember him?) stated that he was happy living a simple lifestyle, which doesn't automatically translate into "cheap charlie". I doubt very much whether his simple lifestyle encompasses a 1.3M baht 4X4 or a swanky gaff.

I have a house (paid for), a reasonably new 2X4 truck, 2 scoots and a large motorbike which have all been aquired out of capital reserves as one off payments. Day to day, the wife cooks fresh grub from the market, I have a pizza or other such farang food a couple of times a week, we eat out at modest restaurants a couple of times a week and I get "it" for free :o (ok, ok, it's not free really, I "pay" for it one way or another). This setup runs to about 30K/month but excludes the original cost of getting oneself setup in the first place.

Now, if I was to go on roadtrips on my big bike or in the truck once a month, splash out on cheese and wine at Rimping, be single and partake copiously of the available nightlife, I can easily see how that figure can double, triple or quadruple. Horses for courses innit?



Hi Pie Kee,

Getting "it" for free means? House, car, gold, etc., etc., etc.?

I've had "it" for free with numerous wives and that has cost me 10's of millions of baht.


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Approx 92,000 per Month I used to spend but in reality it was more like 120,000+

And it was 70+ baht to the £1. Only 62 baht now.

I couldn't be stuck up Country living with the locals. I couldn't think of a worse existance for anybody.

To live really well would take twice the above budget.

Completely fanciful budget, 120,000+ is what a family of 4 live on in Switzerland with a car, a rented appartment, insurances and holidays etc. You could as well live and party in Ibiza.

You're living a sexpat life on a sexpat budget, nothing else.

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I still agree with Blinky Bill's levels of comfort, and I never heard either of us use the term "Cheap Charlie." The OP could live on US$1,000 per month, but most who do so (including a moderator I can think of) find it quite difficult.

But if the simple life includes living alone, eating only local food, not having his own transport, renting a small room with fan, almost no booze, not spending more than 500 baht for health problems, etc., he could do it.

I can easily afford well over $2000 USD/month in CM, if I chose to spend it. I fit into the above description of "simple life alone". I also do an annual physical checkup and go to the dentist upto 3 times a year which certainly cost more than 6000 baht. I just returned from Cambodia and Vietnam spending for 40 days traveling. Since December, my living expenses in CM has averaged well under $500 USD/month so OP, $1000 for a single person has got to be a breeze.

To keep things clear, my figure doesn't include my monthly USA health insurance or my USA annual taxes.

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I sometimes wonder if I located ALL the threads on this type of topic in all forum rooms and merged them if it would stop the urge to open new ones..... but I doubt it. Kind of like Sin sot, two-tier pricing, "my wife is more decent than your wife," etc., etc., etc.

As I usually say on such threads: my first year here I made about 22K a month, from which I had to pay for *everything* (I've already subtracted for visa matters). And I did. I wasn't poor, I wasn't underfed, and I wasn't lonely; and I enjoyed my work. It just wasn't enough for any kind of future. If I weren't planning for a long future, even that much money (if it were reliable) would be fine.


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I sometimes wonder if I located ALL the threads on this type of topic in all forum rooms and merged them if it would stop the urge to open new ones..... but I doubt it. Kind of like Sin sot, two-tier pricing, "my wife is more decent than your wife," etc., etc., etc.

As I usually say on such threads: my first year here I made about 22K a month, from which I had to pay for *everything* (I've already subtracted for visa matters). And I did. I wasn't poor, I wasn't underfed, and I wasn't lonely; and I enjoyed my work. It just wasn't enough for any kind of future. If I weren't planning for a long future, even that much money (if it were reliable) would be fine.


I agree. 1k usd is enough to have a decent/fun life here. Some folks need more so they can 'be the farang!' etc. I feel that since we are always the farang anyways that there is no need for that kind of pretentiousness. That being said, a newcomer in Thailand alone should have enough cash to make sure they do not end up feeling isolated AND enough to be able to pull up stakes and get back home in case it just does not work out for them here.

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Approx 92,000 per Month I used to spend but in reality it was more like 120,000+

And it was 70+ baht to the £1. Only 62 baht now.

I couldn't be stuck up Country living with the locals. I couldn't think of a worse existance for anybody.

To live really well would take twice the above budget.

Completely fanciful budget, 120,000+ is what a family of 4 live on in Switzerland with a car, a rented appartment, insurances and holidays etc. You could as well live and party in Ibiza.

You're living a sexpat life on a sexpat budget, nothing else.

Well yes...what other reason would I have of wanting to live in Thailand?

Maybe the great infrastructure or the lack of corruption or the complete equality a Farang encounters day to day :o

And that goes for everybody I know.

A man can have his cake and eat many others.

If I wanted the sunshine I surely would have been happy in Spain! No :D:D

All those people who pretend they are going for the golf and the temples...dear oh dear. :D

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This thread topic comes up every so often, and the responses always follow the exact same pattern.

I'm not a professional psychologist, but I can discern a common theme.

We all need affirmation of our lives. In the sense of how we live with money.

Those who have more gold chains than Mr. T, an exclusive golf club membership, and an 'ambassadorial-style" residence need to feel they are livin' de life, and not wasting their money....

Those who live on 25K THB a month need to demonstrate that they live within their means, and have a very fulfilling lifestyle.

I would posit that this subject can never be answered, because the answer is different for all of us.

The OP revealed in a later post that he has $600K in current assets, and will be receiving a pension and Social Security at retirement. In other words, he is not an upwardly mobile consumer/posturer, who needs to spend a lot of money to be fulfilled.

Quite the opposite, he sounds like a lot of people I know (mostly from the US) who are totally turned off by the typical consumer society. He could easily afford the finest, should he choose, but he chooses to live frugally. I think this is laudatory....

He states he could double the figure to $2K/mo.

Probably with his resources he could quintuple it to $5K/mo. and still be fine.....but he chooses not to do so. This is a lifestyle choice called "downsizing". The entire rest of the planet is on this crazed "bigger faster better longer....." rush which seemed to be a uniquely American thing for decades, but now has taken on a life of its own everywhere. Soon peasants in China will be driving brand new shiny black Fortuners, with chrome spinner wheels....

All us Yanks will be living on a commune somewhere, growing veggies and getting back in touch with Mother Earth :D

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Soon peasants in China will be driving brand new shiny black Fortuners, with chrome spinner wheels....

All us Yanks will be living on a commune somewhere, growing veggies and getting back in touch with Mother Earth :D

That's happening already. If the $$ gets any lower there will be no 'Yanks' leaving the US of A.

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He states he could double the figure to $2K/mo.

Probably with his resources he could quintuple it to $5K/mo. and still be fine.....but he chooses not to do so. This is a lifestyle choice called "downsizing". The entire rest of the planet is on this crazed "bigger faster better longer....." rush which seemed to be a uniquely American thing for decades, but now has taken on a life of its own everywhere. Soon peasants in China will be driving brand new shiny black Fortuners, with chrome spinner wheels....

All us Yanks will be living on a commune somewhere, growing veggies and getting back in touch with Mother Earth :o

I am no mathamatician, but he also states he is under 50, pension doesnt kick in till after 60, so at USD 5k per month (60k per annum) he would have used up his total capital in under 14 years assuming he is returning less than 5 percent on capital. This would probably see him through to his pension (?) but allow no 'nest egg'.

If he also wants to cut out the currency exchange risk and go for a Baht account, as far as I am aware Farangs get no interest on deposits, in which case he will last just 10 years assuming no inflation.

or are you suggesting greter returns are available?

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