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If anyone is worried about (wet) cleaning their sensor, don't be. I had what looked like a hair (probably just a wayward fibre) and several well-defined hard black dots (didn't look like ''dust bunnies'' to me) on mine. Blowing them with a blower had no effect and I realised that I was going to have to wet clean it.

After looking around Fortune Town with no luck, I finally tracked down some suitable cleaning materials (VisibleDust Sensor Cleaning Swabs size 1.6x and VisibleDust Sensor Clean) at Foto File in MBK. After much trepidation, I finally got round to using them this morning. The instructions on the VisibleDust web site are pretty clear, and there are plenty of other web sites around that basically give the same information. I read them all (well, about three of them) and got down to it.

Three drops of Sensor Clean on one side of the swab, wait for it to stop ''pooling'', line the swab up with one edge of the sensor, wipe it across using a bit of pressure but not too much (easier to do in practice than to describe) and that's pretty much it. I decided that I might as well get as much use as I could out of the swab before binning it, so I put three drops on the other side and repeated.

It was actually pretty easy. End result is a nice clean sensor.


Glad you had success and good to hear that the stuff works.

Any sign of smearing?

Have you taken any shots since and verified all ok?

On an incidental note I used to suffer very badly with dirty sensors and was visiting Canon for a clean on a nigh on monthly basis.

Worst still, I was getting fungus signs in some of my revered older lenses.

I've never been a great believer in these silicon gel packets but "what the hel_l, lets give it a try". I purchased packs for all my carrying cases ( at the staggering cost of 200 baht!) and lo and behold, it's now been some 4 months since a visit to Canon.

Seeing your post prompted a quick check and I'm pleased to say all is ok.

I know it's obvious (Well, I know now!), but I recommend these silicon gel packs as essential equipment.

Glad you had success and good to hear that the stuff works.

Any sign of smearing?

Have you taken any shots since and verified all ok?

Yup, all clear. Out last night trying to get some wide-angle night time cityscape HDR shots from a mate's roof, but it was far too misty. Did get lots and lots of pics of monotone misty sky though, and not a mark in sight :-)

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