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Charlton Heston

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I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but as others have mentioned he was a big supporter of the pro-gun nut-jobs so I was no fan of his.

Charlton Heston was several terms the president of the N.R.A. but what's wrong with supporting a right which is anchored in the constitution of one's country? i am not a supporter of "guns for everybody" but i do understand those americans who insist "first take away the guns from the criminals and we will surrender ours". as far as weapons in private hands are concerned, the U.S. has reached a long time ago a "point of no return".

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I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but as others have mentioned he was a big supporter of the pro-gun nut-jobs so I was no fan of his.

Charlton Heston was several terms the president of the N.R.A. but what's wrong with supporting a right which is anchored in the constitution of one's country? i am not a supporter of "guns for everybody" but i do understand those americans who insist "first take away the guns from the criminals and we will surrender ours". as far as weapons in private hands are concerned, the U.S. has reached a long time ago a "point of no return".

I disagree Mr Naam. I dislike his views on gun ownership and much of the political views he is associated with. His movies were a bit before my time so I am only aware of his more political contributions to society. That is just my view though and of course you are entitled to enjoy your own equally valid opinions.

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In 1968, following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Heston appeared on The Joey Bishop Show and, along with fellow actors Gregory Peck, Kirk Douglas and James Stewart, called for public support for President Johnson's Gun Control Act of 1968.

He was also an opponent of McCarthyism and racial segregation, which he saw as only helping the cause of Communism worldwide. He opposed the Vietnam War and considered Richard Nixon a disaster for America. He turned down John Wayne's offer of a role in The Alamo, because the film was a right-wing allegory for the Cold War[citation needed].

He later became much more conservative and was the President of the National Rifle Association from 1998 to 2003.

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I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but as others have mentioned he was a big supporter of the pro-gun nut-jobs so I was no fan of his.

Charlton Heston was several terms the president of the N.R.A. but what's wrong with supporting a right which is anchored in the constitution of one's country? i am not a supporter of "guns for everybody" but i do understand those americans who insist "first take away the guns from the criminals and we will surrender ours". as far as weapons in private hands are concerned, the U.S. has reached a long time ago a "point of no return".

Yes - he was great supporter of the second ammendment and was also involved in the civil rights movement in the early sixties.

Despised Ted Kennedy.

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Favourite movies in no particular order....The Big Country,55 Days in Peking,Ben Hur.

Anyone remember him in Dynasty in the 1980's ?

Also,whilst playing theatre in London,he had a bit part in The Two Ronnies in a pub sketch.

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Remember the time when Bangkok was showing this movie 'Ben-Hur', it was a smash hit for Bangkokians. Overhight, one of the shoe store in Banglumpoo put up the new sign...'Ben-Hur Shoe store ( thai = ran-rong-tow-ben-hur).

Wonder if this store still exit today ? :o

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Will Penny

and the BEST with Brian Keith...The Mountain Men, lots of cussing, priceless scene where some guy is explaining he was with settlers and Hestons mountain man character says loudly SETTLERS?!!! with a shocked frightened look as he clutches his flintlock to his chest.

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