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Officer Runs 96 Miles For Tsunami Charity


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Officer runs 96 miles for tsunami charity

Mon, April 07 2008

By Reporter, newburytoday.co.uk

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A Thames Valley police officer will run the West Highland Way to raise money for chldren orphaned by a tsunami

A THAMES Valley police officer will run for 96 miles in Scotland to help children orphaned by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.

Sgt Gill Williams, who leads the Thames Valley Specialist Search and Recovery Team based at Sulhampstead, will start her four day run on the West Highland Way on May 3.

The long distance footpath runs alongside Loch Lomond and Glen Coe and finishes near the foot of Ben Nevis. Sgt Williams is hoping to average 20 miles a day and will start the run in Glasgow and finish at Fort William.

This will be the fifth time that she has tackled the course to raise money for the charity, Hands Across the Water, which she set up with Australian police officer, Inspector Peter Baines.

So far the charity has raised £72,000 to build and equip an orphanage in Thailand.

Sgt Williams, who received the Queen’s Police Medal in December last year, said: “The scale of what happened in Thailand was beyond words and my time working out there as part of the international relief effort was very humbling. As a result, I decided to do all that I could to help with the recovery.

“We initially set a target of £50,000, which we reached in October 2006 with the help of so many fantastic people. We have since set about trying to raise another £40,000 to build an extension to the orphanage.

“This really is a worthwhile cause, so I would be very grateful for anyone that is willing to sponsor me or to donate money.”

To donate visit www.handsacrossthewater.org.uk


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