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Why Do People Not Try And Help Each Other

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It can sometimes be like a bad spaghetti western movie....The Good The Bad And The Ugly..... :o

Now that really is fighting talk. Bad? It's one of the greatest films ever made, spaghetti or not!

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I live in the hope that others will . . . make the Thai Visa Forum a better Forum . . . by using correct and proper English.

I note that your expressed hope applies only to others, but I believe that, as you consider it further, you will probably wish also to roll up your sleeves and muck about yourself in making the Thai Visa Forum a better forum by using correct and proper English whenever possible. In that belief and to that end, I offer you the following advice:

As spelling and grammar are two different things, connected by an 'and', the following sentence wants an 'are' where you gave it an 'is'.

I have . . . noted that your English spelling and grammar is almost without fault. . . .

Don't mention it! :o

After posting that, I was suddenly struck by the irony of me being so helpful in the middle of a topic that began as a query as to why people are not more helpful around here! :D

Well I have achieved what I intended with my previous post. I intentionally made a few discreet errors in an attempt to provoke at least a few fellow posters to look for and find fault. From this we can only better ourselves.

Well done sbk, tigerbeer and Razz.


I intentionally made a few discreet errors in an attempt to provoke at least a few fellow posters to look for and find fault.

:D :D :D Well, the errors that got made were discrete, anyway! :D

Not to worry, though, Blinky. I pay you a compliment nearly identical to the one you paid Nienke: your English spelling and grammar are almost without fault. :o


On the subject of English which version should we use? The obvious is the original which was the only one until some unhelpful upstarts revolted against the Crown and started to mispronounce and misspeel all over the place.

Not wanting to provoke an argument; just trying to be unhelpful to prove the OPs point :o

On the subject of English which version should we use? The obvious is the original which was the only one until some unhelpful upstarts revolted against the Crown and started to mispronounce and misspeel all over the place.

The original would be fine, if anyone still spoke or wrote it.

And while you're at it, may I trouble you to misspeel me a grape?

On the subject of English which version should we use? The obvious is the original which was the only one until some unhelpful upstarts revolted against the Crown and started to mispronounce and misspeel all over the place.

The original would be fine, if anyone still spoke or wrote it.

And while you're at it, may I trouble you to misspeel me a grape?

Gripe or grope - there must be a party game in there somewhere :o


:o Well, at least there has been a funny turn to this thread. :D

To the OP, start with yourself, always the best way to go. :D

BB, also looking forward to see and talk to you again. See you at the TV BBQ at Tuskers. :D



That was YOU???? With the cats, right? Hahahahahaha, now just hope that the advice was the good one :o:D

And if only, just only, you would spell my name right!!!! :D


That was YOU???? With the cats, right? Hahahahahaha, now just hope that the advice was the good one :D :D

And if only, just only, you would spell my name right!!!! :D


Sorry, I can't say it or spell it right! :o

BB, its achievement, not achievment :o

That's called a "gotcha" :D

Seems that a lot of people posting above ought to study up more on text messengering or PMs if they don't go to the BBQ. I don't see a great future for anyone as a stand-up comic without a few pints (for them and for me). Besides, the BBQ sounds great!

BB, its achievement, not achievment :o

That's called a "gotcha" :D

Please refer to Post #32 on this thread young man.

Seems that a lot of people posting above ought to study up more on text messengering or PMs if they don't go to the BBQ. I don't see a great future for anyone as a stand-up comic without a few pints (for them and for me). Besides, the BBQ sounds great!


Please refer to Post #32 on this thread young man.

This is your lucky day! More helpful advice, this time concerning the use of the comma:

Please refer to Post #32 on this thread, young man.


Please refer to Post #32 on this thread young man.

This is your lucky day! More helpful advice, this time concerning the use of the comma:

Please refer to Post #32 on this thread, young man.


With all the respect you deserve Razz, you are wrong.

I was simply replying to the post of Maejo Man and was referring to him as a young man.

I could have said, "Please refer to Post #32 on this thread Maejo Man." sFun_crazydance.gif

Now who ever said we weren't trying to help each other?

What a waste of my 1,000th post. I had hoped to use it to make one of my more memorable posts.

I could have said, "Please refer to Post #32 on this thread Maejo Man."

Yes, you could have, but in that case what you should have said, making proper use of the comma, would have been:

"Please refer to Post #32 on this thread, Maejo Man."


I could have said, "Please refer to Post #32 on this thread Maejo Man."

Yes, you could have, but in that case what you should have said, making proper use of the comma, would have been:

"Please refer to Post #32 on this thread, Maejo Man."


And in an effort that to be helpful that may also, I fear, constitute a distasteful display of erudition, I offer the following:

Comma Confusion: Direct Address

Thank you for joining me for the next installment of the Comma Confusion Series. It's no wonder commas are so confusing―there are an endless number of rules for using them. The following rules and examples are based on those found in the tenth edition of The Gregg Reference Manual.¹

Rule: When addressing someone directly, use commas to set off the person's name or title.


● Mr. Brown, how long have you been in business?

● Yes, ma'am, I would be glad to assist you.

● Will you be attending the party tonight, Cheryl?

● Good job, Spencer!

● I believe, Mrs. Nance, that the transaction will be

approved momentarily.

. . . . .

I could have said, "Please refer to Post #32 on this thread Maejo Man."

Yes, you could have, but in that case what you should have said, making proper use of the comma, would have been:

"Please refer to Post #32 on this thread, Maejo Man."


And in an effort that to be helpful that may also, I fear, constitute a distasteful display of erudition, I offer the following:

Comma Confusion: Direct Address

Thank you for joining me for the next installment of the Comma Confusion Series. It's no wonder commas are so confusing―there are an endless number of rules for using them. The following rules and examples are based on those found in the tenth edition of The Gregg Reference Manual.¹

Rule: When addressing someone directly, use commas to set off the person's name or title.


● Mr. Brown, how long have you been in business? ● Yes, ma'am, I would be glad to assist you. ● Will you be attending the party tonight, Cheryl?

● Good job, Spencer! ● I believe, Mrs. Nance, that the transaction will be approved momentarily.

. . . . .

<deleted>##ing lawyers. sFun_DeadHorse.gif

<deleted>##ing lawyers. sFun_DeadHorse.gif

Tsk, tsk, let's not start getting so billious!

Anyway, where's the justice in this world? Over the very same issue of spelling and grammatical correctness, which you cite as a matter of great importance to you, Nienke sweetly says you remind her of her mother, and when I try to help, you turn around and call me a <deleted>##ing lawyer?! :o

<deleted>##ing lawyers. sFun_DeadHorse.gif

Tsk, tsk, let's not start getting so billious!

Anyway, where's the justice in this world? Over the very same issue of spelling and grammatical correctness, which you cite as a matter of great importance to you, Nienke sweetly says you remind her of her mother, and when I try to help, you turn around and call me a <deleted>##ing lawyer?! :o

Abolutely Razz, and I am sure both Nienke and her mother would do the same.

<deleted>##ing lawyers. sFun_DeadHorse.gif

Tsk, tsk, let's not start getting so billious!

Anyway, where's the justice in this world? Over the very same issue of spelling and grammatical correctness, which you cite as a matter of great importance to you, Nienke sweetly says you remind her of her mother, and when I try to help, you turn around and call me a <deleted>##ing lawyer?! :o

Abolutely Razz, and I am sure both Nienke and her mother would do the same.

I don't know her mother, but I am sure that Nienke would never use that kind of language. She's a lady!

/ Priceless


Weeeellllllllll ....what makes you so sure about that? My mom would get a fit when she hears that kind of language. :D

Talking about moms and helpful people; today I was again reminded of my beloved mom. Embarrassing, though, as I was confronted with the realization that we both are still living in the stone-age when it concerns cyberspace stuff …again. B)

Was at Computer Plaza to do some stuff when suddenly a light started burning in my head (doesn’t happen that often, faai daps are much more likely) … “Ah, oh yeh, need something to be able to use skype”. So far, my knowledge on that subject ... :o

Now, don’t think that in the shop they can help you one step further. So, I stopped a most helpful (and bl**** handsome :D) guy, turned out he was Dutch as well, who kindly, patiently and handsomely explained the whole thing.

I’ve got my microphone, down-loaded (or is it up-loaded?) skype, and ……

got a bl**** ad-watch alarm ….. what the heck is that??????

And now I’m looking at how I can get skype credit through my paypal account. Why on earth do I have to fill in a card number? I don’t have a bl**** card, have already an account, so why do they have to do so difficult? :D

As my dear mom would say: "Those things are not for me, just give me a normal phone, email or a pigeon!" :D :D :D

Now, don’t think that in the shop they can help you one step further. So, I stopped a most helpful (and bl**** handsome :D) guy, turned out he was Dutch as well, who kindly, patiently and handsomely explained the whole thing.

I’ve got my microphone, down-loaded (or is it up-loaded?) skype, and ……

got a bl**** ad-watch alarm ….. what the heck is that??????

And now I’m looking at how I can get skype credit through my paypal account. Why on earth do I have to fill in a card number? I don’t have a bl**** card, have already an account, so why do they have to do so difficult? :o

As my dear mom would say: "Those things are not for me, just give me a normal phone, email or a pigeon!" :D :D :D

there are many not-so-handsome men on this forum that can help you when it comes to skype. but you definately need a credit card ! if you search hard enough, you might find some totally un-handsome men that might even help you with the credit card :D

Abolutely Razz . . .

I can be of only limited assistance here, able as I am to offer only two corrections, one regarding spelling and one regarding punctuation:

Absolutely, Razz . . .
Now, don’t think that in the shop they can help you one step further. So, I stopped a most helpful (and bl**** handsome :D) guy, turned out he was Dutch as well, who kindly, patiently and handsomely explained the whole thing.

. . . . .

And now I’m looking at how I can get skype credit through my paypal account. Why on earth do I have to fill in a card number? I don’t have a bl**** card, have already an account, so why do they have to do so difficult? :o

. . . . .

there are many not-so-handsome men on this forum that can help you when it comes to skype. but you definately need a credit card ! if you search hard enough, you might find some totally un-handsome men that might even help you with the credit card :D

I am not nearly so handsome as I like to think I am, just as my grammar, punctuation and spelling are not always quite as good as I like to think they are (which does not, however, stop me from ranting and raving at others for their shortcomings in said departments), but I can offer one helpful bit of advice to you, Nienke: you need no credit card, nor any amount of Skype credit, to make a call on Skype to another person with a computer (and microphone) and a Skype account, so get yo mama get herself sum and you'll have noooo problem. :D

there are many not-so-handsome men on this forum that can help you when it comes to skype. but you definately need a credit card ! if you search hard enough, you might find some totally un-handsome men that might even help you with the credit card :o

Thank you, thank you, oh so helpful man. :D :D :D

Nonetheless, you've got a strange way of thinking :D

How about a debit card, does that the trick as well? I have something against credit cards. Anyway, just before I got fed up I already saw I can pay directly by bank. Tomorrow another day.


How about a debit card, does that the trick as well? I have something against credit cards.

Debit cards do the trick just as well as credit cards (as long as you have enough money to cover the charge in the account from which you are debiting).

I am not nearly so handsome as I like to think I am, just as my grammar, punctuation and spelling are not always quite as good as I like to think they are (which does not, however, stop me from ranting and raving at others for their shortcomings in said departments), but I can offer one helpful bit of advice to you, Nienke: you need no credit card, nor any amount of Skype credit, to make a call on Skype to another person with a computer (and microphone) and a Skype account, so get yo mama get herself sum and you'll have noooo problem. :D

Thank you, thank you, Oh-other very helpful and oh-so handsome man :D :D :D

Noooooo problem, hey?! How about explaining skype to my most beloved 80-year old mom? BIIIIIGGGGGGGGEEEEEEE problem! Where do you think I got it from? :D:o

Still going to try, though, once I'm in Holland. :D


Thank you, thank you, Oh-other very helpful and oh-so handsome man :o:D :D

Like one of your puppies, I feel I am now just about ready to eat out of your hand. What could have happened? Was it perhaps something you said?

Noooooo problem, hey?! How about explaining skype to my most beloved 80-year old mom?

Still going to try, though, once I'm in Holland. :D

Good luck. I explained Skype to my just as beloved 84-year old mom last summer and it went just fine and I got her to get a Mac and taught her how to use it and got a Skpe account for her and we now yack almost daily for free and get to watch each other on the video while we do. It's cool.

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