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Ulysses G.

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Is anyone NOT throwing water at this point ?

I'll be doin my fair share tmw Sunday as well. Up around 10, futz around with email n the computer, breakfast, get psyched up, then hit the moat n John's place about 2pm. I always park a block or two outside the moat and walk in. More fun, and less hassle with traffic and getting sloshed while driving. Very curious to see how (un-)crowded it is.
Last year cars could actually drive around the moat at a fair clip
as turnout was low, so we'll see.

Bullshit. I was one of those drivers. Stop n Go around the moat= 2 hrs.

Ajarn, what got up your craw, buddy ? How about 'Really? That wasn't my experience, we must've been there on different days n times ?' Especially 'cause I was there with UG, McSpicy, and CrowBoy to name a few and that's exactly how it was. It ain't BS, and it isn't a misinterpretation; it's what really happened. We just experienced different things. You been really back forth with your nice remarks n harsh remarks recently. Best get yourself a cool drink n try to relax them nerves of yours.

And then yesterday i saw plenty of cars making their way around quite fast as well. But then they sometimes ran traffic breaks for some reason or other and kept things at a complete standstill for a half hour or more. have no idea why. SO again, some will have had completely different experiences.

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Sorry, haven't bothered to read through this thread (nor any other thread, discussing the water splashing craziness in Chiang Mai) - so I may be off topic... I just want to express the uttermost relief I felt after returning from an escape to Lorng - (the "capital" of the Amphur of same name) about 200 km southeast from here). It was a great, unexpected relief to be able to get from the train station to my residency, which unfortunately (only during Songkran) is located in the inner moat area, without meeting anyone considering it "fun" to poor water all over me and my luggage.

As a sitenote, I'd like to express my gratitude to the inhabitants of the area of Lorng where I was free to wander around without any kind of watersplashing (God forbid any farang ever should venture down there trough Songkran). Surely, the mainstreet of Lorng was packed with pickup trucks and stationary water spitting commandposts all fit for fight, but you were safe anywhere else. Spend a couple of days, walking around, dropping in here and there (together with a large portion of the extended family). No water except those cupfulls being being mindfully shifted from one bowl to another one, which were placed on plate with gifts of various kind. Some prayers mumbled by the hosts and a cheer followed by distribution of various drinks, seems like the way these village people, which I can't imagine is much different from other village people in Thailand, celebrate Songkran. Since the majority of Thai citizens (still) are rural - I do sort of consider this way of celebrating Songkran as more Thai, than the heavily farang influenced crazyness in Chiang Mai.

As another sitenote. Our escape on Monday around 11.30 was a pest... Well knowing that catching a cold in the air conditioned bus to Lampang would be absolutely certain in case we tried to sneak by on foot - despite the fact that guys trying to sneak by, carrying a lot of luggage, quite obviously won't consider it "fun" to get water all over them - we had hired a friend with a closed car to drive us. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get out of the inner moat area without a U-turn of minimum 200 dreadful meters one way and 200 similar dreadful meters back on the outer side of the moat ... We WASTED 2 hours getting out and our friend WASTED 2 hours getting back... So - if anyone should make a poll on whether or not you like Songkran - here's one sure vote for a profound NOT.

So - once again, I'd like to express my gratitude that the craziness had stopped when I returned to this city, which 51 weeks of the year is quite pleasant.

Edited by Cyberstar
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Is anyone NOT throwing water at this point ?

I'll be doin my fair share tmw Sunday as well. Up around 10, futz around with email n the computer, breakfast, get psyched up, then hit the moat n John's place about 2pm. I always park a block or two outside the moat and walk in. More fun, and less hassle with traffic and getting sloshed while driving. Very curious to see how (un-)crowded it is.
Last year cars could actually drive around the moat at a fair clip
as turnout was low, so we'll see.

Bullshit. I was one of those drivers. Stop n Go around the moat= 2 hrs.

Ajarn, what got up your craw, buddy ? How about 'Really? That wasn't my experience, we must've been there on different days n times ?' Especially 'cause I was there with UG, McSpicy, and CrowBoy to name a few and that's exactly how it was. It ain't BS, and it isn't a misinterpretation; it's what really happened. We just experienced different things. You been really back forth with your nice remarks n harsh remarks recently. Best get yourself a cool drink n try to relax them nerves of yours.

And then yesterday i saw plenty of cars making their way around quite fast as well. But then they sometimes ran traffic breaks for some reason or other and kept things at a complete standstill for a half hour or more. have no idea why. SO again, some will have had completely different experiences.

When someone talks bullshit here, I often reply. My nerves are fine :o

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