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Suing thai police


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I think this falls under 'Chok Dee,' sir. Oh yeah, you might want to have body armor and a cab handy that's pointed towards the airport upon instigating any actions.

I'm still betting on the Massage Parlor king being found floating in a khlong face-down within a year or so, and he's got juice.

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Suing the Thai police......

You got to be kidding..I suggest you clear your head and foeget about this scenario..

Probably you are new to LOS or you have'nt read or heard nor seen enought what's what in Thailand..

I suggest you hire Rambo or the Terminator to deal with them. Anyway tell us what happened...  :cool:

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I agree that you should accept the advice offered and forget all about suing the police.

However if you really, really must go ahead then there is a law firm which advertizes in the Bangkok Post.

It is owned by an Englishman and a Thai man so you will be able to communicate easily.  They have in the past sued the Immigration Police but I do not know the outcome.

Sorry cannot remember the name of the law firm but you should be able to identify it by the two surnames which make up the name of the firm.

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I have had 13 years involvement with Thailand and I am not stupid enough to be here after complaint is filed.

I am looking for any cases on this subject.

I was set up by a few Thais on a charge of "Cheat"

Lawyers are not a problem, Been scamed by many.

The case has already gone through the courts and will know the outcome next week. its taken 4 years.

Should I win this case which was a trivial complaint against me.

The police will automaticly be found in the wrong for arresting me in the first place.

I dont even need to go to court for that.

For 3 years I was not allowed to leave the country. thus could not earn an income.

I will start action against police.

I will also not be in Thailand.

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Does anyone have any information about suing Thai Police, or results of any attempts?

I know about one case, a foreigner suing the Minister of Interor, and he was successful:


Swiss businessman wins residence permit lawsuit

The Administrative Court of Thailand has given a much-needed boost to the business and investment image of Thailand by showing that all are equal before the law.

Following a second residency lawsuit filed in November 2001 by Skonchai, Oliver & Nitirat Law Consultants Co., Ltd., on behalf of Swiss businessman Mr. Jorg Bachmann against the Minister of Interior, the Court passed a verdict on 7 October 2002 in favour of Mr. Bachmann.

In giving its verdict, the Court stated that Mr. Bachmann must be granted a residence permit, as was the clear intention indicated in the former government programme for attracting investors of at least Baht 10 million.  Mr. Bachmann submitted his application in 2000 under that programme.

The Court's verdict stated that he had fully met all the requirements under the investment promotion programme in effect at that time.  The programme said that investors who qualified would receive a residence permit within three months of applying.

According to the Court, an allegation by the Minister of Interior (who, at that time, was Pol. Capt. Purachai Piumsombun) that Mr. Bachmann was considered persona non grata was untrue and totally groundless.  The Minister of Interior had not been able to produce any evidence to support the charge, despite being given several months to do so, and Mr. Bachmann should therefore be granted a residence permit, the Court statement said.

Initially, Mr. Bachmann had applied in June 2000 for a residence permit under the investment promotion programme.  After the standard investigation by the Immigration Commission, the application was approved and sent to the Minister of Interior for signature.  At that point, it was shelved without valid reason.

After waiting for one year, Mr. Bachmann requested our law office to assist him, and the first lawsuit was filed with the Administrative Court in July 2001, requesting that the Minister of Interior sign the application document.  In October 2001, the Court ordered the Minister to sign.  This was done, but the application was not approved.

Since there were no legal grounds for refusing approval, Skonchai, Oliver & Nitirat filed the second lawsuit on behalf of Mr. Bachmann in November 2001, seeking the overturning of the Minister's rejection of the residency application.  On 7 October 2002, the Court ordered that unless an appeal was filed within 30 days, the Minister of Interior must grant him a residence permit as there were no valid reasons for refusing Mr. Bachmann's application.

After the hearing, Mr. Bachmann said his faith and confidence as a business investor in Thailand had been restored by the Court's judgment.  He said he was grateful for the clear-sightedness and fairness shown by the verdict.


Source: http://www.visathailand.com/news_10-10-02.htm

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Thailand seems to be going through its biggest change with Taskin as leader I for one would like to see the poor people in Thailand get a fair go and this can happen by not accepting that everything must be corrupt if more people took action things will change. Good on Mr. Jorg Bachmann for standing up this action didn't just help him it helped others by showing you can win in Thailand. I dont care about money I want to put my 2 cents worth in to help the change. many police are loosing their jobs these days. I stand up for what I believe in even if it will kill me. how about you?
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I dont care about money I want to put my 2 cents worth in to help the change. many police are loosing their jobs these days. I stand up for what I believe in even if it will kill me. how about you?

You know 24/7, I've no idea of the circumstances that prompted you to post on the first place, so I've certainly no intention of belittling them. But, #1, pretty tall order to 'help the change,' and #2, well, I guess you're assuming your two-cents is worth them listening to. Maybe it is at that.

There's an old cliche, but a good one too, 'pick you fights carefully.' If the issue you are referring to is large enough for the risk, then I agree. Certainly, if I see some guy raping a woman, or somebody beating the snot out of a little kid, then I'm all with you. But past that, often people pick the situations they are in, we just happen upon them during the consequence period without knowledge aforehand of what led them there.

Best of luck with whatever it is that has lit a fire in your belly.

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The action Thai police took against me concludes this week in the court Where I find out the judges decision if I am Guilty or that the police should not have done to me what they did.

The case has taken nearly 4 years. 3 of which I was prohibited from leaving the country thus could not earn an income or run my business which folded because of the action.

Their have been 454 views on my subject.

What happened to me could happen to any of the people that view my topic let alone any visitor to Thailand.

My case is no where as serious as what happened to Kevin Quill who spent 6 months in jail by being setup up by the Police with drugs. The Police have been caught out setting him up.

He was a very wealthy business man.

For those of you who say leave it alone I bet you wouldn't say that if you were setup up and spent time in jail unless you were Gay then you could have your pick of the litter.

The more people that do something to help get rid of this bad systen the better for everyone. My 2 cents wont do much but it will make one top cop loose face but then again it just might.

But I must not count my chickens until the end of the week.

By the way I do know the rules of Thailand being married to one for 12 years.

Thai Visa might like the results out of interest for their site

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I think we would all like to hear the outcome.

Good for you for standing up to be counted; this world has far too few poeple that would.

The most important thing is that it highlights the police corruption the PM has been shouting about. It could not be at a better time for you. If nothing else, then a sucessful decision will set a precedent and put the spotlight firmly back on graft and corruption.

Good luck and keep safe - few causes are worth dieing over.

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Suing Thai police, I started to chuckle when I read that, not a chance, unless you are royalty. Even if you won, they would lose face, then have you shot dead. No joke. Don't even think about complaining against Thai police, put it down to experience, write a book anything!
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What happened to me could happen to any of the people that view my topic let alone any visitor to Thailand.

Come on 24x7 just what is your 'topic'

You have never told us what the police have charged/accused you of doing.

Can you tell us or is it something so awful that you cannot speak ?

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  • 1 year later...
My case is no where as serious as what happened to Kevin Quill who spent 6 months in jail by being setup up by the Police with drugs. The Police have been caught out setting him up.

He was a very wealthy business man.

To revive this one and half year old thread with an update on Mr. Quill from today's Nation:

Brit freed after long drug battle

Published on February 19, 2005

A British businessman who claimed he had been framed on drugs charges in Thailand was yesterday acquitted by the Appeal Court after a bitter five-year fight to clear his name.

Kevin Quill, 43, from Halifax, West Yorkshire, was acquitted at Pattaya Court. The prosecution has 30 days to appeal the acquittal.

Quill was sentenced in May 2002 to six years in jail for allegedly possessing 100 methamphetamine tablets hidden in a packet of Benson and Hedges cigarettes in his luggage while travelling to Yorkshire in October 2000.

Subsequently he was removed as a director of a hotel and bar business by his Scottish partners, who also owned Boyz Boyz Boyz, a gay go-go bar in Pattaya. His case was taken up by British journalist Andrew Drummond. A letter was also provided to the court by the British Embassy stating that documents and a video relating to Quill’s arrest had been studied by General Noppadol Somboonsap, who had allegedly apologised to the embassy, saying Quill had been “framed”.

Drummond also investigated the death of 23-year-old Scotsman Iain Macdonald, from Inverness, who died in a fire in a room above Boyz Boyz Boyz.

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How about the poor guy who languished for years in prison for the murder of Sherry Ann Duncan? He didn't do it and nearly died in prison. I can't remember how much compensation he got, but I do remember it was a pitifully low number.

The same happens here in the USA all the time. It's all about the cops and prosecutors not willing to 'lose face' for mistakes that were made in the cases. Sad. :D Suing the cops in the states or Europe might get good results. In Thailand

you might win the case, but you will be forever looking over your shoulder if you remain in the country. :o

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My case is no where as serious as what happened to Kevin Quill who spent 6 months in jail by being setup up by the Police with drugs. The Police have been caught out setting him up.

He was a very wealthy business man.

To revive this one and half year old thread with an update on Mr. Quill from today's Nation:

Brit freed after long drug battle

Published on February 19, 2005

Do you know this thread was started  in July 2003  ?

refer to the above...

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