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Any of you guys had this done to you ?, helped a ferang out who was skint, he was a good friend of mine, also married to a Thai, he wanted to buy a bungalow but did not have any money untill he sold a property in the uk, a bungalow came up in my village for 300,000 baht with one rai of land, bargain, I bought it for him and told him when he has the cash pay me back, which he did and was very gratefull at the time, since then the same problem as before, he is skint, he told me he was thinking of returning to the uk to find work, which he did and also brought his wife, i offered his wife a job and also found this guy a job in a factory, one more problem nowhere to live, I told them they could have a furnished apartment rent free, they were very pleased, and i told them maybe one day you can do me a favour, he started work but did not have enough money to buy a car, he went to a loan shark who tried to charge him £8000 for a loan of 2750.00, right rip off, he asked me could i lend him money for the car, so i agreed, i lent him the money at £78.00 per week for 12 months, i was making a bit on the loan, he did not mind this, so i got documents drawn out and he signed, then one day my wife's friend rang her up, she had been talking to this couple and they told her i was ripping them off by telling them to pay the rates, and the electric, also saying that when he finds a flat closer to his work they were moving out overnight and not telling me, also she would finish work and not let me know, not even giving me two weeks notice, i was really pissed off, with all the favours i have done them you are treated like this, today i think they got the message, as they found out i knew what they were planning, so now the balls in my court, look out :o


It is bad that friends do this to people....my father has had god knows how many people ask him for money, friends and aquiantences..no matter if hes known them 50 years however, he always says no....

Trouble is, if a friend does piss you off in regards to money...you have to try and bite your tongue at first...As they can end up paying you back initially, even if they are taking advantage...it may not be the time frame agreed upon, or you know they could pay you back sooner, but, they can end up paying back if you dont totally cut them off as soon as things sour. After they pay up, then ignore them! Ive been burned once trusting a friend with money also, never again!


complete shithouse.

I had a very good friend who lost his job. He stayed at my house completely FOC for 6 months.

Couple of years later I returned from los once with my main res rented out. He wouldn't even spare me a room in his new 4 bed house.

People like this are all out for themselves. Now I try not to mix favours with friends, never works out.


You are considerably more generous than I.

My loan limit is 300 baht. No more than one loan outstanding at a time. That includes beers. :o

However, I would say your karma is much improved for the next life. :D



I'm reminded of the fact that we use the term friend way to casually. A friend would never have done those things. A scumbag acquaintance looking to get over at every opportunity though, sure! :o


yes my dad had a saying,

you can count your true friends on one hand.

this ex-mate of yours is just <deleted> it up for himself, with style like that he probably does not have any true mates. I may not believe in karma, but I think you get what you give.


Thaicoon you are way to generous for your own good,You should've tried to tie up the money in your own name for the property,Or after he abused your generosity once then there is no more,

I too have helped many people out,Got stung with 2 different people for uite a bit of money,and they were family :o But i wouldn't dream of asking for help myself,But the good ones always get taken for a ride,Live and learn my friend.

Never bite the hand that feeds you :D

And the point of the original post would be...... ?

Just getting it off his chest probably

Thoughtlessly, I then wonder, if that was the reason, if he feels better for it.

Hope he does. Sounds sad to have lost the friend more than sad to have lost the money, which sort of sums up how I would feel about it I think.

I don't suppose there is any test you could apply to someone before you give them access to that much depth of yourself, to prevent getting hurt.

Many farang would (and have here) say never lend money to any one else. I find if you give it to a person with no expectation of getting it back, having it returned then becomes a bonus, but it's the same whether the money is for a partner in love, a partner in business, a Thai or a Farang. The gift returned as opposed to a loan repaid makes one have a whole new look at themself/yourself.

Life is all learning. But I hope the original poster doesn't feel too bad. Taking a risk, being repaid, then finding the risk was something he did alone, and the person didn't return it. Sad, but life. What goes around, comes around.



giving with no hope for a return makes you feel good, and may I say it's a good thing to do.

if I do expect a return, I would be often disapointed.

if I get a return without any expectation, it make me feel even better, and begin to think that it was worth to do.

I never mix hope and trust ... but it's only my way :o



Don't lend money to someone unless their relationship is more important than the amount of money loaned. Then let it pass - assume the money is gone - but the relationship saved. IF the money comes back - be happy. If it is lost - you still have the relationship.

Have loaned money to family and a couple close friends. Never gave the money another thought - I think it came back in full - maybe more - but I never added it up or double checked it. The relationships were more important.

But, I also don't lend money to anyone - who is not a very close friend or family. Unless or course, it is a trivial amount. I'm not a wealthy man - and I don't flash money or brag about it - so the expectation is not there among my acquaintances.

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