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491.8 was my best :o

Me too :D : 491.8, 491.3, 487.0 ...

As for this VERY cheeky bastard:

Very good! (I mean the graphics editor program you've used) :D


OK! New technique: you've got to hit the little bugger low so he skids the last few yards. I've done a 555.7 and a 537.4 :D


Glad you all enjoyed...

loved the mines.

Have fun, and looking forward to the one with soi dogs if anybody gets round to it.

Excellent use of my morning!  Methinks the only way to get over around 550, is with a graphics program, but nice work.

You have to tap your left mouse button very quickly, and slightly late, so the little bugger goes just off the top of your screen, and then skids the last few meters. If he nose-dives, you just won't get the distance.

Mum: "So, son, what have you been doing in Thailand for the last two years?"

RDN: "Well Mum, I've been talking to some people in the Internet and playing "Whack the Penguin" on my PC".

Mum: " :o "

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