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May these brave men rest in peace.

The Muslim religion has been interpreted to say, “You can kill for Allah”.

But there is nothing here but only men who power trip others for there own gain using this "belief".

They are knowingly or unknowingly killing to control for power.

And who ever kills for Allah is way off the truth.

I say today we should end all religions……… as they only divide the planet’s people more and more.

The first religion to go should be this one too it’s the most dangerous in its interpretations.

I am ashamed to be from a race of people with these sorts of beliefs and actions.

Good was here long before the god concept!

Lets all be good for the sake of these fallen men, humanity and this wonderful planet!


The Buddhist monk from Tibet, the Dalai Lama, spoke last week in Mexico City. This recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize said that religion should never be used or interpreted as an excuse for violence.

Closer to home, the Vietnamese spiritual leader, Thich Quang Do, was asked why Ho Chi Minh received so much violent support from Vietnamese Buddhists when they were fighting the Japanese. The interviewer asked, "Venerable, is it proper for Buddhists to support war?" "No," he said immediately......The Buddhists do not support using weapons and killing people....Even though they were Buddhists, they were also Vietnamese, and their nationalism...came first. Our Buddhist belief says that we cannot kill....." [from "The Future of Peace," by Scott A. Hunt]

Jesus was an absolute pacifist, and he founded a religion that was 99.99% pacifist for its first 300 years.

IMO, we don't need to do away with all religions - just any violent religion, and any religion that supports or condones or tolerates or blesses any kind of violence, anywhere, by anybody.

I say today we should end all religions……… as they only divide the planet’s people more and more.

dont worry, humans will eventually destroy themselves. humans are the most lethal virus on earth. we are destroying our host and destroying ourselves.


May Ken Bigley, and those before him and in all sad likelyhood also those after him rest in peace. And what an incredible statement his brother delivered. I am however closing this topic, we know how these discussions develop. If you must (though frankly I think Bigley's brother said it all), you're welcome to continue the discussion on www.bearpit.net.


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