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Wtf! Witnesses ?


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Hey anyone if you noticed 5 middle east guys at RCA around 4 AM !!!!!

This guys jumped me saying Western is evil bullshit!!!

They took my wallet along with my bank cards and cash

I tried to fight then but there where 5 of them and I was alone.

If anyone witnesses this come forward!!!

Many of fuc_king western ***** watched as this shit went down.

I did not start this shit OR did I ask for it in anyway.

No Thai people where involved what so ever.

Who knows where the fuc_k Bags went???

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Lots of scumbags about, i personally never go near where the Arabs are in Sukhumvit as you can feel youre not wanted there, at least youre home in one piece, report the cards stolen to the old bill, and call your bank to see if anyone is on camera trying to use them, if all fails try and write it off to experience.

I feel less safe in BKK in the early hours then i did many moons ago mainly due to drunk tourists of all nations.

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most people do just turn around and walk the other way. i have a hard time watching a large

gang beat up one person. i've seen thais do this to foreigners but never a middle-eastern

group. it does make you think you'd better bring one of your mates if you're going out on

the town because as you say. you really can't count on any spectators to help you out. i'm

embarrassed to admit, i try and bring a minimum of stuff with me when i'm out because you

never know when you might get into a scrape and it's the last thing you want to worry about.

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most people do just turn around and walk the other way. i have a hard time watching a large

gang beat up one person. i've seen thais do this to foreigners but never a middle-eastern

group. it does make you think you'd better bring one of your mates if you're going out on

the town because as you say. you really can't count on any spectators to help you out. i'm

embarrassed to admit, i try and bring a minimum of stuff with me when i'm out because you

never know when you might get into a scrape and it's the last thing you want to worry about.

Have to agree here. I have a hard time watching someone get beat up, but you really can't rely on 'spectators' and 'innocent bystanders' to help you out in LOS either. If I was there, I would have tried to get a cop, but I wouldn't have gotten into a fight for you. I am trying to put myself into the shoes of the other tourists and foreigners around you. I mean you are in a foreign country, do not know what's going on, and you see someone getting beaten up. Would you want to jump in? Change the scenario a bit, and say that you are in another country like Mexico, Rwanda, Russia, or whatever. Do you want to jump in? You pretty much have to watch out for your own safety, and avoid getting into situations that could lead to problems. Face it, in Thailand you can't really 'rely' on the police to help you out. Even in the States, there really isn't a cop around when you need one. In Thailand, even more so, and the cops probably cause as many problems as they fix. Look at it this way, if you get out with your life, consider yourself good. Lots of tourists get killed throughout the world. Credit cards? You can call and cancel. Money? Well hopefully it was just your 'night out' money. If you are alive and in one piece, then be thankful.

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16 years back I was in Taiwan and I saw a fight going on between a little school boy and a big Taiwanese fellow. The big guy was probably aroun 185-190 lbs, the school kid 110-120 wet. He had the kids school bag shoulder strap wraped around the kids throat/neck, the kid was on his knees and the guy was pounding him with his right fist as his left held the school bag strap.

In short, the odss were massivley agains the kid, and the kid was really in a bad condition.

I showed up, and stood near the edge of the crowd of on lookers.

Weird thing happened. They guy pounding the kid, stoped bashing on the kid... looked at me, & said "Do you want some of this....." He then let go of the kid and started walking toward me... as he was walking he took off his t-shit. He had tatoos running diagnally from shoulder to hip. Right when got to to toe with me, a cop on a motorcycle drove up, parking his front tire right between us.

He said, "What is going on...." (and yes I speak Chinese)

I left the scene, the cop did not try to stop me....

But my point is, I did nothing, and yet just because a forienger was present, I almost got into a fight....

I did want the fight to stop, mission accomplished, but I did not say or do anything other than show up and I was about to become a victim.

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So many things I want to say, but cannot.

Never had an altercation in LOS, and from reading too much I have vowed never to get involved in Thai fight. But had I witnessed this I would have jumped in out of principal. These 'people' are the dregs of the earth.

Sorry to hear about this.

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I’m ok now.

I was with my mates until they took the taxi the other way.

Also I pretty wasted but I still can stand straight and behave my self.

I was pisses off but it happened to fast for really any one to kind of help.

And I can see the point it not being anyone’s business.

I’m in one peace with no big marks.

So I don’t feel angry anymore. I’m in good spirits and hope my language didn’t offend anyone.

I still think Thailand is a pretty safe country to venture around and live.

I don’t know what to think of these Arabs anymore.

I find it strange that they took my wallet but they didn’t take my phone.

If I see them again it will be there bad karma.


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Hey anyone if you noticed 5 middle east guys at RCA around 4 AM !!!!!

This guys jumped me saying Western is evil bullshit!!!

They took my wallet along with my bank cards and cash

I tried to fight then but there where 5 of them and I was alone.

If anyone witnesses this come forward!!!

Many of fuc_king western ***** watched as this shit went down.

I did not start this shit OR did I ask for it in anyway.

No Thai people where involved what so ever.

Who knows where the fuc_k Bags went???

I’m ok now.

I was with my mates until they took the taxi the other way.

Also I pretty wasted but I still can stand straight and behave my self.

I was pisses off but it happened to fast for really any one to kind of help.

And I can see the point it not being anyone’s business.

I’m in one peace with no big marks.

So I don’t feel angry anymore. I’m in good spirits and hope my language didn’t offend anyone.

I still think Thailand is a pretty safe country to venture around and live.

I don’t know what to think of these Arabs anymore.

I find it strange that they took my wallet but they didn’t take my phone.

If I see them again it will be there bad karma.


Thanks for the update

Edited by sriracha john
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Hey anyone if you noticed 5 middle east guys at RCA around 4 AM !!!!!

This guys jumped me saying Western is evil bullshit!!!

They took my wallet along with my bank cards and cash

I tried to fight then but there where 5 of them and I was alone.

If anyone witnesses this come forward!!!

Many of fuc_king western ***** watched as this shit went down.

I did not start this shit OR did I ask for it in anyway.

No Thai people where involved what so ever.

Who knows where the fuc_k Bags went???

I'm ok now.

I was with my mates until they took the taxi the other way.

Also I pretty wasted but I still can stand straight and behave my self.

I was pisses off but it happened to fast for really any one to kind of help.

And I can see the point it not being anyone's business.

I'm in one peace with no big marks.

So I don't feel angry anymore. I'm in good spirits and hope my language didn't offend anyone.

I still think Thailand is a pretty safe country to venture around and live.

I don't know what to think of these Arabs anymore.

I find it strange that they took my wallet but they didn't take my phone.

If I see them again it will be there bad karma.


Thanks for the update

Time for Thai-Boxing lesssons?

Seiously, I am giving serious consideration to carrying a weapon;

pepper spray, that extensible baton sold on the street ,

or any other legal weapon out there(taser?)

Mostly I just wont stay out past 2 am...

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most people do just turn around and walk the other way. i have a hard time watching a large

gang beat up one person. i've seen thais do this to foreigners but never a middle-eastern

group. it does make you think you'd better bring one of your mates if you're going out on

the town because as you say. you really can't count on any spectators to help you out. i'm

embarrassed to admit, i try and bring a minimum of stuff with me when i'm out because you

never know when you might get into a scrape and it's the last thing you want to worry about.

Have to agree here. I have a hard time watching someone get beat up, but you really can't rely on 'spectators' and 'innocent bystanders' to help you out in LOS either. If I was there, I would have tried to get a cop, but I wouldn't have gotten into a fight for you. I am trying to put myself into the shoes of the other tourists and foreigners around you. I mean you are in a foreign country, do not know what's going on, and you see someone getting beaten up. Would you want to jump in? Change the scenario a bit, and say that you are in another country like Mexico, Rwanda, Russia, or whatever. Do you want to jump in? You pretty much have to watch out for your own safety, and avoid getting into situations that could lead to problems. Face it, in Thailand you can't really 'rely' on the police to help you out. Even in the States, there really isn't a cop around when you need one. In Thailand, even more so, and the cops probably cause as many problems as they fix. Look at it this way, if you get out with your life, consider yourself good. Lots of tourists get killed throughout the world. Credit cards? You can call and cancel. Money? Well hopefully it was just your 'night out' money. If you are alive and in one piece, then be thankful.

Classic posts which illustrate the maxim: "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

Edited by toptuan
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Classic posts which illustrate the maxim: "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

Like it or not, that is what I would do, and I am being perfectly honest about it. I think people are alot braver talking about what they 'would have done' on an internet forum than how they would be in real life. Reality of the situation is I would not know if they had guns, or knives. I do know that I have people who care about me and who need/rely on me that would be sad if I were no longer alive. Also, if I saw five guys on one without knowing the backstory, how am I supposed to know that it was a robbery? For all I know it could have been a drunken bar argument, or the guy being beaten up could have molested the 4 your old child of one of the attackers.

Just think about what bank tellers are told when they are being robbed, which is to cooperate and give them the money. Same thing with 7-11 clerks getting robbed: cooperate and give them the money. What a cop will NOT tell you to do in robbery situation is to fight back. They will tell you to give your wallet and run away, because your wallet, money, and credit cards are not worth dying for. Actually in self defense classes what they would tell you to do in this situation is to take your wallet and throw it AWAY from you, so the robbers have to make the choice of either going after the money (which is what they want) or chasing after you.

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Sorry about your luck mate, I had the same thing happen to me in the UK about 5 years ago. Bad choice on my part for location, SOHO, but learned a leson, like other posters said, you got away in one piece, I know you may not care cause your P*** right now, but that's the best you can hope for in most of these situations. Hopefully there will be a greater justice for these things in thailand, (and the rest of the world) soon. Best of luck to you.

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Hey anyone if you noticed 5 middle east guys at RCA around 4 AM !!!!!

they showed you their middle eastern passports? :o

If he said 5 Asians, would you think he needed to see the passports to see that they were Asian? If he said they were 5 South Asians (India, Pakistan, Banglidesh, Sri Lanka) would you think he needed to see passports? Don't know about you, but I know what a person from the middle east looks like. Sure they might be from the US and be of middle eastern descent, but they are still of middle eastern descent.

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I cant tell the difference between arabs, greeks, italians and south americans. I know they have more hair then other races but thats about it.

Anyways, Arabs always fight in groups, its happends all the time in Sydney.

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I cant tell the difference between arabs, greeks, italians and south americans. I know they have more hair then other races but thats about it.

Anyways, Arabs always fight in groups, its happends all the time in Sydney.

Arabs are fatter, smell bad, and totaly void of manners - easy to spot really

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I wonder why most are so hot headed. I mean its not the religion as even the christian ones are hot headed. Here in Sydney they try to stare you down

No reason - they are just Arabs. Maybe you would be hot headed and ignorant if you were unfortunate to be born an Arab

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F-cking ppl... to a friend of mine they took her wallet and handphone from inside her purse in Gazeebo (khaosan) and from her credit card they took 20.000 15.000 in a whiskey! she got pictures and everything from foodland when they use the card, but police didn't do anything, they said was not enough to put them in jail... (yeah right)

I think there is like a mafia from those arab guys.

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I wonder why most are so hot headed. I mean its not the religion as even the christian ones are hot headed. Here in Sydney they try to stare you down

I know the ones you mean, having lived in the Western Suburbs.

They're scum and should never have been let in.

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Bunch of hypocrits your Arabs - what are they doing here anyhow? If they are men of there own beliefs then there is nothing here for them. Oh, i forgot they have done some deal with Thai hospitals for treatment of the sick. Cant train their own as doctors due to learning disabiltys and no nurses as women arent allowed.

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Bunch of hypocrits your Arabs - what are they doing here anyhow? If they are men of there own beliefs then there is nothing here for them. Oh, i forgot they have done some deal with Thai hospitals for treatment of the sick. Cant train their own as doctors due to learning disabiltys and no nurses as women arent allowed.

Nothing here for them? I'm assuming all YOU think is here are the whores and the booze. Not all Arab countries are run by the Taliban. Plenty of Women Doctors, nurses, and politicians in the Arab world. Dipshit!

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Bunch of hypocrits your Arabs - what are they doing here anyhow? If they are men of there own beliefs then there is nothing here for them. Oh, i forgot they have done some deal with Thai hospitals for treatment of the sick. Cant train their own as doctors due to learning disabiltys and no nurses as women arent allowed.

Nothing here for them? I'm assuming all YOU think is here are the whores and the booze. Not all Arab countries are run by the Taliban. Plenty of Women Doctors, nurses, and politicians in the Arab world. Dipshit!

Go to the Grace hotel any night and see the hypocritical ARABS boozing and whoring. Dipshit!

Anyway why else would anyone come to Thailand - take away the whores and you would sharp see a decline in numbers. Yes i know your bird was a teacher!

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