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I as a retired Marine and as an American Marine I am very proud of the USA...If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..

For the others that hate Americans So Be It, However if you look throughout history the americans have made you what you are today wheather Idiots or good people......

I love being an American but I love most of all living in Thailand where the only predujuice is from the Thai government towards people who are not Thai//.

                                            KHUNDAN SENDS

Sounds like foolspeak.

Maybe you should walk around the Middle East in a Marines T Shirt and test out some of your theories.

Have you been out of the US long? Thai people are very prejudice.


Funny he's proud to be an american but living in a foreign land hmmmmmmmmmm :o

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I as a retired Marine and as an American Marine I am very proud of the USA...If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..

For the others that hate Americans So Be It, However if you look throughout history the americans have made you what you are today wheather Idiots or good people......

I love being an American but I love most of all living in Thailand where the only predujuice is from the Thai government towards people who are not Thai//.

                                             KHUNDAN SENDS

Sounds like foolspeak.

Maybe you should walk around the Middle East in a Marines T Shirt and test out some of your theories.

Have you been out of the US long? Thai people are very prejudice.


Didn't england rule the world once??? (Coming from an American) :o

Yes and that's what screwed us up in the long run.


Criticize, no.  Politically correct, maybe.  Polite, I try to be.
Annoying' date=' nitpicker are interesting descriptors.[/quote']


Wish I knew what to say to change your mind, but "up to you".

To the topic: Again, in general (yes a generalization) I don't think Americans "herd" in Thailand. There are foreigners/expats from a hugh assortment of countries and I find it keeps my life intesting to "mingle" with all. I like to think it helps me get a broader view on the rest of the world. Even though I may not agree, I do my best to respect opinions that are not necessarily my own. So, I would say, come on over and enjoy without the expectation that you need to find your American "herd". Anyway, really, one of the reasons you are coming to Thailand is to see what the "rest of the world" is like, isn't it?

Good luck.

Didn't england rule the world once??? (Coming from an American) :D

After the Act of Union I suppose we were British but, yep, we had 25% of the entire globe under our expensive boot. Made a bit of a ######-up with THAT country over there. <deleted>. :o

After the Act of Union I suppose we were British but, yep, we had 25% of the entire globe under our expensive boot. Made a bit of a ######-up with THAT country over there. <deleted>. :D

Which one? Canada? :o


An Englishman once told me that Americans are sheer amateurs when it comes to exploitation and general world bollocking when compared to the British. Well, America at present is giving the world her best shot (no pun intended) :o . Come on fellas, show some love.


I am an american. it is my first home. ..and I'm not afraid to say that I like bush. his intentions are honorable.

when 9/11 occurred, the fear that was going around was - if the terrorists had the nuclear bomb, would they have used it on new york? ..from there, the question was, if saddam had the nuclear bomb - would he have given it to the terrorists?

my belief is yes - saddam would have given the bomb to the terrorists. this was a man with delusions of grandeur who attacked iran and kuwait. america with the help of the coalition of nations intervened to stop him. and there is no doubt in my mind that he wanted revenge. especially with the way he acted for over 12 years after he was kicked out of kuwait.

..I believe that saddam would have given the bomb to terrorists to use on america once he found out how to make them.

bush did the right thing to go in before saddam was finally able to make the atom bomb.

as it turns out now, not only was iraq looking to make atom bombs, then, we find out that many other countries in the middle east are pursuing this route too.

I know. you are asking - how do I know that saddam was trying to make the atom bomb? hey! remember that guy from pakistan who confessed to providing black market nuclear technology to everybody at a price?

..HE is why we all know what is going on.

sorry for the change in topic. but it needed to be said.

hey. america is not perfect, but then, is anybody? compared to many other countries, america is a saint. check out the following websites...





An Englishman once told me that Americans are sheer amateurs when it comes to exploitation and general world bollocking when compared to the British. Well, America at present is giving the world her best shot (no pun intended) :o . Come on fellas, show some love.

I've met people like that. Self-haters who'll slag off their culture and people rather than just look in a mirror and say: "Prat".

Though we're far from perfect, much of what we did over the centuries did a lot of good. We even beat the frogs over who would have that continent across the Pond which is why so many Americans speak-a-da-English.



Every one of your self-serving points is wrong. Your thinking is so muddled by swallowing daily American propaganda wholesale it is hard to know where to begin.

First of all, the US has been the most active and consistent practitioner of terror in the modern era. From institutionalized assasination (Phoenix Program during Viet Nam war: 30,000 extra-judicial assasinations), to manual for terrorizing a nation by killing teachers and nurses (published CIA manual for terror against Nicaragua during Reagan era), to training secret police in torture (the Shah of Iran's SAVAK said by Amnesty International to have killed 60,000 people to Pinochet's secret police in Chile after the violent overthrow of the democratically elected Allende government. From Mexico to Chile tyrannical govermnents have been nurtured by the US as long as they served the corporate interests favored by the US government.

In contrast to what Saddam might have done had he had means that he never got, ALL of the nuclear prolieration in the world to date is the result of what the US has actually done. We suppported the French nuclear program secretly during the 50's. We turned a blind eye to the Israeli nuclear program and permittted them to steal plutonium from Pennsylvania in the 60's. In exchange for supporting the Taliban and other radical Islamic agents of the US against the Soviet puppet government in Afganistan, we permitted the Pakistanis to acquire nuclear weapons techology. The Soviets and the Chinese probably developed their own atomic weapons and they never gave them to any one else out of paranoia.

I am disgusted by smug, conformist Americans like you who don't want to let any of the facts interfere with feeling good about themselves and their country. Even when the Bushies carefully set up an international system for torture with secret locations outside of the US, denials of the Geneva conventions for the treatment of prisoners. you refuse to recognize that the criminality of our government.

It needed to be said.

Khun Pad Thai


Here we go again. :D

Once the thread starts to dry up it's "bash those damned people" again. :D

Bashing their politics, now that's fair game. :o

Bashing the man on the street, that's only valid if he's an ######.

As I've met many who aren't, it's a bit naff to generalise (note the 's' :D ) and say they're all tossers (can't believe I'm a soapy soapy.gif defending them! :D ).


to khunpadthai:

where should I begin...

first off, I am the first to admit that the usa is not perfect. but as I said in my earlier listing, compared to most nations in the world, the usa is a saint.

do please review the info on the websites that I listed on my previous listing.

your claim that quote, "the usa is the most active and consistent practitioner of terror in the modern era" might hold some truth if:

1) hitler didn't murder 20 million people (including 6 million jewish folks).

2) stalin didn't murder 90 million people.

3) china didn't murder 60 million people.

4) japan didn't murder 8 million people.

5) cambodia didn't massacred 2 million people.

oh. and let's not forget the hundreds of thousands of people who died needlessly while saddam hussein was the ruler of iraq.

or the terrorists who are beheading innocent people as early as of last month.


khunpadthai, if the usa is so bad, why didn't they conquer the world when they invented the atom bomb? did you know that when the usa first invented the atom bomb, they were the only ones to have it for over 3 years?

if the usa is so bad, why did they spend billions of dollars helping rebuild all those countries right after world war II? did you know most of those countries never ever paid the usa back all the money that was spent on rebuilding their countries?

if the usa is so bad, why didn't the usa keep japan, germany, and a host of other nations (including some in the middle east) after world war II? they could of, you know.

more recently, why didn't the usa keep kuwait after they kicked saddam out? ..why didn't they just bomb the ###### out of iraq instead of using precision bombing?

...the list goes on and on.

the usa is a good country.


> Here we go again.

> Once the thread starts to dry up it's "bash those damned people"

> again.

Yes, quite right. (Actually I'm surprised it took this long.) But now that we are 'going at it again', time to move on to www.bearpit.net



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