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Farang Pretend-police

Ulysses G.

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What I find strange is that westerners complain because they often feel excluded from Thai society. Now here is a way to get more involved with the community and the people doing it are treated like a joke. You just can't win with us crazy farang.

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As UG pointed out in his initial post, I was one of the original volunteers and joined in the hope that I might help stressed visitors. I left for various reasons, primarily because it became clear we were expected to work hours that they demanded, rather than when we were available. I can volunteer, but I will not allow my family to suffer if I am doing unpaid voluntary labour.

I also objected to being used more as a show piece, standing to attention and saluting VIPs at various events, rather than doing any useful, helpful work.

The final straw came when we were invited to a special party and told we had to bring our own food and drinks. I didn't go and haven't been back since.

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Some of the creeps were supposedly helping Pattaya's finest find out which bars were "showing" so that they could shake them down. :angry:

Creeps-----You know some of them?, or are you just passing summary judgement on their character without ever meeting any of them..

supposedly------once again supposition and innuendo that probably makes you feel important, as other posters/readers may think 'you know something'.

I post on here as a very successful 'bar owner' on Walking Str and as some people remember from previous posts I have used the Tourist Police Assistants for 5-6 years to clear up many problems in my bar and around the general area. I obviously also know many of them personally and I assure you their intentions are honourable and helpful. They are very conscientous in trying to clear the problems encountered on Walking Str every night and I (plus many others bar owners on Walking Str) respect their commitment and would hate to see them disband, as there is only 'one' actual policeman on duty every night for the whole of Walking Str due to Police budgets. This is why the 'supposedly' comment above gets my hackles up, because without them, Walking Str could be a much meaner place. Also as most people realise the Assistants are very well known around most of Pattaya, so once again the above comment is ludicrous. The above poster (and others) should realise that the Thai police and Immigration police have 100's of farang overstayers or petty crime types who do most of the so-called police dirty work in the major cities in exchange for visas etc. This has been going on since I arrived in Thailand back in the 70's. So please get your facts right (or have first hand knowledge as I have) before posting. Ok have a nice day.

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Then the Pattaya police began using the volunteers as undercover agents. No training. No assistance. No back-up. No authority.

In your well written post, I noticed the part above. I believe in the west such people are referred to as snitches or informants. A sad but important part of policing. Something rather incongruous though using an informant when the intent of the program was as you described. I'd therefore be rather leery of such people and steer clear of the TP, rather than approaching if I had a problem.

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Some of the creeps were supposedly helping Pattaya's finest find out which bars were "showing" so that they could shake them down. :o

Creeps-----You know some of them

I am talking specifically about snitches as geriatrickid calls them above. I would have used that word instead if I had thought of it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As UG pointed out in his initial post, I was one of the original volunteers and joined in the hope that I might help stressed visitors. I left for various reasons, primarily because it became clear we were expected to work hours that they demanded, rather than when we were available. I can volunteer, but I will not allow my family to suffer if I am doing unpaid voluntary labour.

I also objected to being used more as a show piece, standing to attention and saluting VIPs at various events, rather than doing any useful, helpful work.

The final straw came when we were invited to a special party and told we had to bring our own food and drinks. I didn't go and haven't been back since.

That was how I thought the Thai authorities would look at this idea as well. Get some farang to salute the puyai. I bet there were quite a few photographers recording the humiliation.

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That was how I thought the Thai authorities would look at this idea as well. Get some farang to salute the puyai. I bet there were quite a few photographers recording the humiliation.

Generally wai Phu Yai on a regular basis when i meet, its the done thing. Sorry, but kinda comes across as a Thai / Asian could never be above you ( bit like a colonialist mentality ).

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That was how I thought the Thai authorities would look at this idea as well. Get some farang to salute the puyai. I bet there were quite a few photographers recording the humiliation.

Generally wai Phu Yai on a regular basis when i meet, its the done thing. Sorry, but kinda comes across as a Thai / Asian could never be above you ( bit like a colonialist mentality ).

Depends on whether you're the phu yai or not, doesn't it. Not all of us farang are kinok. Quite a few of us if judged by Thai rules (money, assets, car, foreign education etc) out phu yai most Thais. This is not a colonialist mentality thing, it's a Thai reality thing.

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I considered giving it a go for a bit, basically through the boredom associated with not being able to work. To do a couple of hours wandering around, offering advice to tourists didn't seem too bad an option. I also thought it'd be quite interesting to see things from the other side of the fence, so to speak. Then i decided I really couldn't be arsed.

I think they're mainly ok - seem to be some ex-policemen snobbery going on here. And comparing Thailand's tourist problems to Monaco's - <deleted>!?

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I considered giving it a go for a bit, basically through the boredom associated with not being able to work. To do a couple of hours wandering around, offering advice to tourists didn't seem too bad an option. I also thought it'd be quite interesting to see things from the other side of the fence, so to speak. Then i decided I really couldn't be arsed.

I think they're mainly ok - seem to be some ex-policemen snobbery going on here. And comparing Thailand's tourist problems to Monaco's - <deleted>!?

Snobbery! What???

Nope, not from me!

I did my time, as a real cop, on the street in harms way for over 20 yrs. Been shot, been shot at more times than I can count, and have had my partner killed in a gunbattle...nope..not snobbery at all. Been there, done that, don't want to ever do that again.

I, more than any ( other than my fellow brothers/sister's in arms ) will attest to the amout of hate which is shown towards you while in uniform ( well, not you )..and still shows towards the police in some of these posts I've read here.. :o ( and most are all law abiding citizens who've never been in serious trouble except for the speeding ticket from that god awful SOB cop who was "out to get me", "I 'm sure there's REAL bad guys he could catch"...mentalitiy. .. bitter..na, not me.. :D hated writing traffic tickets and normally would just give warnings, I never "won" that toaster for the week)

I stated in my post that I indeed think it's a great idea, as long as you take 'em outta a police type looking uniform. Dangerous for 'em to even look like the real deal, ya know the gettin' killed kinda thangy, when shit goes sour and you happen to be standing there giving directions to Mr. And Mrs. Tourist and all the urchin sees is the nice friendly guy dressed as a copper and throws a few projectiles going about 800 to 900 feet per second down range at his/ her head...

I would like to see 'em dressed as "user friendly". A uniform that shows it is NOT the police and easily recognized as such.. to the tourist and the scumbag. No cuffs, no PR24's, no retractables, No M26...no blousing of the boots..nothing to even resemble a cop.

I really do think it IS a good idea. And if you're willing to put in the time because you're bored, I give ya a pat on the back.

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After reading some of the posts I came away with the feeling that this was a "take advantage of the local farang" program from the start. Uniforms, carrying handcuffs, 20 hour weeks, saluting more than you did when you were in the military, no training, no authority, no pay and working as undercover agents. You've got to be kidding.

I have to agree fully with gpdjohn. I worked as a full-timer back in the States as well, only in a smaller town. There were times I was the only guy on duty having to decide what to respond to first, the head on collision or some guy beating the crap out of his old lady. Nothing he mentioned in his posts can be construed as "snobbery" and unless you put on the real uniform, badge and gun and put your life on the line, you haven't got the same mindset as those who have.

Putting uniforms on foreigners who are not actual police is a bad idea - plain and simple. I'm sure just like in a typical police department. be it in the US or elsewhere, there are those who became cops because they take pride in their job and are dedicated in helping the public and their are others in it mainly for the ego trip and sense of power. The same is likely true with these local farangs in their uniforms.

Like gpdjohn I hated running radar, but there were others who couldn't wait for the shift to start so they could get the radar unit and start pulling people over. For me, this told a lot about which camp the guy in blue fell into.

BTW, who supplies the uniforms, handcuffs and whatever else is required?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't understand why anyone would be bothered by foreign tourist police volunteers.They don't do police work from what I have seen and unless someone is breaking the law,why are they concerned about what tourist police do?They seem very helpful to me and the ones I talked to did not seem to have "psycologial" problems.

I have seen farangs in Thailand whose entire life here revolves around getting drunk and shacking up with bar girls,and while I have no objections to either of those pursuits myself,they are not contributing anything to this country or society in general.So if these TPD volunteers are doing something productive,then I respect them more than many of the other "farang" I have seen here.

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I agree a different uniform might be a good idea, but I see nothing wrong with attempting to source volunteers to help alleviate the situation for tourists who run into problems.

All the untapped potential seems a greater problem, for example the foreign retirees that come here and aren't even allowed to legally teach English or whatever skills and knowledge they have acquired during their working life, not even for free.

THAT to me seems like a waste and mismanagement of available resources...

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As UG pointed out in his initial post, I was one of the original volunteers and joined in the hope that I might help stressed visitors. I left for various reasons, primarily because it became clear we were expected to work hours that they demanded, rather than when we were available. I can volunteer, but I will not allow my family to suffer if I am doing unpaid voluntary labour.

I also objected to being used more as a show piece, standing to attention and saluting VIPs at various events, rather than doing any useful, helpful work.

The final straw came when we were invited to a special party and told we had to bring our own food and drinks. I didn't go and haven't been back since.


When I heard about the program two years ago it seemed like a good idea to me. However, when I heard about people having to buy their own uniforms/equipment this signalled that there isn't much commitment from the Thai police side behind this program. If there isn't even money for the uniforms, then what about training and administration? Now it seems that what has started out as a potentially useful initiative has flatlined due to the usual reasons - lack of organisation, management, and committment. I don't want to be cynical, but who would be surprised? Under the conditions mentioned by p1p and folkguitar its only natural that good people drop out while the people on a personal powertrip are the most likely to remain. Again, no surprise. The same mechanism is at work in Thai politics in general.

Cheers, CMX

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No one respects the BIB in this society due to the massive, nation-wide corruption endemic to this group.

Personally, I wouldn't want the guilt-by-association that would result from a volunteer position with these people. Perhaps after your stint in Thailand you'd like to be a Public Relations Volunteer Storm-Trooper for Rev. Butler's Aryian Nation compound in Idaho? Of course not the same ideals in question, but certainly the same lack of respect by the local citizenry.

Certainly, the Thais would disrespect you as well as any foreigner who's lived here for any appreciable length of time.

Edited by toptuan
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As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

I am not on a power trip nor am I demented or any of the other insults that have been posted here, nor have I had to salute anyone and I have not been treated badly by the TPD department in fact its the opposite.

I am requested to work min 20 hours per month but can do more if i wish.

Most of you think we do nothing and thats Ok its just ignorance on your behalf as you dont know what its all about but there have been some good posts explaining what we do for the community both thai and farang and my assitance has been requested by both thai and farang to help solve issues without involving the royal thai police in a fair manner to all especially farangs.

For those that insult us and dont understand why we do it maybe one day when you are in the shit you just might find out that we can be useful to you.

For anyone who wants to confirm I am not demented i will be at the party tonight under the name tag farang cravings

to toptuan

The only disrespect we receive is from people like you and those who have posted derogatory comments on this thread , you are very wrong about the local thai community I was very surprised when I first joined at how much respect we get from the local thai community.

Edited by FarangCravings
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As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

I am not on a power trip nor am I demented or any of the other insults that have been posted here, nor have I had to salute anyone and I have not been treated badly by the TPD department in fact its the opposite.

I am requested to work min 20 hours per month but can do more if i wish.

Most of you think we do nothing and thats Ok its just ignorance on your behalf as you dont know what its all about but there have been some good posts explaining what we do for the community both thai and farang and my assitance has been requested by both thai and farang to help solve issues without involving the royal thai police in a fair manner to all especially farangs.

For those that insult us and dont understand why we do it maybe one day when you are in the shit you just might find out that we can be useful to you.

For anyone whom want to confirm I am not demented i will be at the party tonight under the name tag farang cravings

to toptuan

The only disrespect we receive is from people like you and those who have posted derogatory comments on this thread , you are very wrong about the local thai community I was very surprised when I first joined at how much respect we get from the thai community.

How's the restaurant coming along ?

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As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

Why do you not require work permits?

Every foreigner working in Thailand, paid or volunteer, requires a work permit or a work permit exemption letter granted by the Labour Ministry. There are no exceptions.

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As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

Why do you not require work permits?

Every foreigner working in Thailand, paid or volunteer, requires a work permit or a work permit exemption letter granted by the Labour Ministry. There are no exceptions.

You are indeed correct however in a meeting between the TPD and the immigration department TPDV were not required to have a work permit, one of the requirements to become a TPDV is a O or B visa I had a work permit before but even then it specifys specifically the company you work for so if we did require a work permit it would have to be requested by the TPD to the immigration department.

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Farang Cravings...

Good on you... So many people here on TV provide opinions without fact or knowledge and can only judge others at their own level. Many people have complimented the efforts of the Volunteer Tourist Police, others have ridiculed the intentions of those volunteers.

For some people (those ridiculing) there must be some ulterior motive to what you are doing, after all why volunteer? What’s in it for you? You must want the power? You must be dumb enough to be under some illusion that you will get respect this way, you must have some sort of inferiority complex etc etc... People who judge others on this level say more about themselves than those they are passing judgement on.

Perhaps a few power trippers do exist, but it would not be fair or accurate assume all are and tar them with the same brush.

I hope I’ll never need the help, but I for one am glad that people like you are there to offer assistance and help to those who need it. In a country where so many visitors have difficulty communicating with officials I can see how you can offer much needed assistance.

I’m sure you enjoy it and get your rewards, it’s not something I would want to do but that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t do it, I believe it fills a necessary gap. For these reasons among others I respect what you and people like you do. People who more often than not are there helping the same sort ignorant folk who draw these inaccurate and disrespectful opinions in the first place.

Good luck...

Edited by richard_smith237
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As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

I am not on a power trip nor am I demented or any of the other insults that have been posted here, nor have I had to salute anyone and I have not been treated badly by the TPD department in fact its the opposite.

I am requested to work min 20 hours per month but can do more if i wish.

Most of you think we do nothing and thats Ok its just ignorance on your behalf as you dont know what its all about but there have been some good posts explaining what we do for the community both thai and farang and my assitance has been requested by both thai and farang to help solve issues without involving the royal thai police in a fair manner to all especially farangs.

For those that insult us and dont understand why we do it maybe one day when you are in the shit you just might find out that we can be useful to you.

For anyone who wants to confirm I am not demented i will be at the party tonight under the name tag farang cravings

to toptuan

The only disrespect we receive is from people like you and those who have posted derogatory comments on this thread , you are very wrong about the local thai community I was very surprised when I first joined at how much respect we get from the local thai community.

Respect and fear are two different things

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No one respects the BIB in this society due to the massive, nation-wide corruption endemic to this group.

Personally, I wouldn't want the guilt-by-association that would result from a volunteer position with these people. Perhaps after your stint in Thailand you'd like to be a Public Relations Volunteer Storm-Trooper for Rev. Butler's Aryian Nation compound in Idaho? Of course not the same ideals in question, but certainly the same lack of respect by the local citizenry.

Certainly, the Thais would disrespect you as well as any foreigner who's lived here for any appreciable length of time.

Speak for yourself. I've been here an appreciable lenghth of time and I certainly wouldn't dis-respect them. Good luck and a polite thank-you would be more my feelings. As for the Thais, let them speak for themselves too. I'd be very surprised if they would dis-respect them. They're too polite for that, I imagine.

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