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German Infected 450 Thai Woman With Aids

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Gosh RDN!!!..... it's sooooooo very difficult to refrain from responding to the latest crap post from the "gender-bender"....... my hands are shaking over the keyboard... but I will practice some self-control and not....

but dang is it ever difficult, RDN....     :D

I get the same feeling :D:D:D But I just keep hoping if no one rises to the bait the trolls will turn off their computers and get on with their homework. :wub:

Agree, why they let children play on Thaivisa? -_-

Hey, Sheri you may be right about the Thai's attitude about young girls getting pregnant without dad. I somehow suspect you are Thai as you know so well about Thai's culture.

I am a Thai woman and think that if any Thai would want to condemn their own people and support a perv he/she must be sick.

If you are a farang and then support your own people when he has done wrong. well, what can I say?

But I think it will help your opinion a bit if you are not a male farang because it seem to me that you stereotype Thai women. The words racist and sexist come into mind!! Because they are Thai women sleeping with an old farang they are prostitutes??? Ok because they took money and sleeping with an old farang they are professional pros ridden with HIV? Yes they have done wrong. But to you because they are THAI WOMEN they must be prostitutes? they must be the one who has the virus? they must be the one who cause all the trouble?

I don't think this guy will get punish for spreading HIV. You don't need to worry about him. It s not worse the hassle for the government to keep him in prison and have to pay for his treatment.

Anyway,as a lawyer may I point out that he has already confessed to the crime.

Sorry,RDN and Sriracha john. I've become the victim of Trolls :o


I've decided to open a school in Thailand for farangs, "The Art of Making it with Thai School Girls", based on the techniques of the one-legged German.

The course will be one month and offer the following guarantee:

1. You can enter any city in Thailand and have over 450 Thai school girls at your command for any sexual acts you desire, even sex without condoms.

2. It doesn't matter what you look like. Even if you are missing a leg, an arm, an eye, an ear, we will teach you how to make all Thai school girls instantly fall so in love with you, they will be at your total sexual command.

3. Your age need not matter. Thai school girls don't care how old the guy they sleep with, anyway.

4. Even if you are HIV positive, we will teach you how to convince the high school girls not to be concerned.

5. We will teach you how to avoid all discussion of pregnancy with any of the girls, so even their parents and friends never raise a single concern, in spite of the fact you won't be using condoms.

6. Don't worry about getting arrested for having sex with high school girls. We will show you the secret of avoiding confrontations with the police.

This and more when you join our school...


quote : stroll

QUOTE (NedKelly @ Sat 2004-10-23, 11:44:21)

"The epidemic of HIV infection has spread widely among young men in northern Thailand, DESPITE reported frequent and recent use of condom during sex with CSW's". (my caps)

The unreliability of such statistics has been pointed out before. Note: 'reported' use of condoms. Besides, if it is true that the presence of body defense agents to deal with drugs such as methamphetamines in the blood is likely to change test results to positive, I am not surprised Northern lads prove positive despite the use of condoms.

Best ask Sheri about this.....thats where the info came from. But I agree these sort of stats are often misleading.

Why hasnt condom use been criticised in the media yet if they are useless Sheri ?

Condoms are NOT protective of HIV in Thailand. Read the scientific journals and learn something for a change:

Which scientific journals ? The New Christian Scientist ? Modern Faith Healing ? The Miracles of Lourdes ? Playboy ?

Is Sheri one of those religious freaks who thinks God deliberately made HIV small enough to slip through the submicroscopic pores in condoms to rid the world of homosexuals ?

I've decided to open a school in Thailand for farangs, "The Art of Making it with Thai School Girls", based on the techniques of the one-legged German.

The course will be one month and offer the following guarantee:

1. You can enter any city in Thailand and have over 450 Thai school girls at your command for any sexual acts you desire, even sex without condoms.

2. It doesn't matter what you look like. Even if you are missing a leg, an arm, an eye, an ear, we will teach you how to make all Thai school girls instantly fall so in love with you, they will be at your total sexual command.

3. Your age need not matter. Thai school girls don't care how old the guy they sleep with, anyway.

4. Even if you are HIV positive, we will teach you how to convince the high school girls not to be concerned.

5. We will teach you how to avoid all discussion of pregnancy with any of the girls, so even their parents and friends never raise a single concern, in spite of the fact you won't be using condoms.

6. Don't worry about getting arrested for having sex with high school girls. We will show you the secret of avoiding confrontations with the police.

This and more when you join our school...

It sounds like a very thorough course. Is it very expensive and are there practical classes for enthusiastic participants ?

I've decided to open a school in Thailand for farangs, "The Art of Making it with Thai School Girls", based on the techniques of the one-legged German.

The course will be one month and offer the following guarantee:

1. You can enter any city in Thailand and have over 450 Thai school girls at your command for any sexual acts you desire, even sex without condoms.

2. It doesn't matter what you look like. Even if you are missing a leg, an arm, an eye, an ear, we will teach you how to make all Thai school girls instantly fall so in love with you, they will be at your total sexual command.

3. Your age need not matter. Thai school girls don't care how old the guy they sleep with, anyway.

4. Even if you are HIV positive, we will teach you how to convince the high school girls not to be concerned.

5. We will teach you how to avoid all discussion of pregnancy with any of the girls, so even their parents and friends never raise a single concern, in spite of the fact you won't be using condoms.

6. Don't worry about getting arrested for having sex with high school girls. We will show you the secret of avoiding confrontations with the police.

This and more when you join our school...

It sounds like a very thorough course. Is it very expensive and are there practical classes for enthusiastic participants ?

Expensive? 4,000 Baht a lesson, I hear Doc, and no discounts for senior citizens, though a ginger beard might get a few bob discount. :o


The source for the statement that condoms were not found protective was from JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association), 8/25/93 Vol. 270 #8, 11/16/94 Vol. 272, p.1478.

Here are some highlights,

"Condom use was reported in 61.5% of men...but was not shown to be protective of prevalent HIV infection...the epidemic of HIV infection has spread widely among young men in northern Thailand, despite reported frequent and recent use of condoms during sex with female CSWs [commercial sex workers]...Indeed, those who reported ever having used a condom with a CSW had a higher HIV prevalence..."

Read what it says. Those who used condoms had higher HIV infection rates. You can go into denial all you want, but the facts are written in the scientific journals, of which JAMA is quite prominent.

Not all scientific studies support the belief that condoms are protective of HIV. This is only one small example. Why is it hidden from the publics eye? It's not. It's just that the public doesn't read the scientific journals, they go by media propaganda in the newspapers where journalists are paid to write amusing tales on HIV that sell their paper and magazine. And of course, such amusing tales include that of one-legged Germans who have magical abilities to persuade innocent school girls to drop their panties at the wave of a few thousand baht. If it were really that easy, why are all the farangs hanging at the Nana Plaza in Bangkok where the old hag whores are charging the same ballpark figures? Don't they know they can get much younger, fresher and more beautiful Thai school girls simply by choping off their leg, forgetting to shave, dying their hair orange, and then driving around the school yard in a worn out jeep?

The source for the statement that condoms were not found protective was from JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association), 8/25/93

Was that the same JAMA that recommended Thalidomide for Morning Sickness ?

"In Thailand, the rate of infection has been particularly high among army units based in areas of northern Thailand adjacent to the Golden Triangle. In 1993, the prevalence rate among new recruits nationally reached 3.5 per cent, a seven-fold increase in five years.15Faced with evidenceof a widespread and worsening epidemic, Thailand initiated a country-wide education campaign that encouraged ‘safe sex’ through the use of condoms. Within five years, condom usage rose from 50 to 90 per cent and HIV infection rates began to drop dramatically. Indicative of the success of the safe sex campaign was the 80 per cent fall in the incidence of HIV among military recruits in northern Thailand after 1993. A further decline was recorded between 1995 and 1999."

According to the WHO, sex workers in Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Thailand have been high risk HIV vectors for years. Since 2000 I've been in Timor, Afghanistan (twice), Iraq, and Thailand with guys who spent every free minute rooting local prostitutes. Every soldier was issued with condoms and told to use them in every sexual encounter. Every soldier was tested for HIV on his or her return to Australia. Not one tested HIV positive.

Condoms DO prevent HIV infection, both ways, if used correctly.

You are spreading false and dangerous information.

The source for the statement that condoms were not found protective was from JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association), 8/25/93

Was that the same JAMA that recommended Thalidomide for Morning Sickness ?

"In Thailand, the rate of infection has been particularly high among army units based in areas of northern Thailand adjacent to the Golden Triangle. In 1993, the prevalence rate among new recruits nationally reached 3.5 per cent, a seven-fold increase in five years.15Faced with evidenceof a widespread and worsening epidemic, Thailand initiated a country-wide education campaign that encouraged ‘safe sex’ through the use of condoms. Within five years, condom usage rose from 50 to 90 per cent and HIV infection rates began to drop dramatically. Indicative of the success of the safe sex campaign was the 80 per cent fall in the incidence of HIV among military recruits in northern Thailand after 1993. A further decline was recorded between 1995 and 1999."

According to the WHO, sex workers in Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Thailand have been high risk HIV vectors for years. Since 2000 I've been in Timor, Afghanistan (twice), Iraq, and Thailand with guys who spent every free minute rooting local prostitutes. Every soldier was issued with condoms and told to use them in every sexual encounter. Every soldier was tested for HIV on his or her return to Australia. Not one tested HIV positive.

Condoms DO prevent HIV infection, both ways, if used correctly.

You are spreading false and dangerous information.

We can agree ... sometimes :o

Read what it says. Those who used condoms had higher HIV infection rates. You can go into denial all you want, but the facts are written in the scientific journals, of which JAMA is quite prominent.

I never use condoms, although I am HIV infected, because it would increase the chances of passing it on to the many hookers and schoolgirls I have sex with.

Don't they know they can get much younger, fresher and more beautiful Thai school girls simply by choping off their leg, forgetting to shave, dying their hair orange, and then driving around the school yard in a worn out jeep?
No need for so much effort, the schoolgirls are available free for graduates of the 2 week Advanced Course, and they know that they are unlikely to get pregnant, unless condoms are used. :D:o
Read what it says. Those who used condoms had higher HIV infection rates. You can go into denial all you want, but the facts are written in the scientific journals, of which JAMA is quite prominent.

I never use condoms, although I am HIV infected, because it would increase the chances of passing it on to the many hookers and schoolgirls I have sex with.

Don't they know they can get much younger, fresher and more beautiful Thai school girls simply by choping off their leg, forgetting to shave, dying their hair orange, and then driving around the school yard in a worn out jeep?
No need for so much effort, the schoolgirls are available free for graduates of the 2 week Advanced Course, and they know that they are unlikely to get pregnant, unless condoms are used. :D:o

Sheri may be on the sherry.

QUOTE (dr_Pat_Pong @ Tue 2004-10-26, 14:05:24)

QUOTE (sriracha john @ Tue 2004-10-26, 13:54:55)

QUOTE (meemiathai @ Tue 2004-10-26, 12:35:19)

I am suspecting Sheri has one leg only.

But she compensates for that with a scruffy beard.

that is accompanied by a bitter personality

and supplemented by a hostile nature.

enhanced by smelly breath.


I spent over a year in Chiang Rai trying everything I could to get the university girls who studied at Rachaphat into bed. Heck, I bought one student I dated for a few months a 50,000 baht motorbike and in response, she said she'd sleep with me - on wedding day. I gave 5,000 baht to my girlfriend Ging, to help her out in school, when she lost her books. I dated her for over 3 months, and was completely unsuccessful in getting her into bed, even after spending over 20,000 baht on various expenses, from fine meals at the best restaurants, shopping sprees at Big C, various gifts to her and her family, etc. The same is true for all of the school girls I dated during the year I lived in Chiang Rai. And believe me, I dated a lot and spent much time with many nice girls - all without success in getting any them into bed.

I had the same experience in Phuket town (no, not Patong Beach), where I lived for 6 months. And then Bangkok where I lived for a year.

No, I'm not missing a leg, I do shave, I dress nice, and I'm a heck of a lot more handsome than this German farang. Plus, I read and write Thai, as well as speak it. And I'm a perfect gentleman, as well as being quite slick with the girls. I understand Thai culture well enough, having now lived in Thailand for over 7 years. I've been all over the country, from Mae Sai in the north to Hat Yai in the south, chasing school girls of all kinds in the Land of Smiles. Unsuccessfully.

Why was I unsuccessful? Ask any Thai man who does the same as I. You can't get the girls alone. Yes, you can get their phone number. I had tons. Yes, you can get dates with them. I had countless. Yes, you can invite them over to your place. I have a library of photos to prove it. Yes, you can go meet their parents. I did so. But no, you cannot get them alone in your room. Only the hookers or ones that really fall deep in love will do that. And do you think the high school girls who slept with this German farang fell deeply in love? Or were planning on marrying him? What other options are there? Only two: the girls were full fledge hookers (and therefore not high school girls) or somebody is pulling our leg (no pun intended).

What this means is a story of a one-legged farang being able to seduce high school girls, age 15-17, into sleeping with him, is so farfetched, that if it can be proven to be true, I would personally fly up to see him, bow before him, and in prayer like fasion, recite the following words,

"Oh, my treasured master. You are the supreme farang of all countries. Now, I beg of you. Disclose to me the secret of the Thai school girl and what one must do to get her into bed without condoms, for I have not a clue, but you, you are the foremost master and I am your humble student. Please teach me the secrets of your ways."


Gee Stan that's a sad story.

Can't get laid in Thailand. Spends shitloads on girls all to no avail.

I've never believed the one legged German story from the beginning but it's more believable than yours.

You really must try harder with your posts.

Grade : D-

Gee Stan that's a sad story.

Can't get laid in Thailand. Spends shitloads on girls all to no avail.

I've never believed the one legged German story from the beginning but it's more believable than yours.

You really must try harder with your posts.

Grade : D-

The poor bugger couldn't get one in Nana with a fist full of 1000 baht notes :o


Well, I'm going to have to trust you Sriracha John 'cause I don't watch much TV.

But I'm still on the skeptical side about the numbers, which keep changing in every report. I don't believe that a whole hoard of Thai girls slept with this guy. Maybe a few did, for pay, in the manner he claims.

Here are facts:

1. The guy's wife is HIV positive (and where did she get it?)

2. The guy is HIV positive.

3. There are a number of young people with HIV+ status in town.

4. The town wants to get rid of this guy.

How convenient to make him the scapegoat. How about a more likely scenario?

1. The town has an HIV problem.

2. The German guy gets it, is pissed, and behaves anti-socially.

3. Since the town wants to get rid of him, they blame ALL the cases (which resulted from young people doing what they typically do) on him.

Which is more likely, this scenario or the German being an HIV Typhoid Mary?



What makes it difficult to assess this story is that the German nutter admits and prides himself of having done as reported.

For me the reporting that the police don't file charges other than overstay inspite of the pissed off senior police officer casts doubt on the reported numbers and agegroup of victims.

I am very curious if and for what this case will be pursued further by German authorities.

BTW, if he has tested positive for AIDS, that means he already had HIV...

Despite all your good intentions, you are mixing up some facts:

There is no test for AIDS. AIDS is a definition.

There are test for HIV only, and even they do not test for the HIV virus, but for some proteines assumed to be present when the virus is present.


With respect to the assays and the comment that they will throw False positive and False negative numbers around 24% this is simply UNTRUE.  The tests EIA/ELISA test use for screening currently have a sensitivity/specificity at or near 100%.  It should be noted that if anyone is found to be REACTIVE by the EIA/ELISA this sample will be confirmed or refuted by additional testing (wester blot and sometimes RNA/DNA PCR).


Not in Thailand. Western Blot is considered too expensive. They just do another ELISA (giving the same possibly false result of course), and even that not always.

Here, after the first positive test you're doomed already.

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