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German Infected 450 Thai Woman With Aids


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Judge for yourself what to think of this:

German mass spreader of HIV to face only expired-visa charge

<Snipped same old stuff>

A local healthcare official said he did not know how many people Schiemann had infected, “but it’s somewhere in the vicinity of 400 to 500”.

Daniel Pedersen

The Nation



Axel likely you're a lovely chap, but tell me what you brought to the "discussion" by reposting something already there.

Daniel Pederson, like most "reporters" as opposed to journalists (there aren't any in Thailand, reporting in Thai papers), merely copied and paste what some other moron had written.

In fact I don't give a &lt;deleted&gt; about the German or how many girls he may or may not have fukced.

In fact all I am talking about is morons who are immediately convinced (informed perhaps) based on what they read in the press, because they are too stupid to analyse the reports for themselves; they look for nutters on here to analyse it for them, then they all form a conga line under the tree to hang, draw, quarter, flay, emasculate etc., the person who frequently hasn't even been charged as they have been told.

They are sheep... bah bah :o

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'"I know of about 100 girls between the age of 15 and 17 who Schiemann paid about 5 000 baht (about R800) for unprotected sex," said a neighbour, who did not want to be named.'

"Schiemann, a former sailor in the German navy who first visited Thailand nine years ago"

""We don't know how many girls he has had relations with but we estimate that it could reach 400," a health official assigned to the case said."

"A local healthcare official said he did not know how many people Schiemann had infected, “but it’s somewhere in the vicinity of 400 to 500”. "

"“She stole my passport and bank card . . . all of my money. I tried to report it to police, they wouldn’t listen,” he said."

The facts of this story change each and every time it is written about, even the man's age. I don't know why this is- is it bad reporting or translating or the police don't know what they are doing and just say whatever is on their mind whether it is fact or not.

we don't know the facts of this case so well. did he infect 400 girls or did he sleep with 400 girls? 400 X 5000 is 2 million baht. where did this guy get all this money? i don't know what kind of pension you can get from the german navy when you retire at (about) 45. good i guess.

when the story first broke people on this forum were saying it was probably a case of a jealous mia farang trying to get even. now everyone wants to crucify him based on comments of some guy who probably just went to the jail and diagnosed the guy just by looking at him. he hasn't even taken an AIDS test yet, but everyone is sure it is he who infected everyone. no matter that AIDS is already in chayaphum in full force.

how do we know that it isn't another case like the dutch guy who fled back home after being falsely arrested in pattaya? he probably would have said similar things in jail in pattaya, but no one was there to interview him. would everyone want to have crucified him if he made his allegations from thailand? what if this german guy made it back to germany? would he be believable then?

i think this story is a lot smaller than it is being played out. it is being used as propaganga. its been going on for a while not and nothing definite has come out.

does he have AIDS? whats going on between him and his wife? are girls turning up to be tested? i've seen a report that only 66 have turned up for testing. nothing else. are they simply taking 66 and extrapolating it for the total population to come up with the 400-500 number?

we don't know what's going on because the reporters just write whatever the gov't officials and police tell them to write. they are controlling what we know and in their eyes this guy was the devil incarnated from the first time the mia farang opened her mouth.

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What makes this thread so interesting, is the variety of responses it attracted, from the expected to the completely offbeat. :D

This thread makes an interesting story in itself.

Interesting how almost everybody jumped to conclusions and showed their prejudices, including myself. :o

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Are you trying to compare Rod with Ghengis, or just trying to suggest that Mr Khan was a role model for Buddhists?

Explain your point. :D

Very well. If you cannot grasp the point then I shall attempt to explain it to you.

Because he sees the world through different eyes, your lack of understanding of the Buddhist way of life caused you to sneer at a man and question his faith.

Like most outsiders who think they know a great deal about us, you mistakenly believe all Buddhists to be placid and peaceful clones of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and you mistakenly believe anger and hatred to be emotions reserved for non-Buddhists.

I simply pointed out that Genghis Khan, one of the most feared men who ever lived, was Buddhist.

To expand the point and bring it into the Twenty-First Century; Gurkha, the feared warriors from the mountains of Nepal, are predominantly Buddhist.

Firstly, kindly let us know if you are seeing the world through the same eyes as our Rod (or perhaps, you are one and the same as Rod?) Certainly you both seem to have rather similar handles - Kalashnikov / Katyusha -suggesting a common weapons-bent like peas in a pod (or is it bullets in a barrel?). Reminds me of a cosy little Al-Quaida cell right here in TV.

So, as his alter ego, perhaps you could clarify a few things, as I'm still not quite sure about in grasping your curious form of Buddhism:

1/ Do you think anger and hatred are emotions to be encouraged/elevated in your form of Buddhism? Do they help you as "warriors" (terms I've seen you apply to yourself a couple of times)?

2/ Is Ghengis Khan one of your role models then? Seems to me he was more of a Barbarian than a Buddhist, or perhaps you could elaborate a bit on his positive influence on Asian history and Buddhism?

3/ Are not the Dalai Lama or Mahatama Gandhi perhaps better role models, with more positive ideals to offer mankind in general, than the Gurkhas (tell me the number employed these days since British army packed them back to Nepal?) and Ghengis Khan?

The more I read posts by angry and confused Americans, who've fallen hook, line and sinker for Bush's phantasmagorical enemy, the more you seem to take on the attributes of that same enemy you fear. :o

And just to keep this wholly on thread ( :D ), why hasn't this legless, German philanderer and his exploits, now hit the front pages of the national newpapers if there was some substance in the number of girls he's supposed to have infected. Is it not possible that 450 was a slight exaggerration and his ex-missus just had a grudge against the dirty old geezer and made the whole story up? Surely, there'd have been some follow-up on in Thai, German or other European newspapers on such a horrendous crime by now, if it were proven he was carrying HIV/AIDS? Or maybe it's not considered a major crime in LOS?

You are an idiot.

I have neither the time to waste on you nor the inclination to waste it.

Nice to see such a carefully reasoned and logical response from Rod's understudy and "warrior" Ghengis Khan-admiring "Buddhist" buddy. A credit to the cause of reasoned debate and broad minded contributions. :D

As for the German in Chaiyaphum, whom would have been hung from the nearest lamp pole by the TV lynch mob 3 days ago if they'd had their way on the basis of a suspect news report, it always shows that without the full facts, one never should set oneself up as judge, jury and executioner in any place, least of all a foreign land, where everything may not be quite as it seems at first glance. Maybe he's guilty as charged, but so far that charge is no more than visa overstay, and the rest is supposition, as far as i can make out on the available evidence. So suspend judgement until you have a few more "facts" to go on.

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A credit to the cause of reasoned debate and broad minded contributions.
I don't think this is the kind of 'cred' people like this are after.
So suspend judgement until you have a few more "facts" to go on.

I suspect he has 'neither the time to waste nor the inclination to waste it.' :o

Most others have realised that the 'facts' used for the verbal execution were unsubstanciated and have stood back by now. I am talking about the subject of this thread, of course. :D

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Educate your girls, any girls that if they want to have sex, for money or for "love",

they should protect themselves, i.e. the partner uses a condom.

He does not.

No sex.

Pretty simple, I think.

But worth repeating and repeating and repeating....

how do you educate the wife / girlfriend of a man who is repeatedly unfaithful when in all probability she is not aware of these infidelities.

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Ice Treasure,Sun 2004-10-17, 09:36:59]Axel,Sun 2004-10-17, 11:57:09] Judge for yourself what to think of this:

Axel likely you're a lovely chap, but tell me what you brought to the "discussion" by reposting something already there.

Daniel Pederson, like most "reporters" as opposed to journalists (there aren't any in Thailand, reporting in Thai papers), merely copied and paste what some other moron had written.

In fact I don't give a &lt;deleted&gt; about the German or how many girls he may or may not have fukced.

In fact all I am talking about is morons who are immediately convinced (informed perhaps) based on what they read in the press, because they are too stupid to analyse the reports for themselves; they look for nutters on here to analyse it for them, then they all form a conga line under the tree to hang, draw, quarter, flay, emasculate etc., the person who frequently hasn't even been charged as they have been told.

They are sheep... bah bah :o

Lovely chaps? Aren't we all?

Now, why did I put the new Nation-report in?

Food for thought IMHO, and it seems to work.

For me one thing is clear, whatever we read, we do not know the truth. And no, I not even know Daniel Pederson.

So, innocent until proven guilty. We can discuss here all the if's and but's, fact is we don't know.

The newest to me is now the claim on the chief of police' daughter. True or not, I don't know.

Did the policed know his visa expired and he overstay for 3 years? I don't know.

If proven guilty, put him in a Thai-jail, more fun than back home. Until that time, let's refrain from wild accusations and wait for facts. In Thailand, the people do get easily excited on rumours, especially when farangs are involved. Today it's a German, a few weeks ago a Belgian, who allegedly murdered his girlfriend, albeit was freed against some security, despite of a crime involving murder.

So the whole idea once again. Get your facts together and don't speculate on things we cannot prove (yet)

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I would be interested in knowing whether the majority of you believe this man should spend the rest of his life in prison or be given the death penalty ? If this story is true, he has condemned at least 450 "innocents" to a short, unhealthy life.

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Firstly, kindly let us know if you are seeing the world through the same eyes as our Rod (or perhaps, you are one and the same as Rod?) Certainly you both seem to have rather similar handles - Kalashnikov / Katyusha -suggesting a common weapons-bent like peas in a pod (or is it bullets in a barrel?). Reminds me of a cosy little Al-Quaida cell right here in TV.

Members currently logged on;

katyusha, lopburi3, Telac, PhillipJ, man, Mr_Happy, chonabot, Jockstar, Tornado, dutch, Coffee Dude, snowleopard, sriracha john, Siam International Legal Group, Marmite the Dog, triplegee, brownsugar, Lord Toad, JJDinsay, wonder, chrismangel, jayenram, ovenman, abbas, daveh, Jeff1, Eric Mathers, fallingintoinfinity, Wolfie, fatter than harry, Khun Jean, PlanetMan, Axel, garyinthailand, Crushdepth, richsilver, RamdomChances, Ian_B, rod_kalashnikov, PvtDick, terdsak_12, spog, Girlfrombar, cutter007, Sumitr Man, Sunny Valentine, Dakhar, briancharles, SweatySock, quadricorrelator, snoophound, camerata, pluto_manibo, MeganCBerry, kenkannif, BkkTechie, machangezi, Elysium, KhunPadThai, dr_Pat_Pong, Doi Thong, philw, Thaiquila, Tippaporn, StrongView

You will suggest I am logged on as katyusha on one computer and rod_kalashnikov on another, but the real explanation is that you are just an idiot who thinks he knows everything and sees conspiracies where none exist.

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I would be interested in knowing whether the majority of you believe this man should spend the rest of his life in prison or be given the death penalty ? If this story is true, he has condemned at least 450 "innocents" to a short, unhealthy life.

He has known he is HIV+ for 3 years.

He deliberately spread his disease, telling reporters; “In Chaiyaphum, I want to kill people." (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/page.arcview.php?clid=3&id=107666&date=2004-10-16&usrsess=)

He deserves to spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement, with no medical attention.

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German man in cort - re-detained in Thailand

CHAIYAPHUM: -- A one-legged German at the centre of an HIV scare involving potentially hundreds of Thai women and girls was detained by a court today on immigration offences.

Hans-Otto Schiemann, 54, who claims to be infected with HIV and that he had unprotected sex with hundreds of Thais, was remanded in custody for a month after denying that he had overstayed his visa.

Schiemann, whose common-law Thai wife of five years has full-blown AIDS, has refused to take a blood test since being picked up on Wednesday last week.

Officials say they are powerless to charge him over his sexual activities but had printed 2,000 flyers warning students to avoid him and posted banners throughout the town of Chaiyaphum, northern Thailand.

Schiemann, who was not legally represented at the court in Chaiyaphum, was remanded after a 30-minute hearing and is due before a judge again on November 15.

As he was led away, Schiemann told reporters: "It's unfair to put me back in jail. I haven't committed any crime.

"I have the right to stay here in Thailand but now I have to stay in jail another month. This is a complete scandal, there is no justice in Thailand."

Schiemann told AFP last week that he had contracted HIV three years ago and was "like heroin to girls".

Neighbours said he drove around the town offering large sums of money to students for sex and also frequented karaoke bars to pick up women.

Health officials say the scale of the potential problem was not yet clear, with many women reluctant to come forward for an AIDS test, but said he could have had sex with up to 400 women and teenage girls.

Sommart Troy, of Thai group Aids and Social Concern, said before the hearing today she was demanding the authorities carry out an AIDS test to confirm Schiemann's claims.

"We are concerned with his rights but if you know you have contracted it and go to have sexual intercourse with someone it's like intention to murder in general law.

"I think he should be held for further investigation. It's not yet proven he has HIV yet."

The authorities claim the former German sailor has overstayed his 30-day visa by three years.

If found guilty, Schiemann was likely to be deported, according to Lieutenant Colonel Khampol Nonuch, heading the investigation. He could also be jailed for up to two years.

-- AFP 2004-10-18

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You will suggest I am logged on as katyusha on one computer and rod_kalashnikov on another, but the real explanation is that you are just an idiot who thinks he knows everything and sees conspiracies where none exist.

Plachon is not the only one suspecting there is something 'fishy' about your username and your use of proxys.

Talking about idiots, if you think listing who is logged in at a time proves anything either way, I wonder whose brain it is which suffers a shortcut.

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In an interview at the jail Schiemann told The Nation, “In Chaiyaphum, I want to kill people.

Is this good enough for you, Ice Treasure?

Depends entirely on the context in which he made it John...........he could have been referring to the cop that arrested him or girl he claims to have nicked his dosh or his gossiping neighbours.

Until, he's proven HIV +, and that will require a blood test, then it is all speculation if he was knowingly infecting people. Perhaps there is a good argument in this case, in forcibly giving him a test for the public good. I wouldn't argue about this, but I would about prematurely condemning a person on very sketchy facts and without them fully understanding their legal rights or adequate recourse to a credible defence. Does he, I wonder? I doubt he can even speak Thai, let alone understand the legal code of justice.

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Granted, it was a most despicable thing to do, IF he knowingly has HIV/AIDS and slept with even one person. My point is that, there are many gaps and holes in the story as reported, and this being dear old Thailand, it is too premature to come to any conclusions about this case, let alone set up a kangaroo court and hang the geezer. A bit more news is beginiing to trickle out, but I'm sure as ######, if I was a parent, let alone a Thai copper, and knew that a guy had slept with my daughter who claimed to have HIV/AIDS, i'd be camping outside the jail with placards demanding that he gets tested right now! Why aren't the journos from "AFP" doing a little bit more probing into this case, than the sensationalist half story presented so far? :o

It's not been unknown for people, maddened by an injustice, real or imagined to declare they have HIV/AIDS just for self-publicity. bloody stupid, but look at human nature, as presented by this web board for plenty of examples of less than rational behaviour - like spending &lt;deleted&gt;-knows how many hours discussing Gentleman Scamp's love life! :D

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German accused of HIV vendetta against Thai girls

CHAIYAPHUM: -- A one-legged German, accused of trying to infect nearly 100 teenage girls with HIV through unprotected sex, launched a tirade of abuse against Thai women on Monday, calling them "witches" and "monkeys".

Hans-Otto Schiemann, a 56-year-old former sailor from Schweinfurt in Bavaria, has become a figure of hate in northeastern Thailand, with posters plastered across the town of Chaiyaphum warning young women not to have sex with him.

However, since Thailand has no laws dealing with people who deliberately infect others with the AIDS virus, prosecutors have only charged him only with immigration offences.

"Thai women are bad. Thai women are witches and they're monkeys," he told reporters outside the provincial court in Chaiyaphum, 340 km (210 miles) northeast of Bangkok.

Residents say Schiemann, who has been in Thailand for much of the last decade, offered students aged from 15 to 17 around 4,000 baht ($100) for sex as part of a campaign of vengeance against Thai women, who he blames for his own HIV infection.

"As far as we can figure out, the motivation is a vendetta of revenge against the people of Chaiyaphum because he blames them for having infected him," one of his wife's neighbours, who did not wish to be named, told Reuters.

Sura Wisedsak of the provincial health office said that according to Schiemann's wife as many as 90 women had been deliberately exposed to HIV.

If their other sexual partners were taken into account, the number of victims could be as high as 500, Sura said.


Schiemann, who refused a prison blood test to confirm his HIV status, admitted he had HIV but said he had done nothing wrong, and had merely been an attractive figure in the relatively impoverished region because of his wealth.

"I'm a playboy. I'm a rich man. Everybody likes a rich man," said the ginger-haired and bearded Schiemann, who appeared in court in a brown prison shirt and navy blue trousers.

"I have the right to stay here in Thailand. This is a complete scandal. There is no justice in Thailand."

He also accused his 30-year-old Thai wife, Jiraporn Paktaku, who has full-blown AIDS, of being part of a campaign to get him kicked out of the country. "She is a crazy woman," he said. "She wants to kill me."

Schiemann is charged with overstaying a month-long tourist visa by three years and faces deportation or two years in jail if found guilty. After a six-minute hearing, the judge ruled he needed a lawyer and adjourned the case until November 15.

Deliberate transmission of the AIDS virus is a crime in many rich countries and the majority of U.S. states. A Texan man was sentenced to life in prison in 2003 for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old boy when he knew he was HIV-positive.

However, in many developing countries, including those in southeast Asia where AIDS and comercial sex are rife, effective legislation to address the problem has not been passed.

--Reuters 2004-10-18

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So the number's down to 100 now, is it? That's credibility in reporting.

Plachon, PWAs (Persons With Aids) have sex all the time, with infected and uninfected people- the trick is, to have *safe* sex. I think it's a bit over-the-top to condemn the HIV+ population to lives without sex. [Please note that it is NOT "ok" or safe for HIV+ folks to have unprotected sex with each other- fresh infections can cause complications or acceleration of the disease, not to mention the potential to pick up other strains of the virus].


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...Hans-Otto Schiemann...."Thai women are bad. Thai women are witches and they're monkeys," he told reporters outside the provincial court in Chaiyaphum....

"I'm a playboy. I'm a rich man. Everybody likes a rich man," said the ginger-haired and bearded Schiemann.....

He also accused his 30-year-old Thai wife, Jiraporn Paktaku, who has full-blown AIDS, of being part of a campaign to get him kicked out of the country. "She is a crazy woman," he said. "She wants to kill me."...

... it is too premature to come to any conclusions about this case, let alone set up a kangaroo court and hang the geezer...

I think the kangaroos are probably right. :o

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The latest report mentions again that he paid 15-17 year olds for sex, yet no mention of the unlawfulness of this in any of the articles, how curious?

Are neither reporters nor Thai police familiar with the law in the kingdom?

There's a bit of a burden of proof issue. Presumably there's no independent evidence that money was paid, and so they're just spouting off stuff.

To find out where they have evidence, look at the actual charges. The fact that they're not doing anything except bringing this guy up on visa charges is awfully suggestive that there's not any evidence of anything else- and so whatever else you read might as well be made up by the local gossip column (but will be less reliable). This happens over and over again in Thailand- I'm surprised that any regular readers of Thai newspapers keep getting fooled by it. Farang are rarely prosecuted for any actual sex crime here unless there IS an actual sex crime in evidence and not just gossip [usually demonstrated by being caught with the proverbial pants down]- and that is pretty darn rare.

There are any number of reasons why the guy could be a target for this- angry wife, jealous girlfriends, general anti-social behavior, or heck- he could be guilty of what they accuse- but they'll only have evidence for what they CHARGE him with. Everything else is a character smear, possibly deserved.


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how long can he get for overstaying his visa? throw him in thai prision and wait till some one dies than charge him for murder and im not shure what the thai law is but then send him to practice being a target. he is a sick &lt;deleted&gt; and dosent deserve any rights at all if you take some one elases rights away you should forfit yours till as such time its been deemed that you have payed for your crime. and sex with minors....? i stay in the khon kaen province an hour or so north of were this happend. just a coment why dose every one make thai girls sound like whores? they are better (they do not throw there virginity away well atleast not in small towns were the real thai culture is still practiced.little difilement of thai culture) than any falang girls.

:o put that in you pipe and smoke it.

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German HIV suspect denies visa violation

- "I am Thai"


BANGKOK - A German national accused by a community in northeast Thailand of spreading HIV/AIDS among local school girls, on Monday denied he had overstayed his visa by three years, claiming he was a Thai and had no wish to return to Germany.

Hans-Otto Schiemann, 55, born in Schweinfurt, Germany, was arrested in Chaiyaphum province, 270 kilometres northeast of Bangkok, last month on charges of overstaying his tourist visa after neighbours issued warnings that Schiemann was HIV positive and pursuing unprotected sex with young girls.

"I have lived in Thailand eight years. I am Thai already so I don't need a visa," Schiemann told a Chaiyaphum court on Monday, after requesting a lawyer to represent his case. Schiemann's trial will resume on 15 November, court officials said after hearing the man's not guilty plea.

"I don't want to go back to Germany," Schiemann told the court in fairly fluent Thai.

Police arrested Schiemann on 27 September on the prompting of his former wife, a Thai national who recently tested positive for HIV and told community leaders she contracted the deadly virus from her husband. The ex-wife also informed authorities that her husband was fond of purchasing unprotected sex from young school girls.

Health authorities in Chaiyaphum have not been able to determine whether Schiemann is HIV positive, since Thai law prohibits involuntary blood tests.

-- DPA 2004-10-18

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^^[to neil] Well, I guess you have plenty of evidence already, since you're so sure of his guilt. Please go and help the police- they seem to be a bit lacking on the evidence side themselves.

Or is it that you actually believe what you read in Thai newspapers?

Here's a question- if he DIDN'T say the awful things the papers "quote" him as saying, how would he prove it to you, the general reader?



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^^[to neil] Well, I guess you have plenty of evidence already, since you're so sure of his guilt. Please go and help the police- they seem to be a bit lacking on the evidence side themselves.

Or is it that you actually believe what you read in Thai newspapers?

Here's a question- if he DIDN'T say the awful things the papers "quote" him as saying, how would he prove it to you, the general reader?



Well the story is finally getting picked up internationally with tv news broadcast on both Channel News Asia and Star News (on star world). Live footage of his court appearance and his comments to the those in attendance are an abomination... as reported earlier in the papers with references to thai women being monkeys, etc. and how they deserved to die. Also about how he is Hiv+.

Granted this may have had holes earlier on.... the growing evidence is almost too much. HOWEVER, both news agencies commented a lot about it's not illegal in thailand to intentionally infect someone with hiv and the quandry the court is in, given that the violation he's charged with is overstay. Hopefully, they can at least give him the maximum allowed punishment for that of 2 years and that he will never get out of there alive.

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Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

You see the photo of this loser?

Now tell me 450 Thai high school girls slept with him! Yeah, right and they were all blind, were also missing a leg, and they had all mistaken him for a Thai citizen who just graduated from high school! That's why so many slept with him, they thought he was a college soccer stud!

By the way, is there any way to get this German guys phone number? He's so cute, I too wanted to have sex with him.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

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and sex with minors....? i stay in the khon kaen province an hour or so north of were this happend. just a coment why dose every one make thai girls sound like whores?

Nobody commenting here "dose" make Thai girls 'sound like whores'.

What do whores sound like, by the way? :o

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So let's add up a few of the facts here.

A German national accused by a community in northeast Thailand of spreading HIV/AIDS among local school girls.

And who is this "community"?

Well, for starters, we got anywhere from 100-450 Thai whores who will allegedly do anything for 4,000 baht short time. Gee, that's a credible source.

Then we got his nasty HIV infected wife, who obviously has a grudge against his ex-husband. Another highly credible source.

Then there's the Thai neighbors. Oh, gee, neighbors never gossip, do they now!

What a team of reliable sources we have to go on! Gee, you almost got me convinced. But wait! Hold on! There's just one little problem.

"Health authorities in Chaiyaphum have not been able to determine whether Schiemann is HIV positive."

What! You mean after all this, we don't even know if the guy is HIV positive to begin with?

Ha! Shows how naive all of you out there were to buy into this story in the first place. What people will believe when it appears in the media! Never ceases to amaze me.

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German accused of infecting Thais with HIV


CHAIYAPHUM - A one-legged German, accused of trying to infect nearly 100 teenage girls with HIV through unprotected sex, last night launched a tirade of abuse against Thai women, calling them "witches" and "monkeys".

Hans-Otto Schiemann, a 56-year-old former sailor from Schweinfurt in Bavaria, has become a figure of hate in northeastern Thailand, with posters plastered across the town of Chaiyaphum warning young women not to have sex with him.

Since Thailand has no laws dealing with people who deliberately infect others with the Aids virus, prosecutors have charged him only with immigration offences.

"Thai women are bad. Thai women are witches and they're monkeys," he told reporters outside the provincial court in Chaiyaphum, 340km northeast of Bangkok.

Residents say Schiemann, who has been in Thailand for much of the past decade, offered students aged from 15 to 17 around 4000 baht ($140) for sex as part of a campaign of vengeance against Thai women, whom he blames for his own HIV infection.

Sura Wisedsak, of the provincial health office, said that according to Schiemann's wife as many as 90 women had been deliberately exposed to HIV. If their other sexual partners were taken into account, the number of victims could be as high as 500.

Schiemann, who refused a prison blood test to confirm his HIV status, admitted he had HIV but said he had done nothing wrong, and had merely been an attractive figure in the relatively impoverished region because of his wealth.

He accused his Thai wife, Jiraporn Paktaku, who has Aids, of being part of a campaign to get him kicked out of the country. He is charged with overstaying a month-long tourist visa. The case has been adjourned until November 15.


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