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90 Day Reporting - Beware, They're Finally Getting Their Act Together


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On Tuesday I went to immigration in Pattaya for my 90 day notification. This is usually a 2 minute operation whereby the officer completes the bottom part of my hand written form, tears it off and clips into my passport and puts my submitted details onto a pile, where it is probably taken away and stored.

This time, she swiped my passport and looked up my details on her computer. It took quite a while, and I thought for a while that I was in trouble as she kept humming and harring and looked puzzled.

Eventually she read out aloud my address in Thai from the details in the computer and compared it to the address I had submitted on the form. Then she smiled and said everything was fine. But instead of tearing off the slip from my form, she pressed 'print' and a computer generated slip was produced, which she then attached to my passport.

Now the details on the computer were either those that I had submitted at my last 90 day notification (unlikely IMO), or those I submitted on my arrival card, back in August, which was the last time I had left Thailand. This is the most likely, but maybe someone knows better.

The point is - don't be cavalier with your address details - and if you move - notify them straight away - don't wait for your next 90 day notification or you may have a problem.

They are catching up to the computer age - so be warned.

I have also put this thread on the Visa sub forum, but it may only apply to you guys in Pattaya.

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On Tuesday I went to immigration in Pattaya for my 90 day notification. This is usually a 2 minute operation whereby the officer completes the bottom part of my hand written form, tears it off and clips into my passport and puts my submitted details onto a pile, where it is probably taken away and stored.

This time, she swiped my passport and looked up my details on her computer. It took quite a while, and I thought for a while that I was in trouble as she kept humming and harring and looked puzzled.

Eventually she read out aloud my address in Thai from the details in the computer and compared it to the address I had submitted on the form. Then she smiled and said everything was fine. But instead of tearing off the slip from my form, she pressed 'print' and a computer generated slip was produced, which she then attached to my passport.

Now the details on the computer were either those that I had submitted at my last 90 day notification (unlikely IMO), or those I submitted on my arrival card, back in August, which was the last time I had left Thailand. This is the most likely, but maybe someone knows better.

The point is - don't be cavalier with your address details - and if you move - notify them straight away - don't wait for your next 90 day notification or you may have a problem.

They are catching up to the computer age - so be warned.

I have also put this thread on the Visa sub forum, but it may only apply to you guys in Pattaya.

Let's hope its a precursor to being able to report online.

Now wouldn't that be a blessing? :o

cheers Mobi


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When I went into Jomtien last month For the second time I advised them(2 address changes) & was told it didn't matter.i told the gal (different from the first one) that my new address is now my permanent address & she still didn't acknowledge it. I assume it must not be that important , until you are late on reporting at 90 days.

Who knows the clowns at the circus make their own rules- At least for 90 days it is more in your favor- unlike the planning commission or electric dept!

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I am confused by this also. For example, I received my current retirement visa extension in Chiang Mai where I reported my address as my then home that I owned. Shortly thereafter I went traveling, staying in hotels where the onus is on the hotel owner to report my presence. Eventually I found a house I wanted to rent and almost immediately thereafter reported to local Immigration for 90 day reporting where I reported my address as my new home. As things stand presently I would expect Immigration to have my new home details on file since this is what I have reported to them. The proof I suppose will come next month when I return to Chiang Mai to renew my retirement visa, this being combined with a holiday and my familiarity with the folks at Immigration there.

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It is OK to do 90 day reporting elsewhere in Thailand. Since I got last Retirement Visa I have reported twice in BKK and now again in Pattaya without any hassle. No computers. Lady just asked if in future I would kindly remove staple from 'reminder slip'.

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I do my Retirement Visa renewal in BKK giving my BKK address (same one as on TM when I return from overseas trip) and do the 90-day reports most often in Pattaya giving my Pattaya address (same as on as Driver's License). Fifteen years like that. No problems.

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