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Checking Your Entry

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How fast and centralised is the Immigration database?

I ask as I have a probate case ongoing in Thailand, submitted by my sister and I for our late father. The day after I left Thailand his partner filed her own application for probate - when she could have done so anytime in the previous several months.

So I wonder whether she could have had someone watching the relevant database to see when I left the country, then submitted her paperwork (which could have been ready, albeit forged) as soon as I was gone... I didn't leave through Bangkok.

BTW she works high up in a (different) govt dept, I would imagine might have the contacts.

Am I being unreasonable thinking it might have happened that way..? So might she watch out for when I come back? Is there any way to check these things if you use a proper legal channel? Any other comments..?

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I believe entry and exit data are added to the central database before the immigration officer hands the passport back to you at the immigration desk.

Your late father’s partner (wife?) being in a high government position, I consider it very likely that she would be able to have a friend in government monitor the database for your arrivals and and departures. I doubt there would be a way to verify this, even using legal channels. There are two many officials who have access to this database and I don’t think that a log is being kept to show what official accesses what person’s data.



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Thank you Maestro.

That confirms and reinforces my suspicions, so I shall think about how to deal with it.

For what it's worth, no, they weren't married, either formally or informally. And the estate, although not so large, is still many times her annual salary, so she does have good incentive to try and circumvent my sister and I!

None of it very good news, mind you.

Thanks again.

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