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Up To Date Info On Best Visa

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I am planning to move to Thailand within the next 30 to 45 days. I am planning on purchasing a small existing resort/guesthouse or starting one from scratch. The resort I am currently reviewing is in Mae Hong Son province (or is it district). My partner is Thai (not married) which is the reason I am moving to Thailand in the first place. I am 48 years of age and an American citizen.

There have been many changes to visa requirements, so to say the least, it just continues to get more confusing for me. So please be patient with my ignorance.

Although it seems the LOS is becoming more like LOB (Land of boots), I will still try and persue this.

My original plan was to start a limited corporation as a very first step, then purchase auto, rent office etc to get things moving along. Is this still the best way to go?

I called the Thai immigration office in Los Angeles to get a 'one-year, multiple-entry Class B', but they seem to want to push a 60 day tourist visa on me until I get the corporation started, then leave Thailand and return with a different visa.

I am hoping to get an updated scoop of what I should request for a visa type prior to getting to Thailand. I know I will hate having to leave and re-enter Thailand for the silly stampings every thirty days, but will do what I need to do of course.

I need a referral to an excellent lawyer, book keeper and who knows what else to keep things moving smoothly as possible. All recommendations would be great.

And I am sure I am not asking questions I should probably ask, because I don't know any better as yet.

Best Regards,


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Given your business plans, I suggest you push for the multi-entry Non Imm B visa, it is the correct one for you.

If Los Angeles will not help, try one of the other consulates, Houston seems to come up in posts here.

Even with this visa you will need to leave every 3 months, until your business plans crytalise

and you can get a work permit.

Marriage, if it is possibility, will help you get a visa more easily.

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