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Womans rights and work permit etc.

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We got this in the email, and it's forwarded to the forum:



Margita Aberg-Palosvirta

EMAIL [email protected]

MESSAGE Respectable Mr Songsak Tantayothin

Re Work permit for foreigners.As a former boardmember of European Womens Lobby and observer of working womens humarights.I am concern about my doughter,having a business in Phuket in addition to support husband and family + their doughter is not living under human rights with your conditions for foreigners working in Thailand and supporting family and giving jobs for Thais.She already has to work double for outside her hostel/guesthouse in order to have a LEGAL business that pays VAT and all official fees.I found this discrimination of women rights in business life and will give you this possibility to contact me before I procede further in my contact with about only about some hundred billions of women round the world!

Do you wish to have legal foreign"farang" business in Thailand or not? Myself have been doing business in tourism to Thailand since many years....

Now I wonder why? I have paid a lot for my family in-law and doughter my funds of some millions of Bath are zero and still you do not accept a Swedish woman married to a Thai and having a wonderfull doughter biligual in Thai and Swedish only 21 months and treated as DIRT!!!!! Believe me they do more PR for your country than many other WHY DO YOU PUNISH THEM?????

Grandma/Mother Margita Aberg-Palosvirta

Avtive in Women Human Rights all over!

Looking forward to your reply!!!!!

PHONE +46-250-42602

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