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Myanmar's Suu Kyi Detention Is "ok,"


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The cited article by Reuters quotes the PM as saying, "They are not releasing her, but they will not interfere with her. They will put her on the shelf and not bother with her....We think it's OK if she is put on the shelf."

Does our PM have the IQ to know that putting The Lady on the shelf interferes with her? Did the PM permit Thaksin to come back so that his confinement would no longer interfere wth Thaksin?

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The cited article by Reuters quotes the PM as saying, "They are not releasing her, but they will not interfere with her. They will put her on the shelf and not bother with her....We think it's OK if she is put on the shelf."

Does our PM have the IQ to know that putting The Lady on the shelf interferes with her? Did the PM permit Thaksin to come back so that his confinement would no longer interfere wth Thaksin?

It's a quite rational what Sundaravej has said.

Burma is supported by China (openly) and by India (less openly). Asia gives no <deleted> what West thinks.

Who Thailand has to fear? Bush admin and artie-fartie people who have no idea how it works on the ground?

Has anyone thought how comes that Thai taxis still have (for more than 10 years now) the same 39 baht starting price?

3.5 bil US$ of gas comes from Burma. Not to feed only the the taxis but many other things.

And why would Thailand (represented by today's PM) bow to an untested leader (the lady I have great personal appreciation for) while the goodies are streaming from Burma's junta?

Get real.

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The cited article by Reuters quotes the PM as saying, "They are not releasing her, but they will not interfere with her. They will put her on the shelf and not bother with her....We think it's OK if she is put on the shelf."

Does our PM have the IQ to know that putting The Lady on the shelf interferes with her? Did the PM permit Thaksin to come back so that his confinement would no longer interfere wth Thaksin?

Hey, not many in Thailand care a whit. The Thais are taught in the public schools to live in the past, never look in the mirror, and to hate the Burmese. The majority of the ex-pats are happy to live in a right-wing banana republic as long as the beer flows and there is easy access to both the Internet and to affordable oral sex. I mean what is a small military coup but a road bump to Paradise.


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We didn't get as much nonsense from the military guys. Samak tops them easily.

Where else TV rating agency would consider putting "not for children under 13" sticker on Prime Minister's weekly public address, due to abusive language?

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Can we expect much more from this moron?

Sadly, he is the "elected" PM of this country, but there should be no suprise about his words or actions considering his previous track record. Why should anyone expect that Samak would uphold deomcracy, given his previous. He will continue to turn the country into a joke, but the sceptic in me thinks that this all in the plan of the "dear leader".

Edited by mrtoad
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