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Chavalit worked his way up through the ranks normally..

Get him back to the top. The baht have never been weaker to the dollar after a year with him behind the steering wheel.

Historically the best prime minister for any foreigner living in Thailand.


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Chavalit worked his way up through the ranks normally..

Get him back to the top. The baht have never been weaker to the dollar after a year with him behind the steering wheel.

Historically the best prime minister for any foreigner living in Thailand.


For any foreigner getting paid in US dollars maybe...I remember it hitting 50+ to the dollar at one point...

But, my salary at the university got cut in half, when compared to dollars. Thankfully, consumer prices didn't adjust up to that rate, so it was great for tourists and exporters....Only. He really was a big part of destroying much in this country economically, and in other countries, too.

Thaksin was a big winner on the Forex market then....

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Populist or not, this was the slogan. Unnecessary to say it went the other way.

"Sustaining the Miracle," and there could not be a more appropriate title for a seminar held in Thailand today.

Prime Minister General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh wants to revive Thailand's economy and return it to the powerhouse status it had previously enjoyed. His goals include political reforms promoting democracy, administrative reforms, increased competition, and global and regional economic integration. Thailand believes in fostering strong economic relations throughout Southeast Asia.



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My knowledge is quite possibly out of date, but seems that one of the extraordinary things about Thailand is the very successful accomodation between the racial Thais and the racial Chinese. The poor(as in moneyless) Thais come up through the ranks to success in the military and marry into/otherwise accomodate with the Chinese business/money interests.  Keeps the peace pretty well, though the mostly poor Thais are screwed.

is this not essentially the case at this point in time? :o

Vast improvement over anybody else in the neighborhood - look at indonesia, malaysia, cambodia, vietnam... etc.

God Bless the King.

Though I generally agree with your sentiments, I hope you're not suggesting there's a lack of Thais of Chinese-origin in the miltary. :D

Generally - up until about 20 - 25 years ago - the Military and Police were the preserve of ethnic Thais; to a very large extent the Thai / Chinese were simply not interested in careers in those services and all male children were inculcated into the family business ethos.

After the Social and Political upheavals of the 70’s the Thai / Chinese quickly realised that their business stability and prosperity could best be maintained and expanded by establishing a firm foothold in the Armed Forces of Thailand – and at that time they began introducing second or third sons, cousins etc., into those previously shunned careers, while first sons, or those seen to be particularly business orientated were kept within the family sphere of business.

In Thailand at the moment we are experiencing the first results of this long term planning, with Taksin as PM and close relatives being in a position to be advanced – via some degree of his patronage - to high and influential Posts in the Armed Forces.

It seems like every month, another Thaksin relative comes out of the woodwork, taking Giants-steps up the ladder. :D

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Chavalit worked his way up through the ranks normally..
Get him back to the top. The baht have never been weaker to the dollar after a year with him behind the steering wheel.

Historically the best prime minister for any foreigner living in Thailand.


For any foreigner getting paid in US dollars maybe...I remember it hitting 50+ to the dollar at one point...

But, my salary at the university got cut in half, when compared to dollars. Thankfully, consumer prices didn't adjust up to that rate, so it was great for tourists and exporters....Only. He really was a big part of destroying much in this country economically, and in other countries, too.

Thaksin was a big winner on the Forex market then....

Chavalit's wife was rumoured to have been extraordinarily lucky in big money foreign exchange dealings at that time.

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topics and opinions concerning the royal family can not be discussed on the forum.


guess the server's located in the Kingdom... :o

Do a Google and see what Les Majeste means.

Just for the record, I made positive comments, and wasn't the only one.

But I understand now to avoid the subject alltogether, thank's for clarifying.

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...the cause of most problems is usually someone in a high position.

One can't put it more precisely.

Yet, problems continue to exist if they are hidden from the "public eye", as in the remark of

...got detained for over 12 hours without any reason by British immigration... feel bitter everytime I have to deal with them.

'Mai Pen Rai' isn't a solution, be it here in Thailand or elsewhere. I fully agree with

There is nothing wrong with saying you don't like something, in a civil manner.
and I would add that it is also right to let your views be known and openly critisize the wrong and its perpetrators.
...the world doesn't change for the better unless we critisize the wrong we see around us.

Even if it is useless to express criticism for us (expats), maybe it will serve our children.

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topics and opinions concerning the royal family can not be discussed on the forum.


guess the server's located in the Kingdom... :o

Do a Google and see what Les Majeste means.

I have never heard of, nor seen, any example of that being even the slightest justification for censorship of that topic here.

And, no, the server is not in Thailand, but that doesn't lessen responsibility for breaking the laws..

There is LOTS of reasonable discussion concerning the King and the rest of the Royal Family in Thailand, Check Pantip.com boards some time... The Mods there do their jobs of keeping it legal- and their server is in Thailand..

So, what's with all this seemingly unjustified paranoia here, George?

I feel that if there's to be censorship in this publically accessed forum, the managers who choose to censor topics should have some real justification or even an indication that censoring is neccessary- and should freely communicate that to the people who support this website. Sometimes I feel the management here is holding their cards too close to their chests, and being virtually non-responsive much of the time.

Well discussion here pertaining to the Thai Royal family are O U T Go back to Ajarn ...isn't that a term a tad beyond your station. You are a two bit teacher.

Why is your ego soo ###### fragile? I made a serious and reasonable post, asking serious and reasonable questions, and you reply with nothing but a low-class personal insult....Typical of many of your responses, but I always give someone the benefit, and hope that reason will beget reason. Obviously, with you, that seems a waste of energy on my part.

Mai Pen Rai :D

A very fair point Ajarn. Unfortunately Dr. Patpong regards himself (and this forum) as above criticism even if it is constructive. There was no need for him to respond in such a petty fashion. I wouldn't hold out for an apology though - his ego is too big!

A shame really. He and other mods on this board generally do a fantastic job.

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The unproductive grammar and spelling policing are also particularly unworthy and juvenile for certain forum mods to use as a basis for argument and attack in such an ad hominem manner- especially when such mods might not be the most accurate in the world (hint: discussion IS, not 'are'- we might also discuss some issues of punctuation- and I'm not even an English teacher).

In defense of the topical modding policy in general, it's hard to draw a line on these "sensitive" topics clearly enough so that all participants [some of whom may be outside Thailand and thus not in the firing line when trouble comes] will behave. Those of us inside Thailand have lots to lose, and while the country may be "free," speech here is not. If I were a mod/board owner living here, I'd have the same attitude.


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A very fair point Ajarn. Unfortunately Dr. Patpong regards himself (and this forum) as above criticism even if it is constructive. There was no need for him to respond in such a petty fashion. I wouldn't hold out for an apology though - his ego is too big!

This kind of ego expression is one of expressing fear, albeit in a sideways way. I have little patience for sideways crap, but I can empathize with the fear which, I think, helps keep my own reactions more grounded and reasonable instead of getting into a power-struggle with insult trading... In the end, I want to help support others, not tear them down. I really do believe in Karma.

Anyway, I was disappointed though not surprised with the knee-jerk response, but that kind of shit just rolls right off me.... Mai Pen Rai. :o

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The unproductive grammar and spelling policing are also particularly unworthy and juvenile for certain forum mods to use as a basis for argument and attack in such an ad hominem manner- especially when such mods might not be the most accurate in the world (hint: discussion IS, not 'are'- we might also discuss some issues of punctuation- and I'm not even an English teacher).

OH for God's (Buddha's) sake........

Another spelling and grammar buff has stood up.

You know what they call you over here ? antfuc**ers....


Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers....Ban The Teachers..........

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it's hard to draw a line on these "sensitive" topics clearly enough so that all participants [some of whom may be outside Thailand and thus not in the firing line when trouble comes] will behave. Those of us inside Thailand have lots to lose, and while the country may be "free," speech here is not. If I were a mod/board owner living here, I'd have the same attitude.

Totally agree with that. In theory Thailand is a free country with the Institutional law supports the right in free speech,the right in expressing one's opinion etc. But in practical you know what not to do :o

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Apparently Darknight has lost the plot in more ways than once......

Interesting assessment, Ajarn.

Now, what was that topic?



That's the topic, and the answer is yes...and no. :o

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topics and opinions concerning the royal family can not be discussed on the forum.


guess the server's located in the Kingdom... :o

Do a Google and see what Les Majeste means.

...And then take out your French/English Dictionary......All the results are in French! :D

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Thailand is a democracy,right?(I know,Toxin doesn't agree) :D


Thailand is a Monarchy, True?? :D

A monarchy.... but with a democratically elected government...

totster :D

Like England? :D

Sorry, :o Question's been answered several pages of posts back...

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Apparently Darknight has lost the plot in more ways than once......

Interesting assessment, Ajarn.

Now, what was that topic?


Apparently Darknight has lost the plot in more ways than once......

Shouldn't that be "Apparently Darknight has lost the plot in more ways than ONE......"

Mr spelling Genius? ?????



Oh sorry my punctuation is also a litlle of the mark :o

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Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. You just can't complain about either as you will end up in the river or in Jail.

To the original poster, remember this. Thailand has a lot to offer, it is not Nirvana, but it still is a third world country. It has many human rights violations and is very different from the western culture.

You just cannot complain here and excpect a civilaised response. Complaining here isnt accepted or appreciated.

As a friend once said to me "look at the bigger picture".

If what really bothers you is worth leaving, then go, if not just put it down to the fact that Thia culture is different and will take generations to change. No it isn't right all the time but we are guests here in this country.

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guess the server's located in the Kingdom... :o

Canada i believe.

Cheers Mango :D

Doesnt stop the powers that be ordering the ISP's of Thailand to block all access to the site from within the LOS.

That would throw a spanner in the works, wouldnt you agree?

There goes all the localised information and contacts, with the flick of a switch...

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