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guess the server's located in the Kingdom... :o

Canada i believe.

Cheers Mango :D

Doesnt stop the powers that be ordering the ISP's of Thailand to block all access to the site from within the LOS.

That would throw a spanner in the works, wouldnt you agree?

There goes all the localised information and contacts, with the flick of a switch...

:D Was i right though?

Cheers Mango :D

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Thailand is a democracy,right?(I know,Toxin doesn't agree) :D


Thailand is a Monarchy, True?? :o

A monarchy.... but with a democratically elected government...

totster :D

Like England? :D

No ... The English have no respect for the "Windsors" ... :D

Sorry about "off topic"

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guess the server's located in the Kingdom... :o

Canada i believe.

Cheers Mango :D

Doesnt stop the powers that be ordering the ISP's of Thailand to block all access to the site from within the LOS.

That would throw a spanner in the works, wouldnt you agree?

There goes all the localised information and contacts, with the flick of a switch...

Still, Panthip.com is a lot more high-profile than this site, and they discuss a lot more controversial subjects, but they've never had any problems, right? I would think that the current moderators here should be able to do their jobs at least as well as those at Pantip.com....

Is there some reason why they can't?

Anything to do with the problems the previous owner of this website name had with the Thai police?

And this is not a flame, na'? :D

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Still, Panthip.com is a lot more high-profile than this site, and they discuss a lot more controversial subjects, but they've never had any problems, right? I would think that the current moderators here should be able to do their jobs at least as well as those at Pantip.com....

Is there some reason why they can't?

The moderators are doing their jobs, but most of you forget sometimes that being a moderator is a volentary postition, we do it out of love, and therefore you cant expect us to be able to view every single post made. Personally i think we do a good job at filtering out most of the crap that some of our trollish memebers like to post.

If you have a problem with the work that we, the moderators, are doing, please feel free to discuss it with an Administrator, George, Huski or Dr PP.

As for Panthip.com being more high profile, i might be inclinded to disagree, its a known fact that ThaiVisa.com has government people reading the forum daily, not to mention the high profile people who read the site that we dont know about.

Panthip.com never had any problems with thier content? Your a moderator there? so your privvy to insider information? no? Do you scan every single post made? Do you catch the posts that the moderators delete/edit, before they get to them?

Its quite possible that problems are kept behind closed doors or they are dealt with before becoming a problem... its also quite possible that they havent had any problems... i dont know, i dont post there.

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Still, Panthip.com is a lot more high-profile than this site, and they discuss a lot more controversial subjects, but they've never had any problems, right? I would think that the current moderators here should be able to do their jobs at least as well as those at Pantip.com....

Is there some reason why they can't?

The moderators are doing their jobs, but most of you forget sometimes that being a moderator is a volentary postition, we do it out of love, and therefore you cant expect us to be able to view every single post made. Personally i think we do a good job at filtering out most of the crap that some of our trollish memebers like to post.

If you have a problem with the work that we, the moderators, are doing, please feel free to discuss it with an Administrator, George, Huski or Dr PP.

As for Panthip.com being more high profile, i might be inclinded to disagree, its a known fact that ThaiVisa.com has government people reading the forum daily, not to mention the high profile people who read the site that we dont know about.

Panthip.com never had any problems with thier content? Your a moderator there? so your privvy to insider information? no? Do you scan every single post made? Do you catch the posts that the moderators delete/edit, before they get to them?

Its quite possible that problems are kept behind closed doors or they are dealt with before becoming a problem... its also quite possible that they havent had any problems... i dont know, i dont post there.

It was not an attack, it was a simple question, which you answered. No need to get in a huff :o

but they've never had any problems, right?

I meant that they've never had their website shut down, right?

I'm sure they have internal problems just like you do here. And every website has the Thai kid spies looking around...That's been announced by the government some time ago.... Pantip.com comments are quoted and referred to in the media constantly, and that's what I meant about 'higher profile' than here.

It's simply that I've never seen a post here that would indicate a problem, nor have I heard mention of any by the mods (who, generally, do an excellent job- as volunteers). My only point is to look a bit more closely at the censorship issues here in an open forum of discussion, which, to my eyes, has been missing-- Sorry, but the reaction I've seen from mods so far on this issue sends up many red flags for me...Why no reasonable discusion allowed in, or even around, this topic? How can people learn about Thailand life without having a basic understanding of the The Royal Family?

It's really a part of Thailand that is unique in this world, it seems to me. Of course there is interest.... I really enjoy talking about the history of the Kings, and their impacts on history and society- and vice-versa. Of course it's polite, because I DO respect the Royal Family. I simply don't like censoring all due to the lowest common denominator among us.

When I lectured courses on 'Critical Thinking', discussion on many aspects of the Royal Family was common. These graduate classes often contained government officials, and every other student was highly respectfull of issues and comments made about the Royal Family. I even received official permission from the President of my university to show the Hollywood movie 'The King and I' with Yul Bryner...Because it was for academic purposes. The comments and discussions in class that followed were great, and extremely educational and enlighening to me, personally, as well as the other students. For many, this was first time they'd ever openly discussed the Royal Family in a group. Nobody had any negative comments because nobody felt negative about the Royal Family.

Now, the big difference here is that this is mostly made up of farangs...Is that the real issue for some? Frankly, that would be an issue of concern for me.... Some people simply like to be rude, and some simply have no clue about how to properly be repectful... But cancelling all discussion of the Royal Family isn't how it's done in the Thai society, so a false impression could be made by its complete censorship here.... I would like others to learn the reality, not the irrational fears..

Is it possible to make a seperate, moderated, section for Royal Family discussions, like the history, societal impacts, etc.? Maybe the posts would have to go through a moderator first, before being posted? I feel that would be a reasonable and realistic way to alleviate any fears.., And discussions outside that section, or outside any other set parameters, would be censored, or moved by the mods as they do now on any other topic...

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Is it possible to make a seperate, moderated, section for Royal Family discussions, like the history, societal impacts, etc.? Maybe the posts would have to go through a moderator first, before being posted? I feel that would be a reasonable and realistic way to alleviate any fears.., And discussions outside that section, or outside any other set parameters, would be censored, or moved by the mods as they do now on any other topic...

An interesting idea, and certainly one i would put forward to the Administrators. Lets see what happens.

I understand the blanket ban on discussing the Royal Family is to avoid any confusion, after all one person may say something totaly out of innocence and another reader would take that comment as unacceptable. Its happened in the past.

I personally have been in that situation on this very forum. A member made a post about the Royal Family, i didnt find it insulting, derogitory or unpleasent in any way. Within 1 hour of the post being made i recieved a number of complaints from some of our Thai national members... so what are we to do?

Its a delicate situation, we want sensible, intellegent discussion on a wide range of topics, but we dont want to go upsetting the powers that be. If the solution was easy, i'm sure it would be in place already.

But as a closing note, thank you for your comments, its always nice to discuss something in a well though out, well presented manner. :o

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understand the blanket ban on discussing the Royal Family is to avoid any confusion, after all one person may say something totaly out of innocence and another reader would take that comment as unacceptable. Its happened in the past.

I personally have been in that situation on this very forum. A member made a post about the Royal Family, i didnt find it insulting, derogitory or unpleasent in any way. Within 1 hour of the post being made i recieved a number of complaints from some of our Thai national members... so what are we to do?

I appreciate those comments, and those potentially rock vs hardplace scenarios for mods at times. Not knowing the particulars in the issue you referred to, I can't really comment on that, but my general tendancy is to bring everything out in the open. Some may see that as being like a bull in a china shop, but I see it as a way to learn and educate others in an open, supportive, and transparent way. By hiding something, I feel we often give it way more power or fear than needed. So much miscommunication and misunderstanding can come from hiding stuff and not being transparent, in my experience. And Thaksin's experience, too, no doubt! :o
An interesting idea, and certainly one i would put forward to the Administrators. Lets see what happens

Thanks for your efforts on this. I think it would help a lot.

Thanks, too, Wolfie, for your thoughts and comments. I, too, appreciate the civility of open and honest discussions. :D

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