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Question Re Holiday Visa

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I am an Australian and am flying to Thailand from London this coming tuesday. My flight is booked to return to Australia from Bangkok 41 days after my arrival. I read in the Lonely Planet guide that I can pay at the airport for a 7-10 day extension, but i can't see anything about this on this website. Is this possible? I could either do this (if possible) and change my return flight to be a day earlier, or I could just pay the 200b 1 day overstay fee. Another friend also suggested just crossing the border from Chiang Mai to Burma for the day, then going back into Thailand. Otherwise, am I able to apply for a visa at a Thai embassy either in London or in Thailand, then pick it up just before I leave the country to fly back to Australia? Any suggestions on the best course of action would be appreciated. Thanks for your help

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The safest way, go to get a visa, if you want to stay for 41 days, single entry tourist-visa is sufficient and can be done in London or any consulate in the UK.

Without visa, the airline is only supposed to let you board, if you have a ticket out of Thailand with a flight within 30 days, i.e. the period, you are allowed to stay under the visa-exemption-rule.

If, you arrive in Thailand and get the 30 days you can apply once for extention with reason. Cost Baht 1900, max. extent 10 days, however, cases have been reported that less was granted.

Cross the border as an alternative is ok, upon return you will get another 30 days.

Absolutely not ok is the idea to overstay, even by 1 day. It is true, you can pay Baht 200/day at the airport (1st day even free) BUT if you are found out for whatever reason you could be charged with illegal staying (or overstaying), which can mean arrest and deportation as well a blacklisted as not allowed to come back to Thailand.

Long story short advice, get a visa, it is the safest way. Visa can only be obtained at embassies/consulates outside of Thailand.

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Not sure if London do same day service for visas , youve left it a bit late......best bet is to get to the Thai Embassy first thing Monday morning and explain the situation to them......dont forget your passport photos and fee. Hull will give you same day service for an extra 10 pounds, you need to phone first , check out their website for the telephone number..........thats if you fancy trailing up to Hull on Monday! :o

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I once obtained a visa from the London Thai Embassy in the same day ....but only in exceptional circumstances .

It was back in the days when they used to post your passports back to you and they had a bundle stolen at the Post Office---mine was one of them. I was travelling to South Africa that week and onto Thailand...I had to arrange an interview at passport office in Cardiff(?) to get new passport in one day and then a visa from LOS embassy next day.

Although they took my passport in the morning and promised the completed visa in the afternoon, after lecturing me about me(!!) losing my passport...when I returned in the afternoon at agreed 4pm the visa section door was locked..so I had to go upstairs and knock on the Embassy door. Managed to talk my way in, and very grand it is too, and eventually got my passport back.

Tricky thing to do I think.

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Are you sure about Hull? I live in Lincoln and phoned them up last week about getting a visa, but they said it could take up to three weeks?

The service is advertised on thier website , but i have never used it...........the poster might be able to plead his case.

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Are you sure about Hull? I live in Lincoln and phoned them up last week about getting a visa, but they said it could take up to three weeks?

The service is advertised on thier website , but i have never used it...........the poster might be able to plead his case.

I continually hear of the super fast service at Hull. Phone Alan Taylor. He's the Consul. Getting on any flight is going to be the problem without a visa.

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Thanks for all your help. Just to let you know how it all panned out, I went down to the Queens Park Thai Embassy in London first thing monday morning, and applied for a 60 day tourist visa, which cost 25 pounds, and I will be able to pick it up tomorrow (wednesday) morning, so I am now flying out on thursday night. Lesson learnt: never presume anything when it comes to travelling - including that your travel agent will tell you about any necessary visa's! :o

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At least you got it sorted , would of been a hassle if you had got to Heathrow and been refused boarding .Other benefit is now you will get 60 day stay upon arrival you wont have to worry about doing a border run or trailing down to immigration to extend your stay. Have a nice holiday. :o

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