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Hi All,

Could someone list me the documents needed from me and my future employer as to apply for my working permit? What is the minimum income for me according to my visa as I am a Malaysian holding a Non-Immigrant Type "O" Visa. And how long is the whole process will take since i am here in Bangkok and how much as my visa expires July 2005. I will need these details and sent it out to my future employer ASAP. Please Help...Thank you in advance.


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Required Documentation from the individual

The following documents must be attached to a Work Permit application:

• For non-permanent residents: A valid passport containing a Non-Immigrant visa.

• For permanent residents: A valid passport, residence permit and alien book

• Evidence of applicant’s educational qualifications and letter(s) of recommendation from the former employer, describing in detail the applicant’s past position, duties, performance, and place and length of employment. If the documents are in a language other than English, a Thai translation certified as correct by a Thai Embassy (if abroad) or Ministry of Foreign Affairs (if in Thailand) must be attached.

• A recent medical certificate from a first-class licensed physician in Thailand stating that the applicant is not of unsound mind and not suffering from leprosy, acute tuberculosis, elephantiasis, narcotic addition or habitual alcoholism.

• Three 5x6 cm. full-faced, bareheaded, black and white or color photographs, taken no more than six months prior to the filing of the application.

• On the application form, the “job description” entry must be completed with a detailed statement as to what job is expected to be performed, how it is related to other people, and what materials will be used in the work

• If the job applied for is subject to a license under a particular law, in addition to the Alien Occupation Law, a photocopy of such license, (e.g. teacher’s license, physician’s license, press card from the Public Relations Department, certificate of missionary status from the Office of Religious Affairs, etc.) shall be attached.

• If the applicant is married to a Thai national, the original and photocopies of the following must be presented:

Marriage certificate, spouse’s identity card, birth certificates of children, household registration, as well as photocopy of every page of the applicant’s passport.

• Addition evidence as requested. It may be necessary to translate any or all documents into Thai.

Documents to be supplied by the employer

1. Organization Chart, to indicate positions and names of persons in charge. If these are aliens working in the company, state how many and include their Work Permit numbers. The Chart must show the position to be filled by the applicants, and must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

2. Letter of Employment from the applicant’s prospective employer written in the prescribed form. Employment certificate from company stating position; monthly salary. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

3. Certificate issued by the Commercial registration Department showing that the Organization for which the applicant is going to work, has been duly registered as a juristic person, giving the name of the managing partner and/or director, and its objectives and capital (1 million if you are indeed married.) Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

4. A copy of the list of shareholders of the applicant’s prospective company, certified as correct by the Commercial Registration Department. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

5. If the business is owned by aliens, a copy of the Alien Business Registration, Certificate issued under National Executive Council Announcement No. 281, must be attached. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

6. If the company maintains a factory, a factory license and/or license to operate a factory, renewed by the Factory Department, Ministry of Industry, are to be attached. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

7. Map of the office or place of work. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

8. A photocopy of the Tax Certificate issued by the Revenue Department. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

9. Photocopies of the Work Permits of all aliens who work in the company. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

10. If the applicant is applying for a position previously held by an alien, a photocopy of predecessors Work Permit, together with their Notice of Resignation from the company, or a letter confirming when they will be leaving. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

11. The last annual financial statement of the firm, and the two preceding years if the former shows a loss. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

12. If the job applied for is with an import/export company, the following are required:-

1. Photocopies of Export Entries; Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

2. Customs Department manifest of goods exported and Bank of Thailand Form. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

3. E.C. 61 together with a declaration of the total value of such exports and imports in Thai currency. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

13. Copy of VAT Certificate (Phor.Phor. 20) / application for VAT registration (Phor.Phor. 01) Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

14. Photo of the office. Must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.

What is the minimum income for me according to my visa as I am a Malaysian holding a Non-Immigrant Type "O" Visa.
Does not matter what nationality you are on the extension of stay on "O". As I surmise you are married, it would be 40,000 per month
And how long is the whole process will take since i am here in Bangkok and how much as my visa expires July 2005.

10 business days. Government fees are 3,000 Baht plus 100 Baht for the application. Legal with our licensed lawyers if you decided to go with our firm is 7,800 Baht plus VAT.


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In order to maintain the extension of stay based on an 'O" you must be able to prove that you have either B400,000 deposited in a Thai bank account, or have a guaranteed monthly income of B40,000, or a combination of the two, so that your total income is equal to or greater than B400,000 per annum.

Don't confused this with the extension of stay visa based on business, then you must be getting minimum monthly salary requirement of

Canada, Japan, United States 60,000

Europe (inc. UK), Australia 50,000

Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan 45,000

Malaysia 45,000

India, Middle East 35,000

China, Indonesia, the Philipines 35,000

Africa (all), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Viet Nam 25,000

Persons working for newspapers in Thailand 20,000

In order to get the work permit, under the current regulations, their is no minimum

salary required. If you can not qualify for the extension of stay based on business or on an "O" visa, you can still stay and work in Thailand with your lower income but you will not have the convenience of extending your permit to stay without having to leave the country every 90 days on a visa run.


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