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So How Much Am I Worth?


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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

If I had chosen to have a wedding, I would have received sin sot. I chose not to. I did, however, receive gold jewelry and money for our house from my inlaws. I know of one female poster here for certain who received sin sot at her wedding. There are probably more. Perhaps you would prefer the ladies forum instead?

**forgot to add, one necessary prerequisite is that you marry a Thai man. Forget the farang, they are too stingy :o

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?


You forgot to mention how many kilos you are, Julietkilo.. :o


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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

If I had chosen to have a wedding, I would have received sin sot. I chose not to. I did, however, receive gold jewelry and money for our house from my inlaws. I know of one female poster here for certain who received sin sot at her wedding. There are probably more. Perhaps you would prefer the ladies forum instead?

**forgot to add, one necessary prerequisite is that you marry a Thai man. Forget the farang, they are too stingy :o

I'm assuming a troll seeing as how these are the OP's first posts and there have been many threads lately about sin sods.  Maybe it's a wanna be husband of a Thai gal who is educated and is speaking in the first person, but if it was really a Thai lady asking here, she wouldn't be asking now would she?

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

If I had chosen to have a wedding, I would have received sin sot. I chose not to. I did, however, receive gold jewelry and money for our house from my inlaws. I know of one female poster here for certain who received sin sot at her wedding. There are probably more. Perhaps you would prefer the ladies forum instead?

**forgot to add, one necessary prerequisite is that you marry a Thai man. Forget the farang, they are too stingy :o

Agree with your post. I know of some western women that actually received a sin sod, even thought it was quite smal, Usually around 40k baht and did not even pay for the wedding, but it is the thought that counts.

Your add i wich you never remembered thought. Lets keep it in mind that the Thai men that can please a western woman money-wise (not to mention attitude towards women and size) are easily counted and i seriously doubt any thai family sin sod will make up for the low thai wages in the long run. But of course there is exceptions.

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

If I had chosen to have a wedding, I would have received sin sot. I chose not to. I did, however, receive gold jewelry and money for our house from my inlaws. I know of one female poster here for certain who received sin sot at her wedding. There are probably more. Perhaps you would prefer the ladies forum instead?

**forgot to add, one necessary prerequisite is that you marry a Thai man. Forget the farang, they are too stingy :D

Agree with your post. I know of some western women that actually received a sin sod, even thought it was quite smal, Usually around 40k baht and did not even pay for the wedding, but it is the thought that counts.

Your add i wich you never remembered thought. Lets keep it in mind that the Thai men that can please a western woman money-wise (not to mention attitude towards women and size) are easily counted and i seriously doubt any thai family sin sod will make up for the low thai wages in the long run. But of course there is exceptions.

So, you are familiar with the "size" of Thai guys. :o

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

If I had chosen to have a wedding, I would have received sin sot. I chose not to. I did, however, receive gold jewelry and money for our house from my inlaws. I know of one female poster here for certain who received sin sot at her wedding. There are probably more. Perhaps you would prefer the ladies forum instead?

**forgot to add, one necessary prerequisite is that you marry a Thai man. Forget the farang, they are too stingy :D

Agree with your post. I know of some western women that actually received a sin sod, even thought it was quite smal, Usually around 40k baht and did not even pay for the wedding, but it is the thought that counts.

Your add i wich you never remembered thought. Lets keep it in mind that the Thai men that can please a western woman money-wise (not to mention attitude towards women and size) are easily counted and i seriously doubt any thai family sin sod will make up for the low thai wages in the long run. But of course there is exceptions.

So, you are familiar with the "size" of Thai guys. :o


Only personal "experience" in the subject is buying condoms in a 7/11 in nakhom sri thammarat. They would probably not even fit my 8-year old son!!

But i was more talking about bodysize. Lets face it, general asian is smal, general western-women are big.

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I heard of some girls go to Singapore where they can earn more money although i've heard some bad stories where their passport is taken off them and the gotta work 12 hrs per day and they sleep with like 25 guys/per day.

I personally wouldn't do that but i guess if you need the money that is your decision.

Hope this helps !

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

Definitely not Thai. I think 'she' lives under a bridge.


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**forgot to add, one necessary prerequisite is that you marry a Thai man. Forget the farang, they are too stingy :o

Or, perhaps when a farang marries a modern educated Thai, they see no real point in having to "buy" her from her family. Marriage shouldn't be a financial transaction.

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

Definitely not Thai. I think 'she' lives under a bridge.


I have been there many times. This troll is located under the Fremont bridge in Seattle. Brings back memories...

Edited by jstumbo
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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

Definitely not Thai. I think 'she' lives under a bridge.


I have been there many times. This troll is located under the Fremont bridge in Seattle. Brings back memories...

Yes, this is the fremont Troll. Are you a former Seattlite?

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

Definitely not Thai. I think 'she' lives under a bridge.


I have been there many times. This troll is located under the Fremont bridge in Seattle. Brings back memories...

Yes, this is the fremont Troll. Are you a former Seattlite?

Yes, lived just up the hill from it for several years. Originally from Federal Way though. Moving back next month after almost 5 years now in Asia. Going to take a bit to get used to it again.

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

Well, you've answered your own question. You claim to be educated, but you still think like a Thai.

Please use your education to move out of third world thinking. You say you are not a bar girl, yet you put a price on yourself, as they do.

Your question: how much am I worth as far as sinsod is concerned? ....NOTHING

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Well, I can offer you dog spittle and cat fur beyond your wildest dreams. I have some rather decent dissection utensils that you might find useful for dealing with unwanted growths and curious discolourations that you want to hack out. Oh, and paper. Lots and lots of paper. People write things on the paper that they say will fetch millions upon millions of baht/dollars/euros if only I were to fund their hare brained schemes. Aside from that, all my money goes into a trust fund for the critters cuz I want to do a Leona Helmsley and piss off my siblings. BTW if I was compelled to give a sinsod, it would go to the lady's animal companion (no, not her secret Thai lover, but her cat or dog). That way I could be assured, I'd get it back, cuz doggies and kitties will never betray you like a dame, dammit.

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

Juliet not trying to insult you, but most farangs moved here to get away from their countries people & hang with something different. Sinsod usually is given as a gesture to help out the family of the girl you love. If you & your family are well off Why would you need a sinsod...This isn't an auction house in LOS!

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What's funny are the guys who have apparently established their own tradition of getting ripped off.

It's just for show. No different than an engagement ring or big wedding cake.


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