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So How Much Am I Worth?


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Wow... what a frosty set of replies.

Best advice I can give is to ask the Thai men and women around you. No way these details are enough and nobody here really has a clue what sinsod is even for, (despite most of them having been involved with it at some point..!)

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Not sure why the guys here always assume that Western girls don't get offered sin sot. I am assuming julie is not Thai?

Definitely not Thai. I think 'she' lives under a bridge.


Great photo jetset!

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

But never learned to capitalize :o


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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

It's depends on you how you look at the life..how to you treat the people..if you are nice heart person..you are worth a lot..if you are not..then there is no worth mention on you..and I don't like to measure the people how much we worth..we should use it for the things.like the tv..the book..it is worth or not...

the most important things is your heart..not the high head postion..high salary you get by only having these empty shell... :o

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

Well, you've answered your own question. You claim to be educated, but you still think like a Thai.

Please use your education to move out of third world thinking. You say you are not a bar girl, yet you put a price on yourself, as they do.

Your question: how much am I worth as far as sinsod is concerned? ....NOTHING

so to think like a thai is to appear uneducated?

i had no idea that to be truly educated a thai needed to shun their native culture.

does this go for other nationalities as well? if so please list them.

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

Several goats probably.

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im 27 years old. never married. not ugly. not a virgin. not a bar girl. no kids. have bachelor's and master's degrees from an overseas university. i speak, read and write fluent english. i make the equivalent of 140k baht a month. family is relatively well to do and infuential.

question: how much am i worth as far as a sinsod is concerned?

I'm sure you will find idiots out there who will pay almost any price. Don't forget to also ask for a large amount of gold, a very nice house and car in your name, a large cash monthly allowance not only for you, but for all individual members of your family. Make sure you keep us informed on the milking process of the lucky moron. Make sure that he joins TV, so that he can inform us that he married an educated, almost white, high class woman, and how much he is enjoying depleting his finances, by funneling it all to you and your family, with great pride, because he is so rich and couldn't care less, and that there is so much more where that came from. I must say that your English is pretty good, but someone with a master's degree should really capitalize all the first words in a sentence as well as proper nouns, or at least turn on spell check. Either way these are only small mistakes, and I wish you the best and highest price upon the sale of yourself, and a happy and prosperous life. Not necessarily in that order.

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rather have a dumb bar girl than some girl who thinks she's the man because she makes 140 000baht a month(which imo is a pretty weak salary for a 40hours a week job)

GoodLuck with finding a man.. he is going to have to be a real dominated (insert slang for women's private part)

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Juliet, it is all about supply and demand. There are many many thai girls in thailand to marry. Some farang even pay sin sod for girl who have been in the "trade" or already have kids. But when push comes to shove they all deny it. "Oh no, I meet Noi in a lamp shop in Nakhula were she was working... :o

You on the other hand have good job, no kids, good education and from a good family. I would say if some can pay 50.000 baht for a poor issan girl with kids already in the nest, Then your sin sod would be about 10 million baht.

After all it is all about supply and demand and how many girls like you are there?

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