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Do You Believe That Thai People Are Generally Happier Than People In Your Home Country?


Do you believe that Thai people are generally happier than people in your home country?  

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Anyone who thinks the Thais are happier should look at the suicide and homicide rates.

There could be an argument that the high levels are due to poor impulse control, which is another thing I see among the less well educated Thais, but even so, they aren't the figures of an especially happy population

I just looked up the suicide rates


Thailand has a rate of 7.8, the UK a rate of 7.0, so the UK is less suicidal anyway.

Also, the level of drug abuse in Thailand is another thing indicating a less than happy population

I would dare to guess that the drug abuse rate in the UK is not too dissimilar to that of Thailand although the official statistics will never show that because it would be politically incorrect to tell the entire truth.

One of the biggest components of an addicts/drunks problem is denial so I would take any statistics about drug abuse rates with a large pinch of salt. Most people, especially in the west, abuse drugs for years, and often for ever, without getting noticed. I would say that this would be less likely to happen in Thailand where people seem much more aware of each other's business.

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Ignorance is bliss, perhaps?

I don't find Thai people to be any happier than my home country--maybe less so. On the scale of job satisfaction, I find most to be very uphappy. As far as familial happiness, I see way too many cracks in family unity. As far as personal satisfaction with oneself, I see lots of problems here. They are obsessed with how they look and often have a very poor self-perception.

One of the big problems is that people here really don't handle stress well. It's not a motivator to do better, instead it's a reason to quit. And quit they do. In the places where I have worked, the turnover rate has been huge. Criticism causes a loss of face, and the following day they don't show up at work, unless they are really poor and then the bosses often continue to use them as a whipping boy.

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Anyone who thinks the Thais are happier should look at the suicide and homicide rates.

There could be an argument that the high levels are due to poor impulse control, which is another thing I see among the less well educated Thais, but even so, they aren't the figures of an especially happy population

Strangely enough, truly depressed people (by that I mean seriously depressed) rarely commit suicide. They don't have the energy/motivation.

The most dangerous time, for a depressed person, is often when their anti-depressents kick in and they suddenly have energy again.

Anyway back on topic. Suicide rates are deceptive, and I don't think appropriate for measuring general happiness of a country.

Somebody could be normally be very happy,but have a particularly bad day and kill themselves.

There are also huge differences in how suicide is reported and measured. Some cultures the doctors will report as accidental death almost any suicide to protect the family.

However, there is a lot of suicide and self-harm here as well as a huge amount of drug abuse belying the happy smiling image that Thais like to project.

The experience of seeing them suddenly snap and become very violent or suicidal also shows that a lot of unhappiness is very suppressed.

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Anyone who thinks the Thais are happier should look at the suicide and homicide rates.

There could be an argument that the high levels are due to poor impulse control, which is another thing I see among the less well educated Thais, but even so, they aren't the figures of an especially happy population

Strangely enough, truly depressed people (by that I mean seriously depressed) rarely commit suicide. They don't have the energy/motivation.

The most dangerous time, for a depressed person, is often when their anti-depressents kick in and they suddenly have energy again.

Anyway back on topic. Suicide rates are deceptive, and I don't think appropriate for measuring general happiness of a country.

Somebody could be normally be very happy,but have a particularly bad day and kill themselves.

There are also huge differences in how suicide is reported and measured. Some cultures the doctors will report as accidental death almost any suicide to protect the family.

However, there is a lot of suicide and self-harm here as well as a huge amount of drug abuse belying the happy smiling image that Thais like to project.

The experience of seeing them suddenly snap and become very violent or suicidal also shows that a lot of unhappiness is very suppressed.

I think that getting side-tracked into discussing suicide rates and drug abuse is going off topic and is offering a straw-man argument (not really related to general happiness).

Drug abuse and suicide are just as likely to be related to genetic factors than the environment.

Edited by garro
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Aps if this has been already said, couldn't complete reading the entire post. The diff, between mine and this country is one of theism. It's obvious that Thai's are happier - they don't have no god in the sky telling them that they should do this or do that. This makes for a better life, in comparison to the christian- engendered guilt complex which is all about wallowing in guilt and feeling sorry for oneself. Oh, woe is me!

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I believe : Most Thais have the ability to put up with a lot of crap. On the outside they appear happy but it is only for the moment. They have dreams of a better life that most understand they may never get.

Look at the BGs with their old boyfrinds. They appear happy but what are they really thinking about ? Would you be happy in their position ???

Thais also seem to have higher highs and lower lows. Perhaps this is when the crap builds up too much or they get a little bit of the good life.

Very hard to measure happiness as you have to look inside to see the real picture.

My vote was Same Same..... :o:D

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A simple question really; although it is often confusing when we deal in generalites.

Are people in Thailand generally happier than people in your home country?

If they are, how do you account for this?

If they aren't, why not?

First of all, how do you define happiness - the fact that people smile wherever you go? Or that they are satisfied with their lot in life?

This is a question that would take a lot more than superficial observations to answer, especially in Thailand where most real explanations are hidden or submerged.

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garro quote, post #65:

"I think that getting side-tracked into discussing suicide rates and drug abuse is going off topic and is offering a straw-man argument (not really related to general happiness).

Drug abuse and suicide are just as likely to be related to genetic factors than the environment."

OK, then, what about the homicide rate, the sexually abused and commercial sex worker rate, and the broken family rate due to abandoned pregnant women that are then considered damage goods and leave their babies with relatives to work in the cities, rate? :o

Oh, hang on - those rates aren't really compiled and/or reported properly so that we can all pretend that they are not a problem.

Everyone back to the smiling and happiness survey.

*edit - wrong quote.

Edited by kat
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Oh, Kat, you forgot to take your happy pill today.

Suicide is primarily a problem for older farang men.

There is very little sexual abuse. Just watch the soaps--those women always fall in love with their abusers--so everyone is happy!

And a few years ago, some gov't khunying went to Pattaya and couldn't find any trace of sex workers--so they don't exist here.

Hey, and leaving the kids with grandma makes everybody happy. The kid gets to grow up in the countryside, with little education (so he's happy), grandma has someone to take care of her and mom doesn't have to deal with the urchin--so again, everyone is happy!

And once they get the constitution re-written then EVERYONE will be happy.

Now, Kat, go take you meds, everything will be OK!

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Whether Thais are happier in Thailand or farang in farangland is unimportant; I am happier in Thailand!

I think that is a more honest and concise answer that explains many grandiose statements about Thailand.

*added: I think another honest and balanced assessment may be that Thais are better and more historically equipped to ACCEPT their lot in life, thus leading to more outward and possible inward acceptance and happiness.

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Oh, Kat, you forgot to take your happy pill today.

Suicide is primarily a problem for older farang men.

There is very little sexual abuse. Just watch the soaps--those women always fall in love with their abusers--so everyone is happy!

And a few years ago, some gov't khunying went to Pattaya and couldn't find any trace of sex workers--so they don't exist here.

Hey, and leaving the kids with grandma makes everybody happy. The kid gets to grow up in the countryside, with little education (so he's happy), grandma has someone to take care of her and mom doesn't have to deal with the urchin--so again, everyone is happy!

And once they get the constitution re-written then EVERYONE will be happy.

Now, Kat, go take you meds, everything will be OK!

:o I just want some of what you are obviously on, Scott (excluding Thai women and men, lol).

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OK, then, what about the homicide rate, the sexually abused and commercial sex worker rate, and the broken family rate due to abandoned pregnant women that are then considered damage goods and leave their babies with relatives to work in the cities, rate? :o

If you're happy, those things are just like rainy days or not quite warm apple pie. You can still get through these things and be happy.


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Yes, I'm sure with enough detachment, denial and out-of-body-experiences, the chronically sexually abused and/or oppressed and bullied can find happiness, as long as they don't talk about it or name those who are responsible.

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A simple question really; although it is often confusing when we deal in generalites.

Are people in Thailand generally happier than people in your home country?

If they are, how do you account for this?

If they aren't, why not?

It depends whether they are rural Thais or urban Thais. All rural Thais are happy and want to be urban Thais while all urban Thais are miserable becuse they always want more. Sufficiency is not enough..

Surveys relating to gross national happiness reveal that the happiest Thais are those in the North East who are among the poorest. Why?

Any Buddhist would give you the answer to this conundrum..

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i think the thais are happier because they don't "think too mut"
Simplistic but probably on the mark,

It's easy to be happy if you really don't know how good or bad you have it, :o

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A simple question really; although it is often confusing when we deal in generalites.

Are people in Thailand generally happier than people in your home country?

If they are, how do you account for this?

If they aren't, why not?


Illusion? :o

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"People are generally happier here in Thailand" I voted: YES.

2 years ago a BKK businessman told me "you Farang....you Westerners don't know HOW to enjoy life...how to relax". He was right.

However, 'relax' places are much more accessible than in the west; I'm talking foot, head and body massage to have the stress disappear, so to speak.

A lot of westerners, including myself, have to endure a lot of stress because of so many rules, taxes, laws and above all the weather. Thai people live more outdoors than Farang. It's a major advantage, being outdoors...


do not confuse "HOW to enjoy life.....how to relax" with laziness

if you have stress becasue of "so many rules, taxes, laws and above all the weather", it is because you have no coping skills to deal with your daily existence

by the way, how can "weather cause you stress", perhaps dressing more appropriately would help

homeless people live outdoors too, but i do not think they would consider it a "major advantage"

Written by a person has clearly never visited England. BTW, have you never heard of the condition where the body is deprived of adequate amounts of sunlight and the stresses that causes through vitamin D deficiency.

i lived in the UK for 2 years, visited Brighton,Bath, Cambridge, drove to the lake district (beautiful) and drove up to the scottish highlands and went to Inverness, and drove back thru Edinborough, Newcastle Upon Tyne, and thru Leeds, back to London. the UK is a beautiful county

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The difference in happiness is best described as follows:

some 30 years ago, driving through the inner of Phuket island a friend of mine and myself, both on a motorbike, encountered many small children in small villages.....ALL waving, smiling and laughing...so curious to see white strange men.... :D

Even today one can see happy smiling children in Thailand's interior.

Try to ride your bike into the countryside in a western country....how many children are waving and happily smiling at you....? :o


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garro quote, post #65:

"I think that getting side-tracked into discussing suicide rates and drug abuse is going off topic and is offering a straw-man argument (not really related to general happiness).

Drug abuse and suicide are just as likely to be related to genetic factors than the environment."

OK, then, what about the homicide rate, the sexually abused and commercial sex worker rate, and the broken family rate due to abandoned pregnant women that are then considered damage goods and leave their babies with relatives to work in the cities, rate? :o

Oh, hang on - those rates aren't really compiled and/or reported properly so that we can all pretend that they are not a problem.

Everyone back to the smiling and happiness survey.

*edit - wrong quote.


There you go Kat, bringing up reality again.

Well someone's got to do it.

I think it's time to take some drugs and kill myself.

No I'll just take some drugs.

No, no, I think I will just go to sleep... :D

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Drug abuse and suicide are just as likely to be related to genetic factors than the environment.

I know its fashionable these days to dream up excuses - 'I'm not responsible for my actions because they are predetermined by (lately Genetics)', there are however limits to the plausibility of these arguments.

Now I'm not a geneticist - but it seems pretty obvious that if there is a gene that gives rise to suicide - That gene would have died out... So suggesting that suicide is predetermined by genetics seems to me to be pretty well nonsense.

There is however plenty of evidence that evironmental factors give rise to suicides - ecconomic crashes being one example, being male and of a certain age/financial standing coincident with being in Pattaya being another.

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Drug abuse and suicide are just as likely to be related to genetic factors than the environment.

There is however plenty of evidence that evironmental factors give rise to suicides - ecconomic crashes being one example, being male and of a certain age/financial standing coincident with being in Pattaya being another.


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Drug abuse and suicide are just as likely to be related to genetic factors than the environment.

I know its fashionable these days to dream up excuses - 'I'm not responsible for my actions because they are predetermined by (lately Genetics)', there are however limits to the plausibility of these arguments.

Now I'm not a geneticist - but it seems pretty obvious that if there is a gene that gives rise to suicide - That gene would have died out... So suggesting that suicide is predetermined by genetics seems to me to be pretty well nonsense.

There is however plenty of evidence that evironmental factors give rise to suicides - ecconomic crashes being one example, being male and of a certain age/financial standing coincident with being in Pattaya being another.

One in ten people suffering from schizophrenia commit suicide. Are you saying that schizophrenia is just an excuse? In fact it has been proven to have a large genetic component. Likewise many other mental illnesses, linked to suicide, have a large genetic component.

While it is popular, among certain people, to try and put the blame on the victim, or the victim's environment, reputable researchers beg to differ.

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Thais are not nearly so attached to misery as the "farang". For Thais, disappointment and unhappiness are states best gotten rid of. For farang these states become who they are very easily.

I feel the inner wealth, knowing you have a home, shack, whatever, to come home to, where ever you go, the food is always shared, barter is alive and well, in many ways like it was in the U. S. A. when I was growing up, in the thirties, forties and fifties, the family unit was alive and well unlike the strangers we have become, Most Thai's live in the NOW and due to the fact that NOW is the only time there is, Their health and happiness will out weigh the farang looking at the past and wondering about the future,

most have lost the NOW and are only half way here, NOW, NOW, NOW.

May health and happiness be with us all in the NOW.

"The life of the people is in the heart and the land"


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