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7/11 Restrictions On Selling Alcohol


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The only problems i have with this law is the before 11 am part. i like to do my grocery shopping in the morning after i drop the kids off at school. It avoids the crowds. Also i have to keep arguing with these cashiers that root beer is not beer and red wine vinegar is not wine.

I would agree with Heng about stopping a few of the drunks driving when the kids get out of school. It gives them an hour and a half to finish the bottle of chang they bought at 1:59pm and sober up a little bit. Instead of being .10 when they drive they are .099

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heres my 2 nips worth

i was in "'"7" ' ' around the last election

wanted to buy some beer chang but was told 'can-not'

staff explained the reason and i helped do up a sign in english

'no alcohol today - big thai erection' [spelling deliberate to match staff pronunciation]

my payment for my good deed ... was able to buy my beer chang.

later i found out the 'unhappy hours' are usually enforced at sev-ven when inspectors are due to call

info usually provided in advance

then its back to business as usual

cheers :o


this post has been check for punctuat,ion and speling : no errors were found

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I had a few beers last night at the bar at the end of our soi. For some reason they have a 12.30 closing time, anyway decided to pop over to "7" and buy a couple of bottles to bring back and carry on chatting with a couple of friends. When I put the bottles on the counter the girl said "can not". Now this was the first time this had happened here, so I would have just got down to Mini Big C , which always serves at anytime. Anyway, the security guard then intervened and told her to serve us, as we were "regulars", which she duly did. So, I have no idea who makes the decision or what, but I would have still got a beer in one of the shops for certain.

Hopefully, plenty of grammar, spelling, punctuation and structure mistakes for the grammar nazi to correct. :o

Edited by mrtoad
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heres my 2 nips worth

i was in "'"7" ' ' around the last election

wanted to buy some beer chang but was told 'can-not'

staff explained the reason and i helped do up a sign in english

'no alcohol today - big thai erection' [spelling deliberate to match staff pronunciation]

my payment for my good deed ... was able to buy my beer chang.

later i found out the 'unhappy hours' are usually enforced at sev-ven when inspectors are due to call

info usually provided in advance

then its back to business as usual

cheers :o


this post has been check for punctuat,ion and speling : no errors were found

'no alcohol today - big thai erection' [spelling deliberate to match staff pronunciation]

Did you get a picture? this one did make me laugh :D:D:D

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I would agree with Heng about stopping a few of the drunks driving when the kids get out of school. It gives them an hour and a half to finish the bottle of chang they bought at 1:59pm and sober up a little bit. Instead of being .10 when they drive they are .099

If it means a handful of lives saved, I'd say it's worth it. Especially when the downside is only a few thousand grumpy folks who will have to wait a few hours to buy and ThaiBev, Boonrawd, and the less than two dozen companies who have a lock on most of the liquor distribution throughout the country who will have a few less hours of sales (which they will likely recoup when folks ARE able to buy). Folks who try to counter this argument tend to come across like the folks who argue against school zone speed laws. "Real speeders won't slow down anyway." "Speeders are better able to avoid obstacles like children, speed traps will just create unneeded congrestion." ...


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The law is stupid in as much that it allows you to buy a carton of beer at any time (or more than 10 litres I believe) but not a single bottle. If the object of the law is to prevent people buying a few beers during the prohibited times than it works, but for farangs, just buy a case of beer and take it home. Granted not many Thais will shell out for a whole case. But for farangs, if you really want it, dig a bit deeper in your pocker and you can buy at any time.

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That's actually one of the law's strengths. It spares the better to do: some falangs and most well to do locals, while effectively governing the poor and the stupid. And that's the whole point of what a legal system should be.


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That's actually one of the law's strengths. It spares the better to do: some falangs and most well to do locals, while effectively governing the poor and the stupid. And that's the whole point of what a legal system should be.


As much as I'm inclined to agree with your sentiment there Heng, you had better put on the flack jacket because after a similar comment by myself, I copped two pages of abuse by some of the "bleeding heart" / "help the poor because we know better" brigade. :o

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Soundman: no problem getting some suds in Kabin no matter what day it is. At least in my experience anyway.

Yeah - none whatsoever - irony being that Kabin is probably one of the few areas in Thailand that actually "needs" alcohol restrictions.

In fact it is easier to measure the time that local labor is sober in between long drunks rather than the other way around. :o

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