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What The hel_l Is Wrong With These People?


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I know I will hear a lot of 'go back to where you came from' and 'no one is keeping you here'. That's fine and I understand the sentiment.

At 6am I awoke to an extraordinarily loud concert right outside my window. Not real pleased, but okay TIT. I woke up a couple hours early, watched some TV and went to work. I returned home at 10pm. They were still at it. Only now even louder. This isn't some organized event. This is the locals and what sounds like their kids screaming into the microphone non-stop. One giant karaoke orgy. It's now 12:30am. Nearly everyone has packed up and gone home. But the MC and two kids remain, seemingly to entertain themselves and a couple friends. The noise reverberates throughout the entire neighborhood. There are major apartment blocks here and rows and rows of houses. There literally must be hundreds of people right now being kept awake by the screeching voices and drums.

Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed? Where is the basic consideration for one's neighbors? I'm not in the city center. I'm in a residential neighborhood. 6am. Alright, I suppose, if you must. 10pm. Okay...TIT. But 12:30am on a Wed. at full blast? Come on. What the hel_l is wrong with these people?

Edited by ChiangMaiThai
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Absolutely no consideration. At my old apartment there used to be a few guys that had a friend that came along with his car, complete with mega wattage stereo and park it outside with the music turned on at full volume. Right outside a residential apartment block full of people that had to work the next day. I was tempted many a time to throw a brick at the car.

But really, what can you do about it?

Just hope they stop soon or just shove some cotton wool in your ears.

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I don know what is wrong, they enjoy.

What gets me is when they make nasty comments because they don't like my collection of heavy metal videos.

I don't play them all day, only during the wee hours when intoxicated.

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these type of people exist worldwide, people here will make all sorts of excuses for this behaviour but lets be honest they are inconsiderate bastards who deserve a good kicking but sadly we cannnot do this.

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Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed?

Probably not.

They are just much happier than you or I

One helluva assumption, based on what exactly?

these type of people exist worldwide,


people here will make all sorts of excuses for this behaviour

I will assume you mean Worldwide instead of here?

but lets be honest they are inconsiderate bastards who deserve a good kicking

OK, lets be honest, no they don't deserve a kicking, just education on the said matter.

but sadly we cannnot do this.
(sic) Yes you can, I just wouldn't recommend it.


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Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed?

Probably not.

They are just much happier than you or I

One helluva assumption, based on what exactly?

these type of people exist worldwide,


people here will make all sorts of excuses for this behaviour

I will assume you mean Worldwide instead of here?

but lets be honest they are inconsiderate bastards who deserve a good kicking

OK, lets be honest, no they don't deserve a kicking, just education on the said matter.

but sadly we cannnot do this.
(sic) Yes you can, I just wouldn't recommend it.



Just being a wise ars as usuall. Based on some of the recent ridiculous discussion proposed abut how Thais are much happier than we from other countries.

Sarcasm pure and simple which is the basis of most of my postings in the general section.

Soberness and respectfulness is reservered for the Buddhist or Health section.

The General section is mostly BS. saber rattling, dellusion and not to forget, illision.

Please try to not take anything you read here to seriously.

It shuod be just for fun as most is just a f@ckking joke... :o

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I know I will hear a lot of 'go back to where you came from' and 'no one is keeping you here'. That's fine and I understand the sentiment.

At 6am I awoke to an extraordinarily loud concert right outside my window. Not real pleased, but okay TIT. I woke up a couple hours early, watched some TV and went to work. I returned home at 10pm. They were still at it. Only now even louder. This isn't some organized event. This is the locals and what sounds like their kids screaming into the microphone non-stop. One giant karaoke orgy. It's now 12:30am. Nearly everyone has packed up and gone home. But the MC and two kids remain, seemingly to entertain themselves and a couple friends. The noise reverberates throughout the entire neighborhood. There are major apartment blocks here and rows and rows of houses. There literally must be hundreds of people right now being kept awake by the screeching voices and drums.

Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed? Where is the basic consideration for one's neighbors? I'm not in the city center. I'm in a residential neighborhood. 6am. Alright, I suppose, if you must. 10pm. Okay...TIT. But 12:30am on a Wed. at full blast? Come on. What the hel_l is wrong with these people?

This seems to be common throughout Thailand. When it happens by us, its usually a celebration of some important family event (doing monk time etc). First thing you should do is find out what they are celebrating.

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Sounds like you live in a ghetto where local people make substantially less money than you do. Move to an area where local people make far more than you do and see if the common behavior doesn't get a little better. Same same in our home countries.

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Sounds like you live in a ghetto where local people make substantially less money than you do. Move to an area where local people make far more than you do and see if the common behavior doesn't get a little better. Same same in our home countries.

This happens all the time in the more rural settings. Yes, people make less money, but I'd hardly call it a ghetto.

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Sounds like you live in a ghetto where local people make substantially less money than you do. Move to an area where local people make far more than you do and see if the common behavior doesn't get a little better. Same same in our home countries.

This happens all the time in the more rural settings. Yes, people make less money, but I'd hardly call it a ghetto.

I live in a very rural setting surrounded by Thais and Farangs who make lots of money and it's so so so quiet you can hear a bird fart (Thai expression).

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so VERY common in PH...:D

maybe if they do it once in a while, like a birthday, wedding or something special, i can forgive them but too much too often, i will probably approach and ask in the most diplomatic manner. maybe they just don't realize the havoc they are causing. or they think they have such great voices they are doing the neighbors a favor! :D

otherwise, if you are too shy or too sore (wrong approach with neighbors when they are :D and you are :o is no good), i will probably just stick some mp3 or ipod ear plugs and play my music to drown what's outside. but really pretty inconsiderate. noise polllution, thats what i call them... :D

Edited by aries27
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I know I will hear a lot of 'go back to where you came from' and 'no one is keeping you here'. That's fine and I understand the sentiment.

At 6am I awoke to an extraordinarily loud concert right outside my window. Not real pleased, but okay TIT. I woke up a couple hours early, watched some TV and went to work. I returned home at 10pm. They were still at it. Only now even louder. This isn't some organized event. This is the locals and what sounds like their kids screaming into the microphone non-stop. One giant karaoke orgy. It's now 12:30am. Nearly everyone has packed up and gone home. But the MC and two kids remain, seemingly to entertain themselves and a couple friends. The noise reverberates throughout the entire neighborhood. There are major apartment blocks here and rows and rows of houses. There literally must be hundreds of people right now being kept awake by the screeching voices and drums.

Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed? Where is the basic consideration for one's neighbors? I'm not in the city center. I'm in a residential neighborhood. 6am. Alright, I suppose, if you must. 10pm. Okay...TIT. But 12:30am on a Wed. at full blast? Come on. What the hel_l is wrong with these people?

This seems to be common throughout Thailand. When it happens by us, its usually a celebration of some important family event (doing monk time etc). First thing you should do is find out what they are celebrating.

6:30am they started again. They have a major sound system. I looked at their set up more carefully. This is a celebration for someone going into monkhood. Okay. That's good. But did Buddha state that you need to blare music and screaming kids throughout an entire neighborhood for 16 hours a day to pave the way for enlightenment?

Where is the common courtesy? It's totally baffling to me. They must be aware that they are waking people up and preventing people from falling asleep. I suppose they simply don't care.

Even with ear plugs, the base pulses through your body and shakes the room. Yes there are loud people everywhere. But this is an organized religious event and it appears all in attendance agree that it's completely reasonable to go from 6am to 1am. At least in other countries the police would show up at 10pm or so and shut the thing down. Here, the police are probably in the audience.

I'll go over there today and ask how long they plan to do this. If this is a week long event, looks like I'll have to move to a hotel.

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"Where is the common courtesy? It's totally baffling to me. They must be aware that they are waking people up and preventing people from falling asleep. I suppose they simply don't care."

It's mind over matter. They don't mind and YOU don't matter.

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Remember the old cranky/square next door neighbor guy in a lot of high school / college party movies from the 80's and early 90's?

Well, congrats: you're him.


That's right. It must be me who is the unreasonable one.

Do you work? Somehow I don't think so.

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Remember the old cranky/square next door neighbor guy in a lot of high school / college party movies from the 80's and early 90's?

Well, congrats: you're him.


That's right. It must be me who is the unreasonable one.

Do you work? Somehow I don't think so.

Yeah, I'm working on getting that kick@ss sound system I saw the other day at Numchai Electronics, grandpa!

You're more than welcome to come over and check it out.... or just stay where you are and we'll just turn it up for ya'! *lights up bong*


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This is a celebration for someone going into monkhood.........

The Thai's regard this event as something that the whole village should celebrate. It is not refined to just the household who are sending a family member into the monkhood.

I can't comment on the 6am start but I'm sure the people who organized this event would have regarded your non-attendance as a snub.

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Yeah, I'm working on getting that kick@ss sound system I saw the other day at Numchai Electronics, grandpa!

You're more than welcome to come over and check it out.... or just stay where you are and we'll just turn it up for ya'! *lights up bong*


What a T*T! I bet you walk around with a buddha round your neck trying to be Thai as well dont ya..

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Remember the old cranky/square next door neighbor guy in a lot of high school / college party movies from the 80's and early 90's?

Well, congrats: you're him.


That's right. It must be me who is the unreasonable one.

Do you work? Somehow I don't think so.

Sometimes it helps to communicate. I have a school that let kids on there PA system when schools out. They normally use the PA system to help parents pick kids up at 3.30 to 4.30pm (like calling out which parents car is at the gate so the kid can grab his bag and bolt for the gate). This one week, there was this cat like squeeling going on until 6 or 7pm(I get home at 6pm so the earlier noise doesnt worry me). After three days of this, I went over to see what was going on. So I find a 12 year old kid had taken it upon himself to be the new microphone jockey. Teachers and headmaster where long going, the school officer responsible for closing down was normally drunk by this time. I walked in, gave this little s...t head kid a blasting he will never forget. He put the Karaoke weapon down and havnt heard a sound from him since. I told the officer who lives there that he should pick up his game. It's never happened again and the noise stops at 4.30pm every day. Sometimes it helps to ask or negotiate a little............. cheers

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Go get a copy of the newspaper which carried the story of the man shooting several neighbors due to their loud parties and music, drop it their garden, drive, or where ever.

All that would show them is:

1) that your bark is likely worse than your bite

2) that you're likely the type to take a newspaper to a gun fight


3) that you don't recycle.


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I know I will hear a lot of 'go back to where you came from' and 'no one is keeping you here'. That's fine and I understand the sentiment.

At 6am I awoke to an extraordinarily loud concert right outside my window. Not real pleased, but okay TIT. I woke up a couple hours early, watched some TV and went to work. I returned home at 10pm. They were still at it. Only now even louder. This isn't some organized event. This is the locals and what sounds like their kids screaming into the microphone non-stop. One giant karaoke orgy. It's now 12:30am. Nearly everyone has packed up and gone home. But the MC and two kids remain, seemingly to entertain themselves and a couple friends. The noise reverberates throughout the entire neighborhood. There are major apartment blocks here and rows and rows of houses. There literally must be hundreds of people right now being kept awake by the screeching voices and drums.

Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed? Where is the basic consideration for one's neighbors? I'm not in the city center. I'm in a residential neighborhood. 6am. Alright, I suppose, if you must. 10pm. Okay...TIT. But 12:30am on a Wed. at full blast? Come on. What the hel_l is wrong with these people?

Is it for kids going off to the temple? If so, get used to it, it's going to happen every year, but maybe not on a Wednesday.

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Yeah, I'm working on getting that kick@ss sound system I saw the other day at Numchai Electronics, grandpa!

You're more than welcome to come over and check it out.... or just stay where you are and we'll just turn it up for ya'! *lights up bong*


Thais who spend considerable time in the west usually change. Sometimes they adopt the best characteristics of both cultures.

Many times they create a character that includes the worst of each .. and we say they have California Disease.

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Sometimes you gotta fight fire with Napalm!

My neighbors in Hawaii would fire up their drum practice sessions at 3 am when they got done working at the restaurant's they worked at.

They used a Marshall stack & a small fender amp.

I used my 600 watt RMS stereo & blasted some yanky cranky(not country) Gangsta rap loud loud.

They went out & bought another fender amp , so I bought a second 600 watt amp to drive the 2 18" sub woofers.

I overpowered their amps by 500 watts or so. Didn't make any fiends out of the deal, but the landlord told us he would kick both of our asses out if we didn't observe the 10 pm rule(actually 12 am cause we lived in a young complex & he gave us leeway).

That way the neighbors could sleep to go to work the next day.

Unfortunately in Thailand that won't work. Although I have considered some mild Hip Hop broad casted to the local temple as we have 1 deaf monk up there or he thinks he needs to be heard at 300 watts of power.

I wish they were playing some House Rock Funk Hip-Hop or even some Acid Jazz!

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