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Sand Fleas Or "no See Um" Lotion


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I bought "Off" Family lotion but it doesn't seem to keep the sand fleas off. Anyone know something hopefully not too toxic that works because I really love my morning and evening beach walks and I guess that is when they bite the most. Thanks in advance!

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I have lived here over 6 years and have never found anything to successfully keep sand-flies away (apart from long trousers & long-sleeved shirts) but I Always carry Tiger Balm (or copy ) which will take the itch away (the same works for the dreaded mozzie also)

I have noticed that the further away from the water's edge the less likehood of being bothered by sandflies - please take care as I have seen a few tourists have very bad reactions to some bites (though they sometimes complicate matters by scratching)

I shall watch this thread with interest to see if there is something that really works

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I use stuff which is DEET and it is called กย 15 milky lotion which works on mozzies and the no see ums we get up country. I can't say if it works on sand fleas as the nearest beach to me would be in Burma.

It costs about 40 baht in most pharmacies and is in a white squeezy bottle with an orange top and a yellow label.

Tiger balm works as well but only after the little swine have bitten you and you notice.

Edited for Thai characters using my glasses AND a magnifying glass

Edited by billd766
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