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Ya Dong In Chiang Mai


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I used to enjoy sitting at a little bar on Moon Muang Soi 6, up the lane from Somphet market, whilst sampling fine vintages of herbal Ya Dong whiskey. All the different varieties were named after animals. Got me nice and wasted and I suffered nary a hangover.

But apparently selling ya dong was borderline illegal then, and my friend Chin who ran the place had to shut down. Ya dong bars have operated in other cities, though, notably Pai and have not been closed.

Anyhoo, is there any place in Chiang Mai proper at which one can sip this fine beverage in the company of local connoisseurs? I love the stuff. A health tonic that gets you drunk. Brilliant idea.

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Is that the same as lao kao, the stuff you find in large jars and different colors and they scoop it out?

lao kao (literally "white liquor") is ya dong without the all the stuff that gives it color. you let all these chinese herbs soak in lao kao for a month and then you've got ya dong. lao kao tastes like paint thinner.

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lao kao (literally "white liquor") is ya dong without the all the stuff that gives it color. you let all these chinese herbs soak in lao kao for a month and then you've got ya dong. lao kao tastes like paint thinner.

Thanks for that. I have had some (ya dong) then at John's Place many years ago - he had several types in large jars on the counter. Pretty potent stuff but haven't seen it around now for a while.

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Dude. I'm always looking for someone to partake in my brews - I do my own. You should PM and we can have a few somewhere. I get the herbs at a variety of places. I get fresh herbs from the Hmong up on Doi Suthep, or dried mixes at the Buffalo Auction 'Kad Wuwa' in San Patong. I get the lao khao from anywhere out in the sticks, usually in a bag, or sometimes bottled. Take 'em home n steep in an old 100 Pipers (or nicer bottle if I got one) for a month as you said.

I've learned a few tricks too. Pi Mong, my old neighbor taught me to always throw some honey in for better flavor. That's my trademark for doing it now. And then a Hmong guy last yr broke out a bottle of Lychee dong to show me - frikkin' fabulous! You seed a bunch of fresh lychees - season just beginning - cut in half, add a pinch or two of sugar, and a most convincing after dinner liquer is born.

And as far as the animal names of the mixes.... I usually do three of them. 'Maa Kratup Long' - the horse is scratching the ground with his hoof or something to that effect. 'Sao Dtok Dieng' - A young girl falls into the bed or something along those lines, and finaly

Ho Sapai Kwai - something like the mix for you to pull the Buffalo instead of it pulling you. Believe it's the one supposed to give 'extra male strength.' But then the others are kind of like that too. And also supposed to help body aches. Can attest to definite psychoactive effects from the herbs and far-out dreams after downing a few good shots. Nice with a beer back, much like a tequila shot followed by a Corona.

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Dude. I'm always looking for someone to partake in my brews - I do my own. You should PM and we can have a few somewhere. I get the herbs at a variety of places. I get fresh herbs from the Hmong up on Doi Suthep, or dried mixes at the Buffalo Auction 'Kad Wuwa' in San Patong. I get the lao khao from anywhere out in the sticks, usually in a bag, or sometimes bottled. Take 'em home n steep in an old 100 Pipers (or nicer bottle if I got one) for a month as you said.

I've learned a few tricks too. Pi Mong, my old neighbor taught me to always throw some honey in for better flavor. That's my trademark for doing it now. And then a Hmong guy last yr broke out a bottle of Lychee dong to show me - frikkin' fabulous! You seed a bunch of fresh lychees - season just beginning - cut in half, add a pinch or two of sugar, and a most convincing after dinner liquer is born.

And as far as the animal names of the mixes.... I usually do three of them. 'Maa Kratup Long' - the horse is scratching the ground with his hoof or something to that effect. 'Sao Dtok Dieng' - A young girl falls into the bed or something along those lines, and finaly

Ho Sapai Kwai - something like the mix for you to pull the Buffalo instead of it pulling you. Believe it's the one supposed to give 'extra male strength.' But then the others are kind of like that too. And also supposed to help body aches. Can attest to definite psychoactive effects from the herbs and far-out dreams after downing a few good shots. Nice with a beer back, much like a tequila shot followed by a Corona.

I think you should bring a bit tomorrow; I like the stuff and would love to try lychee infused ya dong!

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Probably best to make it yourself.

Then you get to use better liquor too; nothing stopping you from making ya dong from a decent Vodka, etc.

One thing to keep in mind is that it *IS* medicine.. Herbal, chinese, sure, but there are medicinal properties to it, so take a little care when consuming more than a coupe thimble fulls of the stuff, especially if you're also on other medication(s).

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"One thing to keep in mind is that it *IS* medicine.. Herbal, chinese, sure, but there are medicinal properties to it, so take a little care when consuming more than a coupe thimble fulls of the stuff, especially if you're also on other medication(s)."

I most certainly agree Mr. Jefferson. I only recommend a couple to few shots at any one sitting. This is real medicine here and has is its origins in the native knowledge of the Thais, the Chinese, etc. Traditionally in Asia this type of drink is taken solely as a once or twice daily shot for health. At times where I've had a few more than that, the properties tend to mess up my head, and make it near impossible to sleep for several hours afterwards. Moderation is the best way to do it.

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"One thing to keep in mind is that it *IS* medicine.. Herbal, chinese, sure, but there are medicinal properties to it, so take a little care when consuming more than a coupe thimble fulls of the stuff, especially if you're also on other medication(s)."

I most certainly agree Mr. Jefferson. I only recommend a couple to few shots at any one sitting. This is real medicine here and has is its origins in the native knowledge of the Thais, the Chinese, etc. Traditionally in Asia this type of drink is taken solely as a once or twice daily shot for health. At times where I've had a few more than that, the properties tend to mess up my head, and make it near impossible to sleep for several hours afterwards. Moderation is the best way to do it.

i think it's perfectly okay to get wasted on ya dong once in a while. it's only when you do it a few days in a row that you start to hallucinate and get tremors and shoot people from book depositories and the like.

anybody know exactly what herb it is in ya dong that seems so amphetamine like?


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