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Have U Ever Heard A Thai Fart ?


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ive lived here for 6 years and i lived with the 1 thai lady for 5 years and never heard her fart or any of her friends, family, or when we was out and im living with a girl now for 1 year and she doesnt DO THAIS FART :o

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Maybe it has to do with how many hot peppers they eat. The gas is burned off before it has a chance to escape...Ya Think?

i dont think so have u ever smelt an indian :o

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When I married my Thai wife and took her to the USA it must have been just a few weeks where I let out one of my famous loud and notorious reliefs of gas... :D You should have seen the look of disapproval on her face. She immediately stated how ‘not glear’ (sp) – ‘ugly’ that was… I asked her if she farts. She replied that I would never hear her fart. Funny thing is now that we have been married for almost 5 years she wallops one of the loudest farts I have ever heard. I think that I have changed her slightly as she immediately states how proud she is for delivering such a loud bomb… But every time she always states that her farts never stink…..lmao…..


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Try living with Maya Indians, who by race are Asians. Black beans make up more than half of their daily intake, and much of it is their outtake, as well. They fart so much, so badly, so often that they do not even comment about it.

Thais seldom fart, but they do fart. Dietary differences, I suppose.

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True, Thai girls are discreet. Never had a girl let loose on me However, Thai guys are a different story. One friend lets it rip and pulls the sheets up over the girl. I have one friend that thinks it's funny to sneak into my room in the morning and let one blast in close proximity to my face. Ok, I admit, that it's retaliation for my beer burp attacks, but still, toxic gas warfare is more heinious an assault.

Thais can produce some bathroom odours that justify the use of a can of bathroom spray. (And yet they never use it.) I've told them a thousand times don't use my toilet and don't get their bums anywhere near where I sit, and yet they come like a plague to destroy my hygenic center of bowel discharge. :o

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yes, ive heard them

my ex thai girlfriend

she had no qualms - from day 1

stinky ones too. loud as you like

and in public!

apparently the whole family let rip on a regular basis

guess its a matter of upbringing

but, as i said - ex girlfriend

the winds of change saw to that

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ive lived here for 6 years and i lived with the 1 thai lady for 5 years and never heard her fart or any of her friends, family, or when we was out and im living with a girl now for 1 year and she doesnt DO THAIS FART :o

I was at my local sauna and a bunch of Thai ladies were sitting around.

The oldest gal there (maybe 50 years old) picked her leg up and unleashed a boisterous blast, the other ladies laughed and then went on with their conversation. They didn't seem to care that I was standing there.

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Funny topic!!! :o

Hey....come on.. we Thai women do fart... but in Thai way, it is unacceptable to fart it out loud in public and smile as if nothing happened.

What if it is just the sound, it makes laughing happened.

But smelly... oh no.... :D it is "end of the world"... I feel like that. :D

Not the decent lady should do.....lol

Don't ask how to do discreet fart, I don't really know.... just born to be...I guess eiei..... :D

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I don’t have a dog making those occasional unfortunate noises, and it’s certainly not a rose petal making those splashes !!!

She never farts... But if she does she farts Perfume and pooh’s rose petals !

I have to accept this, it’s just nicer that way !......

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Like Prakanong, I've dwelled on this subject for a good while. At urinals in the west you often hear a bloke let a hearty blast go - sometimes it's just unavoidable when you are trying to squeeze the last drops out and effectively using the same muscles. In LOS, however, I've never heard a botty cough from a Thai chappie taking a leak. How do they manage it? That's some unbelievable control I gotta say.

Better out than in in my book, even if you do risk offending the senses of someone close by!

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Like Prakanong, I've dwelled on this subject for a good while. At urinals in the west you often hear a bloke let a hearty blast go - sometimes it's just unavoidable when you are trying to squeeze the last drops out and effectively using the same muscles. In LOS, however, I've never heard a botty cough from a Thai chappie taking a leak. How do they manage it? That's some unbelievable control I gotta say.

Better out than in in my book, even if you do risk offending the senses of someone close by!

555 I couldn't help laughing at this post. I had just spoken to my friend about this. No, you don't hear them farting but you do hear that disgusting, nauseating sound of them clearing their throats and spitting it out.

Only yesterday I went to the urinals and there were about 5 of them all making this sound. Well, I had a lot of gas in my stomach and feeling a bit pissed off with all the noise, I let loose a loud fart. My God, you should have seen their faces. They were disgusted! I just kept a straight face and walked out.

Talk about cultural differences.

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