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Cold enough here at night to "freeze the balls off a brass monkey", ideal for me but the wifes family and other villagers are suffering in their traditional stilted wood and tin homes. The usually not often used electric shower is working overtime heheh


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Hi Mgc

no offense mate but whats the rush, I used to be a pretty quick driver but have grown out of it, a blow out at 160KPH, dread to think. To quote a sailing saying when you run out of wind, you are out here where you want to be, whats the point of getting there any quicker if you don't absolutely have to. I aim to average 80KPH on a journey so that means doing 100-110 when you can, much more relaxing and the fuel and wear and tear saving is astronomical. Not preaching just putting in a point of view, as the man said keep on trucking!



Hey no offence taken its horses for courses and coming back to Phetchabun today from Pattaya a friend in his tuck we happened to leave together and arrived within 5 minutes of each other in Phetchabun oh yes we did both stop half way for a drink and leg stretch we just enjoyed the ride but still on some stretches of road crept up to about the 160 mark, no hassle no rush but enjoyed the ride and it took four hours driving as per normal for us. I findit only doing about 80 on a clear road with no traffic it get a little boring but as you say enjoy the ride and we do

Oh back to Bangkok in the morning by the way that is one journey I dont like driving in BKK too busy and too rushed

Hi Tink

The weather here at the moment is really nice, I ride my motorbike to Phetchaun City a few times a week (55Kms), on Sunday it was just like a bracing Spring morning in the UK. Despite being well wrapped up :o I was absolutely freezing by the time I arrived. It is cold enough here to light a fire in the evenings if we are sat outside, the humidity is low and the air is cool and tastes so fresh and unpolluted.

I took my wife for her driving test yesterday (she passed wahay!). As I was waiting around for 4.5 hours, strolling around the test centre was an absolute pleasure, clean surroundings, nice countryside and gardens, and a cool, brilliantly sunlit day with a strong breeze, very stimulating. The light quality was so good the colours of the flowers and many varieties of birds were really vibrant, a good day for an artist if thats your bag.

This morning at 0730 I would estimate the temperature at about 15C, it is probably 18-20C right now. Really enjoying this cool, dry season and will enjoy it immensely, dreading the hot season but, even then it is not as bad up here compared to the Eastern seaboard, and if you stay in the shade it is bearable.

Regards to all

Chris :D


Just love the way you describe the cool weather and the nice motorbike ride around the village. If I were here in Petchabun, I'm sure would have done the same, taking advantage of gorgeous day and surrounded beautiful nature.

Today in Florida, one of the best....sunny, cool in around 64F. As you know this is typical weather during the winter months there. After the sun downs, some nights all you need is a comforter, so far no need to turn on a heater yet.

Will come to Petch during summer months to try out myself if the heat is bearable.

All the best,



Hey no offence taken its horses for courses and coming back to Phetchabun today from Pattaya a friend in his tuck we happened to leave together and arrived within 5 minutes of each other in Phetchabun oh yes we did both stop half way for a drink and leg stretch we just enjoyed the ride but still on some stretches of road crept up to about the 160 mark, no hassle no rush but enjoyed the ride and it took four hours driving as per normal for us. I findit only doing about 80 on a clear road with no traffic it get a little boring but as you say enjoy the ride and we do

Oh back to Bangkok in the morning by the way that is one journey I dont like driving in BKK too busy and too rushed

Hi Mgc

I also find driving at 80 boring and try to keep 100-110 occasionally push up to 140, stop for a meal half way, wifes visits to the rest room, trafic lights and other inevitable delays puts the average speed overall at about 80-85, Pattaya-Nong Phai takes me a shade over 5 hours, but I am never in a rush. Don't envy you the trip to BKK but it still beats the M25! I am going to Phitsanulok today, thats a nice drive, safe driving mate




Florida sounds great at this time of year, I used to visit with the military in July-August for exercises, hot and humid then!, Hope to meet up with you in the summer, would be good to have a TV PB residents get together, willing to host it, BYOB lets set a date all welcome



Florida sounds great at this time of year, I used to visit with the military in July-August for exercises, hot and humid then!, Hope to meet up with you in the summer, would be good to have a TV PB residents get together, willing to host it, BYOB lets set a date all welcome


sounds good to me but I will be away for a few weeks starting about mid Feb


Hey no offence taken its horses for courses and coming back to Phetchabun today from Pattaya a friend in his tuck we happened to leave together and arrived within 5 minutes of each other in Phetchabun oh yes we did both stop half way for a drink and leg stretch we just enjoyed the ride but still on some stretches of road crept up to about the 160 mark, no hassle no rush but enjoyed the ride and it took four hours driving as per normal for us. I findit only doing about 80 on a clear road with no traffic it get a little boring but as you say enjoy the ride and we do

Oh back to Bangkok in the morning by the way that is one journey I dont like driving in BKK too busy and too rushed

Hi Mgc

I also find driving at 80 boring and try to keep 100-110 occasionally push up to 140, stop for a meal half way, wifes visits to the rest room, trafic lights and other inevitable delays puts the average speed overall at about 80-85, Pattaya-Nong Phai takes me a shade over 5 hours, but I am never in a rush. Don't envy you the trip to BKK but it still beats the M25! I am going to Phitsanulok today, thats a nice drive, safe driving mate


Just got back from Bangkok roads fairly quiet nice journey wife asleep on the way back three hours from the visa office and no more than 2,500revs any where plus once out of BKK i only touched the brakes at traffic lights just a nice ride


Florida sounds great at this time of year, I used to visit with the military in July-August for exercises, hot and humid then!, Hope to meet up with you in the summer, would be good to have a TV PB residents get together, willing to host it, BYOB lets set a date all welcome


Yup, summer in Florida can be as hot as LOS. Have to have a/c, 24/7 during the months June to September. awe also face the threats from the hurricane during summer.

Yesterday it was gorgeous, today turns very frigid, at the club house, the workers are busy putting up blankets to keep all flower plants around our village warm. Once in a while, we face this cold snap from Canada.

Sound wonderful if we're going to get together with TV forumers from Petchabun. It's great way to meet and make friends with your future neighbors. I'm all for, Chris

Chok-dee na ka :o



Travels in Thailand! been a bit of a run around, Thursday went to Phitsanalok to do some stuff, planned to stay the night there and have a look around but my wife had already organised a family visit, so we went to see her brother and his wife and son near Taphan Hin. Usual celebration BBQ, Lao Kao and enough Chang to buy Everton a new striker (come on Moysey get the lead out!). Whilst there an emergency call from a mate who needed to get to Bangkok with his gear. Next day drove home and set off with two pickups, loaded up and set off for the Big Mango. Arrived at 7, unloaded, turned around and came back. Monday took Brother and family back to Taphan Hin via Wang Pong and Wang Thong, more family, as the name suggests Wang Thong has a couple of productive gold mines, in one they are removing the top of a mountain with open cast mining, the other is in a valley, my wife worked there as a youngster, basically excavating flooded pits and pumping out and filtering the mud and ore to get at the gold. There is also a small stream that carries the run off and people pan for gold in that. Hard long back breaking work for no great reward.

What I really admire about the family is how they all work as a team, when we arrived at the brothers house the BBQ was lit and 3 fresh catfish were impaled on bamboo and soon slowly cooking away with a large Mackerel. Meanwhile the Tom Yam was being prepared and in the pot, Somtam and Ba-la, and stir fried pork and Chinese Kale, boiled and sticky rice and a feast fit for a king was ready in no time. My other brother in law was not drinking so I could relax and have a couple of beers. But wait, for a man who wasn't drinking he was doing a pretty good impression of a guy really enjoying himself, so that plan was soon changed, Mai Pen Rai.

Set off and got home for 3 PM, the car is now in semi retirement until the end of the month when I have to go to Tha-Li for the 90 day check in.

Set off and got home for 3 PM, the car is now in semi retirement until the end of the month when I have to go to Tha-Li for the 90 day check in.

Dont you fancy doing the postal check in these days or do you like the drive ??


I always tend to be a little critical of car drivers as I am a retired LGV driver from the UK and used to witness daily, some stupid things on the roads. After spending a small fortune on medical examination's, the DVLA suspended my heavy goods licence, nice of them, but to be fair - high BP and heart condition, now sorted though, I took very early retirement and made the move to Thailand full time. Prevously I used to winter down here on a tourist visa- I hated driving in the winter months.

Last week I had to drive twice to Bangkok from Petchabun, both journeys in the day time, when the boys in the brown & yellow cars are about. Anyway I was pulled over twice- once for running a red light which I expected a big fine, but no they let me on my way. They had 3 other Thai drivers in before me, and on the way back, that old favourite of their's- being in the outside lane when passing a u-turn. That time I did have to contribute 100 Baht to the glug-glug fund as the traffic policeman hilariously put it.

On the route 21 one of the BIB 's most used sites is the u-turn at the large blue sign welcoming you into Petchabun province. Again I was one of their first victims with their new radar equipment, cost me a big brown one that time. I was doing 100 kph, only 10 km over but they made a big fuss over it. Usually speeding fines are around 200 Baht, I was just unlucky that day.

Aitch ? how far is Tha Li from you in Nong Pai, that must be further than Bangkok! for 90 day address reporting. I used to go to Suan Plu as I could tie it in with some shopping and a few drinks in the naughty areas before busing it back to Phu Toei. Now that Suan Plu is just a dreadful place so always do it by post, it 's certainly cheaper and less hassle.

Last week I had to drive twice to Bangkok from Petchabun, both journeys in the day time, when the boys in the brown & yellow cars are about. Anyway I was pulled over twice- once for running a red light which I expected a big fine, but no they let me on my way. They had 3 other Thai drivers in before me, and on the way back, that old favourite of their's- being in the outside lane when passing a u-turn. That time I did have to contribute 100 Baht to the glug-glug fund as the traffic policeman hilariously put it.

On the route 21 one of the BIB 's most used sites is the u-turn at the large blue sign welcoming you into Petchabun province. Again I was one of their first victims with their new radar equipment, cost me a big brown one that time. I was doing 100 kph, only 10 km over but they made a big fuss over it. Usually speeding fines are around 200 Baht, I was just unlucky that day.

Just done this run myself ( on Saturday 17th ) from Wichien just up the road from Phu Toie . I must be lucky because no police checks again. In fact, I've only seen police on this road once hiding behind some bushes so I guess I've been lucky although I only drive around the 100 k mark myself. Having said that, we had just come from Chiang Mai where we were nicked 200 baht for the gf not wearing her seatbelt . Sorry to hear you had to part company with a big brown one......ouch :D

Passing through Phu Toei I always think how nice it looks compared to Wichien which is a bit of a dump. I like the way the road bends through the town instead of the normal straight road lined by shops. The only thing it lacks is a hotel or guest house. We always have to stay at the Piamit Hotel on the way into Wichien which in my opinion is probably the worst hotel I've had to use albeit only 300 baht for one of their ' cells '. The owner has a ' rustic wood look fetish ' which doesn't really do much for the appearance of the already dingy rooms. As for the plumbing and electrics.....Amazing Thailand indeed. :o


Hi Guys

Yes the Tha-Li trip is quite a drive, going to ask if it is possible to do the postal reporting when I go at the end of the month, will keep you posted. Sorry you lost a brown one mate, that was tough luck! I've been stopped three times in maybe 20 trips just after the lights after Saraburi where you turn right onto the 21, same policeman and each time he's said, "ah Farang" saluted and waved me on, what a nice bloke.

Cheers all and if you are up for a get together lets start planning


Hi Guys

Yes the Tha-Li trip is quite a drive, going to ask if it is possible to do the postal reporting when I go at the end of the month, will keep you posted. Sorry you lost a brown one mate, that was tough luck! I've been stopped three times in maybe 20 trips just after the lights after Saraburi where you turn right onto the 21, same policeman and each time he's said, "ah Farang" saluted and waved me on, what a nice bloke.

Cheers all and if you are up for a get together lets start planning


I have had the same there a couple of times wonder if same guy just likes falang ??

Hi Guys

Yes the Tha-Li trip is quite a drive, going to ask if it is possible to do the postal reporting when I go at the end of the month, will keep you posted. Sorry you lost a brown one mate, that was tough luck! I've been stopped three times in maybe 20 trips just after the lights after Saraburi where you turn right onto the 21, same policeman and each time he's said, "ah Farang" saluted and waved me on, what a nice bloke.

Cheers all and if you are up for a get together lets start planning


I have had the same there a couple of times wonder if same guy just likes falang ??

Wonder if that lovely policeman has a moo bahn to recommend?


Bangyai - I always think that Wichienburi is a quaint looking old Thai town,its certainly different as it is away from Route 21 so it has no carriageway and frontage roads like all the others- Si Thep/Phu Toei/Sap Samathot/Nong Pai/Nachaliang etc.

If you are looking for good accommodation in Wichien, the swimming pool complex has just opened some new rooms, they are very nice apparently. They are on the first floor above the electrical/food shop.

The whole place is owned by a retired Thai police officer -(very senior one), they have done some more work there too, VIP karaoke rooms etc.

The Piamit Hotel owners came to my wedding, they are pretty much up the food chain ladder in these parts.

Did you know that Wichienburi has many ex-pats, they meet every Thursday in the covered market area form 1000hrs onwards- a nice bunch, most of them are a lot older than me, I am just a junior deck hand.

Phu Toei is a nice town, you will not find it on many Thai maps. We have now a Bangkok Bank ATM at the 108 shop, a 7/11 would be nice.

For such a small town it has an abundance of good looking girls, I went to my wife's province recently in Sa Kaew and walking around the Big C there, I just thought to myself how much prettier our Petchabun girls were!!!


Concur with Phutoie Mahseer, I live about 12kms outside of Nong Phai and maybe 10Kms from Nachaliang, Moo Bahns are a bit thin on the ground around here though. I saw one the other day just outside of Nong Phai but it doesn't have much to recommend it though, about 25 houses clustered together, all the same type bungalow, probably 2 bedroomed and small in maybe a half Rai.

Nong Phai is a thriving town, good market, 7/11, small Lotus Tesco and a couple of resorts. Nachaliang is the same minus the Tesco and resorts. I am very happy here and am never bored, been here since July and happy to be away from the madding crowds. As has been mentioned before the climate is just wonderful at this time of year, the only downside being no rain and with a big garden it takes an hour and a half each day to water it, I could lay in some irrigation quite cheaply but resisting the temptation at the moment as I don't want to put a big drain on the local water supply as sometimes you forget to turn it off or on even. The water supply is good although I wouldn't drink it and regular with only the occasional cut. Phecthabun city as quoted has many Moo Bahns and has all the amenities of a Thai City. As Phutoie quoted the eye candy here is a cut above.




managed to get some Dok Phu Tah Ruk Sah - Gardenia shrubs the other day on our travels, after all this time and many visits to garden centres we finally found some, our young puppy found where they are stashed though and thoughtfull tore it to pieces, RIP one gardenia, he's gonna have to pay back the 30 Baht it cost out of his pocket money! :o



If you are looking for good accommodation in Wichien, the swimming pool complex has just opened some new rooms, they are very nice apparently. They are on the first floor above the electrical/food shop.

The whole place is owned by a retired Thai police officer -(very senior one), they have done some more work there too, VIP karaoke rooms etc.

The Piamit Hotel owners came to my wedding, they are pretty much up the food chain ladder in these parts.

Thanks for the tip phutoei, I'll check the place out next time we visit the mother in law. I have also spoken to the owners of the Piamit. They are nice people as are their staff......its just their hotel that needs renovation. Actually, if you pass the place now you will see the very picturesque corrigated iron sheets ( rusty of course ) behind which is hidden the new annex made of.......er.....guess what.....wood ..with a kind of airport terminal corrigated roof. Hmm...a harmonious marriage of new and old building materials .

My gf has a nice plot of land in the are in a quiet soi. We contemplated building a bungalow there a couple of years back. Finaly the gf vetoed the idea in favour of buying a new built terraced house in Nonthaburi for 650,000. It was a good decision. We have all the benefits of living in the countryside, rice fields , fruit orchards, canals, clean air etc and yet we can be at Sanam Luang in 30 minutes.


Well here is a tale from the Moo. In our Moo there are 3 farang financed built houses, mine , another Brit, we both live here full time and a house with a Swiss chap who still works and visits a few times each year.

So last night my friends wife informs me that the local police want to look after and check our houses each night for a fee of 500 Baht per month.

There is a new Police captain in town and it was announced over the speakers that there was to be a general clampdown on wearing of crash helmets/noisy motorcycles (good!) and tax/insurance. It did not last long, Phu Toei police only sit in a few locations - Gold shop/market Police box & snooker hall. So this looking after the farang house scheme is possibly another of the new chiefs idea's.

At the moment sugar cane cutting is going on and a lot of hired hands from other provinces are in the fields , so perhaps the Police are concerned that there might be an increase in crime levels.

Anyway none of our homes have been burgled yet!, my two dogs have been briefed to be extra vigilante. One is a female Bang Kaew, which I highly recommend, very intelligent dog, the other is a male big brown bruiser with a particular dislike of Thai male's.

My wife wants to have those dreadful burglar bars, I refuse as I told her I do not want to sit in a gaol and I keep a 5 iron in the bedroom. I never keep much money in the house and the wife has her ever- increasing stock of gold chains etc!, which is in the bedroom with us.

So I have initially declined the Police's neighbourhood watch offer and will just be on my guard for the next few nights.


managed to get some Dok Phu Tah Ruk Sah - Gardenia shrubs the other day on our travels, after all this time and many visits to garden centres we finally found some, our young puppy found where they are stashed though and thoughtfull tore it to pieces, RIP one gardenia, he's gonna have to pay back the 30 Baht it cost out of his pocket money! :D



How could I missed this of your thread. Just saw it, my thousand apoligize to you.

Ha..ha..ha :D , you got that little nasty puppy. I, myself got two puppies many years ago...the Chihuahua is now 9, the Min Pin is 5, so I underdtand how mischief they are. :D:D My favorite poster - "Life begins after the kids left home and the dogs die". :wai:

Here to 'put-ta-rak-sa' shrub...RIP.

At this minute, looking through my window, four gators sunning themselve by the edge of water, spot three turtles nearby, two big birds..., temp is in low 70's, life is good.

Last night I made a call to a group of my childhood friends in BKK, they gathering to celebrate Chinese new year (The Year of The Ox). Do they normally do that in Petch ?

Will be in Petch during summer months, hoping I'll be able to meet you, your teerak and if the timing is right I might even have an opportunity to meet someones from TV forum. :o I know many expats live here part time.

Take care,



No problem Tink, we have barricaded the nursery area so Leo, a male Bang Kaew cross of 5 months can't get at it, in the course of a couple of weeks he's managed to get at some tomato plants, bean plants and of course the Gardenia. Florida sounds idyllic and the critters wandering around makes life interesting, remember the Gators well. It is warmer here now hoping for another cold snap soon, hope to get together in the summer, Happy New Year, the family are celebrating tomorrow and are preparing the rice inside the bamboo to be cooked next to the fire later today.

Best Wishes



While on the subject of dogs Phutoie, the police have a similar scheme in Vichian at 1000 Baht a month, they put a little red box by the gate where they sign a book, last month a friend was asked to cough up 1500, reason, someone had nicked the box and it needed to be replaced, always entertaining here.



Thinking of your tactics Phutoie, I think a 5 iron is a little long to wield in the bedroom, I personally favour the sand iron, heavily weighted sole and well balanced. I fitted the burglar bars to our home, as it is a visible and not too ugly deterrent.




Mahseer took a ride up the 2275 from Nong Phai to Phetchabun, quite a few Moo Bahns being constructed as you get to the outskirts of Phetchabun and in towards the city. To digress a little, the bamboo cooking of the rice is quite fascinating for me as a farang so please bear with me. The green bamboo is cut into 12-15" lengths and packed with soaked rice and coconut milk. The end that is planted into the ground is naturally sealed by a bamboo division and the upermost end is sealed with coconut husk and palm leaves. The 1.5" to 2.5" diameter bamboo stems are then planted vertically into the ground and resemble sawn off church organ pipes The fire is then prepared along the length of maybe 25 bamboo tubes, sweetcorn husks, dried palm leaves and basically anything else natural that burns coconut husks etc. The fire is lit and kept to a high heat from using 8 foot lenghts of bamboo which are left over from the bean sticks which they grow a lot of around here. Cooking time is about an hour or so, the rice is absolutely delicious. the family have prepared about 400 of these tubes and a big party tomorrow for the wind down of Chinese New Year.



No problem Tink, we have barricaded the nursery area so Leo, a male Bang Kaew cross of 5 months can't get at it, in the course of a couple of weeks he's managed to get at some tomato plants, bean plants and of course the Gardenia. Florida sounds idyllic and the critters wandering around makes life interesting, remember the Gators well. It is warmer here now hoping for another cold snap soon, hope to get together in the summer, Happy New Year, the family are celebrating tomorrow and are preparing the rice inside the bamboo to be cooked next to the fire later today.

Best Wishes


Happy Chinese New Year ! :D

Oh boy, I wish I were here to enjoy your sticky rice in bamboo " kao larm' (tell that to your teerak). Have always enjoy this sticky rice topping with coconut milk in roasted bamboo. :D The ways you described for 'Mahseer' in the other thread, sounds so delicious. We never could get the freshly- made kind in the US, the Asian market can manage to get the only frozen kind. :o

Good health to you all.


Mahseer took a ride up the 2275 from Nong Phai to Phetchabun, quite a few Moo Bahns being constructed as you get to the outskirts of Phetchabun and in towards the city.

Chris, thanks for the heads up. I am in town searching at present and not exactly swamped with options. I even went to the back yestderday (SCB) and they claim they have no houses on their books which I just don't believe. May need to find regional HQ to expand on that one.

There is one house in Petchampoo that the wife is interested in but all for searching further so will certainly take a look as you suggest

PS Thanks for the cooking tip. Sounds wonderful.

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